Question 1= straight forward its just asking what leveling system you want
Question 2= this is asking the kind of money system you want to have. OB had a limited money cap but unlimited money. This means a merchants max was 1500 gold but they had unlimited money and just couldn't give more than 1500 at a time.
MW had the exact opposite of OB and basically had a cap of lets say 3000 and that was the most money you could get.
Daggerfall had its own banking system and the money had real weight
Question 3= refers to what kind of factions and side quests you want for skyrim, each choice is very specific and has a downside and a upside ( ethier long or short and then diverse or linear)
Question 4= from what game do you want the kind of main quest to be like ( same thing as above ethier long and somewhat linear or shorter but more diverse) (exception of MW because its main quest was long and diverse)
Question 5= which kind of combat system like OB where each swing of a sword does damage just not as much or MW where it is a dice roll and you get mi[censored]s alot but when you do make contact it does some serious damage. Then you must take into account if you want more power moves and a Fallout system where body parts get crippled ( THIS DOES NOT MEAN A VATS SYSTEM) it means if i hit a guy with a bow in the arm maybe his arm is crippled.
Question 1= do you want the bow to be like it was in past games or alot more powerful( instead of 20 arrows its like 5 or 6) [yes or no]
Question 2= do you want characters to return such as Maiq the liar or the adoring fan [yes or no]
Question 3= do you want whoever we play as to be related in some way to the guy we played as in OB[ yes i want ties in some way to the champion of cyrodill, No i want to be a completely different person
Question 4= rare objects such as Daedric armor, would you like to find these alot like in OB or barely ever like in MW [OB or MW]
Question 5= amount of dragons [1,2,3, 4 or more]
Question 6= How big do you want the land to be?
Question 7= Do you want the climate to be snowy and with alot of mountains and few grassy plains or do you want them to do less Lore and give us half of snowy mountains and half grassy with sunny skies.
That is all i could think of for now, you obviously don't need to answer all of them i just wanna know what the overall consensus of what we all hope as to what we predict