I like this the TES series alot but i always had problems with my characters. In Skyrim, Master difficulty, i started a male Wood Elf Archer and dumped him after 10 hours and made a female. That one went to 19 untill i realised that i did not use the potential of the character creation enough. Started a new character, a mage. My mage quickly felt extremely boring, because i wanted to play without helmet and feel more immersed. Then i got confused and annoyed. Then a warrior, was reasonably fun but dull at the same time + casters kill me very fast. Okay and now imagine this, this all took me maybe 30-50 ingame hours. Ontop of that i deleted and restarted my Archer, Warrior and Mage 3 times now for dumb reasons
So what i'm looking at is a great game but i actually made up to 50 new restarts. I did the opening mission so many times its incredible. Anyways i am still trying in the hope to find the right character but right now i am hating my female warrior.. it just does not make sense to see a skinny girl with a big sword and heavy armor or something even tho i like 1h, block and 2h. I have a thing against playing male for some reason it never works out + i love the thought of gathering lots of combinations of clothes and items to roleplay... Strangely i remember Oblivion being way easier to me.