My first post here in a long time. :wavey:
But, I like TES' level sytem, but I would like to see a few perks implemented.
1. I would not want a FO level system (you gain general experience points, and when you level up, you choose which skills to level up), but I want to keep the TES way, but maybe ever 5 level (not skill level, but overall level), have a perk. The perks could include (but are not limitted to): Increased damage to a certain animal, can stay underwater longer, better haggling, and other things like that. And most of them would have requirements.
I would like to see the system from Daggerfall, where you can choose negative and positive traits, make a return.
Magic only regenerates in the sunlight? Done.
Allergic to leather? Fine.
Afraid of Dreughs? Who isn't?
Level scaling would change depending on whether you chose more negative or positive traits. This allowed people to create really interesting characters.
2. He's right, that would be sweet to have Daggerfall trait system back, the more negative you choose, the game difficulty would be set to "Easy" to offset the hard traits (I believe, I haven't played in a while).
Another idea (
based on Fable III's weapon levelling system)
In Fable III, for certain weapons, it would say "Kill X amount of humans and your weapon damage will increase by Y when facing other humans", or "Kill X enemies in the daytime and get Y% bonus in the daytime", and each weapon would be different.
My other idea is very similar, but different.
3. Basically, like that, but instead of for each weapon, it would be for your overall character. If you kill 200 mudcrabs, they are less likely to attack you bviously, you can change the creature, value, or the effect. And they can change what you do, this is just the first idea I thought of.
Just an idea to consider.
lol that all sounds good... i would want something like that along with hitting skill benchmarks.... like journeymen marksman you can choose one of 3 abilities that corispond with that skill.
denock - self explanitory
speed shot- you quickly draw the bow string now to make a speed shot but as a penalty you have a -30 to acuracy
find arrows - this could be a spell or ability but essentially it allows you to find arrows you've fired
each other bench mark woul allow you to pick 1 of a new set of skill plus ones you may have passed up so at master you could potentially choose denock if you got tired of not being able to cancel a shot or something more advanced like double arrow fire where you fire 2 arrows into a single target causing double damage.
My third idea is similar to that.