Skyrim vs. Oblivion

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:40 am

I think right now, it's hardcoe gamers vs the roleplayers. Roleplayers don't care as long as the graphics are good and they can live out their little fantasy and hardcoe gamers want a game more like morrowind.
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Vincent Joe
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:21 am

For me Skyrim is Oblivion after a decent injection of steroids. In Beth history there has been two major changes specially in the arena of graphics like: Daggerfall-->Morrowind and Morrowind---->Oblivion. Skyrim though better in many respects isn't a major change from Oblivion. At times I feel like I am in Oblivion in Skyrim.
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R.I.p MOmmy
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:30 am

I think right now, it's hardcoe gamers vs the roleplayers. Roleplayers don't care as long as the graphics are good and they can live out their little fantasy and hardcoe gamers want a game more like morrowind.

I count myself as both. More importantly a role player. I cant immerse myself into a role however with shallow and linear quests and dialogue, terrible character creation etc
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Chris Jones
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:51 am

I like Oblivion better. They really stripped this game down to appeal to people who have little to no attention span.

Go back to 2006 and look at threads on the Oblivion forums. Just replace "Oblivion" with "Morrowind" in your sentence and you pretty much nailed it word-for-word.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:44 pm

I think right now, it's hardcoe gamers vs the roleplayers. Roleplayers don't care as long as the graphics are good and they can live out their little fantasy and hardcoe gamers want a game more like morrowind.

Then there's the hardcoe role players, that don't care about graphics, and just mechanics and features that can further enhance current builds, or allow brand new ones. Or in this case, just bring back viable builds from previous games that are no longer an option.

Spell creation for example, its removable removed about a third of my magic builds. Now magic gets old after 2-3 builds as opposed to the almost endless customization and RP potential that it allowed in previous games.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:01 pm

Also the leveling system in Skyrim is perfect. I hope they ditch the old Fallout system and use this leveling system for the next fallout games. Attributes are stupid and can make you OP or define your character too early on.

Absolutely not. Don't infect Fallout by removing SPECIAL.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:27 am

Absolutely not. Don't infect Fallout by removing SPECIAL.

Id bet any amount of money that Fallout 4 wont have attributes, repair, and will have auto health regen.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:08 pm

Morrowind has been my favorite game for as long as i can remember (still is). Although they have improved on a lot of things my Breton with boots of blinding speed on and a levitate spell is still what makes me come back to Elder Scroll games.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:19 am

Oblivion.... was just a no. Skyrim is much better. I liked Oblivion but compared to Morrowind and Skyrim it's just, no.

Edit : They need to stop making the game so [censored] simple though, It's really pissing me off. Go back to your Basics with Morrowind and build off that.
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Sarah Kim
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:19 pm

Oblivion has:

- Better factions
- Better character development
- Better UI
- Better soundtrack
- More charm (in my opinion)

Skyrim has:

- Better graphics
- A more varied and hand-crafted gameworld
- Better dungeons
- Better AI
- Better combat
- Less level-scaling than Oblivion

I'd say Skyrim is a better game than vanilla Oblivion, though perhaps not a better game than modded Oblivion, which remains my favourite of the two.
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Penny Courture
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:29 am

Oblivion has:

- Better factions(in my opinion)
- Better character development(in my opinion)
- Better UI(in my opinion)
- Better soundtrack(in my opinion)
- More charm (in my opinion)

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Sarah Evason
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:42 pm

I think right now, it's hardcoe gamers vs the roleplayers. Roleplayers don't care as long as the graphics are good and they can live out their little fantasy and hardcoe gamers want a game more like morrowind.

Sometimes I think there's the Morrowind fanatics and then there's everyone else. I'd rather not pigeonhole myself, and I'm not too proud to admit that I actually like fancy graphics, though around here there are times when that seems tantamount to admitting that one eats babies and mugs old grannies to pass the time.
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Ann Church
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:02 am

I think Skyrim is much, much better than Oblivion. Other than enchanting that is. And the lack of custom spells.

Having said that, it still isn't as good as Morrowind. Its close though. In my opinion, I think Morrowind is the best video game ever made, so its hard for me to think anything will be as good it was.
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Maddy Paul
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:49 pm

oblivion for its darkbrotherhood and theives guild quests, pretty unique cities and aleyid ruins, character customization

skyrim for its unique dungeons, beautiful graphics, more satisfying exploration, music

overall: skyrim wins
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Sandeep Khatkar
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:39 pm

Sometimes I think there's the Morrowind fanatics and then there's everyone else. I'd rather not pigeonhole myself, and I'm not too proud to admit that I actually like fancy graphics, though around here there are times when that seems tantamount to admitting that one eats babies and mugs old grannies to pass the time.

I like fancy graphics too. Just don't think theyre the be all and end all.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:00 am

Oblivion wins. Because compared to Skyrim, it actually works fine on my PS3!
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:46 am

But the thing who was in oblivion and was better was the journal quest because now, it is not detailled it's only a sentence who say what to do. In oblivion it was a really good text explaining what you have to do and what your character have to do. It was more fun for this, but skyrim is a better game and really good.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:26 am

You still have attributes you know, instead of selecting something on a screen, you find a stone and decide if it works for you....which is great because if I feel like wearing heavy armor I take the steed stone, if I wear light armor I take the lover stone.

Fixed attributes are stupid and unnessecary, imo.

They took out more than just damage modifiers though. The attribute system in Oblivion did an unbelievable amount of stuff. You had skill modifiers, damage resistance, running speed, magical resistance, regeneration bonuses, random chance... you had a LOT of content concentrated into those choices that helped you to customize your character.

That said, the 1-100 scale for attribute points was plain silly.

IF, the perk system or something else had 100% replaced the level of player customization that could be had from Attribute changes, I would not complain, but the more and more I play the less and less I feel like my PC is as truly unique as the game is telling me. They limited the choices you could make in a way that was really a shot in the knee. Now, they do have Health, Magicka, and Stamina changes... but if we're going that far, why don't we just do like they did in Fallout 3? You have an attribute scale that was more 1-20, where you got many fewer opportunities to boost attributes. This meant that adding a point had much more Weight and much further reaching consequences. Yes, you kind of railroaded yourself as to what you were playing early... if you used all your points to get 20 str, limiting the rest of your skills to 5... you were going to perform as a good melee fighter and about nothing else.

You could probably do a halfway compromise if you used more skills, but they didn't do that, so we were left with a system that only let you make half a character prior to modding.

Edit: Mind you thats my opinion, but thats is more of an explanation than I provided previously.
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phil walsh
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:08 am

I love both, Skyrim is better, the dungeons in Oblivion were ALL the same, and the story of it was kind of a cluster[censored], it was more of a, OH [censored] LOOK AT THIS! NEVERMIND LOOK AT THIS! with Skyrim its just straight up badassery and dragons. both were a perfect 10/10, but I would rather play Skyrim. but Morrowind started it all, i think they should do a remake of morrowind and the other older games as well as the other untouched and unseen states/provinces in tamriel, THAT would be sick
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:02 am

-Main quest is boring, tedious, and has a cliche story with no character development
-Combat is good but magic is annoying with the bulk of the spells being recreations of others with fancier names
-Dungeons are repetitive and usually have no real point other than some loot and killing things
-Quests are ok, nothing special though other than the thieves guild quest
-Characters are bland in both voice and appearance, i bet there would have been marriage in this game but Beth didn't want to be that cruel
-Graphics were great for the time but again good textures look cool... for the first few times after the 100th it gets old
-Horrid UI but it does have the advantage of being able to see your character as you customize

-Main quest I have not played through entirely but the opening "cinematic" was the best opening in any Bethesda game IMO
-Combat has no big improvement but it is much more polished = and magic is actually fun IMO
-Dungeons are a little better than Oblivion because there are usually small bosses at the end and some have the promise of shouts. Most still don't have an interesting reason to fight through them
-Quests sometimes have the same tedium but overall a slightly better experience
-Characters are much better looking but sill lack much back story to make me want to have a conversation with them
-Graphics are fantastic and the lack of ctrl-c ctrl-v landscapes really helps
-UI looks sleek but lack PC support but the best thing ever is the quick menu IMO
-Dragons are ok bosses but they could have been done better like variation in attacks and having more ways to kill it other than an open fight
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Melanie Steinberg
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:09 am

hated oblivion for horrible combat system, hate skyrim for short guild quests and boring dungeons
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:43 am

Skyrim is a 1000 times better, the only thing that Oblivion did right was different character beginning stats and longer guild lines.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:00 am


+The main storyline was epic
+The NPC's had much more character, easier to connect with
-/+The world was graphically improved from Morrowind; but, the unmodded faces were hideous.
-Oblivion's world was way too scaled down, Skyrim is actually a larger world; simply because the developers didn't scale it so poorly as they did Oblivion.
-Combat both casting and melee were rather boring
+The guild story lines were far more compelling; but, I didn't like the idea of Mannimarco being a scrawny elf, they seriously jacked that up bad!
+My horse never gets tired after running 20 feet
-You ran out of things to do after you've finished every quest chain


+A very large and abundant world
+Loads of side quests
+Amazing visuals
-There is no dichotomy between good and evil, you can murder and eat all the children in the orphanage and no one would care, nor would you; because, there are no consequences. Think I'm kidding? I murdered half of Riften and just said, I'm the Thane and they ignored me. ha ha!
-The faction based war is pointless, you raid a bunch of forts for one of two equally lethargic factions; so that one side can dominate the country then blow you off like you never existed. I have to wonder how Bethesda would resolve this lorewise, would they call it the Warp in the North? rofl, pathetic...
---The main story feels like a side quest with no evidence of a conclusion. To top it off, Delphine, one of the main driving forces in this quest line is one of the most repulsive characters in the entire ES series and yet you are doing everything she asks without hesitation? Call me crazy, but, in a world full of choices, shouldn't one get the option of putting this crazy beotch in her place when she's completely dependent on you to save the world? This paradox here alone sets the tone for the entire game; where, your character is thrown into an apathetic world where everyone cares about nothing and your character has no reason to care about anything. Maybe this game is a metaphor for modern society. lol
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Mrs shelly Sugarplum
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:49 am


+The main storyline was epic I can't really argue with this but IMO OB MQ = Cliche and boring
+The NPC's had much more character, easier to connect with Hardly, the main good guy, Martin, was a characterless quest giver who was as dynamic as a rock. I stopped caring about characters as a whole after I heard the same sound out of everyone's mouths for the 20th time
-/+The world was graphically improved from Morrowind; but, the unmodded faces were hideous.Agreed
-Oblivion's world was way too scaled down, Skyrim is actually a larger world; simply because the developers didn't scale it so poorly as they did Oblivion. Skyrim is definitely smaller but has much more detail
-Combat both casting and melee were rather boring Combat wasn't terrible but it was never really TES's highlight
+The guild story lines were far more compelling; but, I didn't like the idea of Mannimarco being a scrawny elf, they seriously jacked that up bad! The problem with this is that the guild quests were ore compelling than the main quest!
+My horse never gets tired after running 20 feet I prefer the more realistic approach Skyrim took with horses but they do need improvement
-You ran out of things to do after you've finished every quest chain Try cheating, it spices things up


+A very large and abundant world
+Loads of side quests
+Amazing visuals
-There is no dichotomy between good and evil, you can murder and eat all the children in the orphanage and no one would care, nor would you; because, there are no consequences. Think I'm kidding? I murdered half of Riften and just said, I'm the Thane and they ignored me. ha ha! Agreed up to here but people not caring is more a side effect of bad AI
-The faction based war is pointless, you raid a bunch of forts for one of two equally lethargic factions; so that one side can dominate the country then blow you off like you never existed. I have to wonder how Bethesda would resolve this lorewise, would they call it the Warp in the North? rofl, pathetic... In Bethesda's defense the technology right now cannot handle a large scale battle that would have made people happy. Also to make Skyrim have a huge change after the war would take a ton of time and effort for something that would probably be overlooked by most because of sheer amount of side quests that take you out of the cities and politics.
---The main story feels like a side quest with no evidence of a conclusion. To top it off, Delphine, one of the main driving forces in this quest line is one of the most repulsive characters in the entire ES series and yet you are doing everything she asks without hesitation? Call me crazy, but, in a world full of choices, shouldn't one get the option of putting this crazy beotch in her place when she's completely dependent on you to save the world? This paradox here alone sets the tone for the entire game; where, your character is thrown into an apathetic world where everyone cares about nothing and your character has no reason to care about anything. Maybe this game is a metaphor for modern society. lol I'm pretty sure you were forced into fighting with the blades in Oblivion, what if I wanted to be part of the mystic (EDIT:Mythic my bad) dawn? You have always been railroaded on the MQ but everyone is ok because they are fine with fighting with the good guys.

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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:28 am

It's tough for me to say at the moment. Oblivion has been out for a long time, Skyrim for a few weeks. My first character is only level 12 or so in Skyrim. I have a lot of the game to experience.

But I voted Oblivion at this point. In part because I think Oblivion is very unfairly criticized. For example, so for it seems to me that the dungeons are at least as unique as Skyrim's, even more. Skyrim's look a little different because that have some running water and stuff, but Oblivion's and a lot of nice features too.

Still I think Skyrim is an amazing game. At some point I may change my opinion to Skyrim from Oblivion as the preferred game.
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