- everyone with a pc is "l33t" and hardc0re! heck even mom that plays farmville on facebook and little Anna that enjoys The Sims.
- everyone else in the world is a nub and a casual console player!
people generalize far too much while other people deny the existance of stereotypes as if its a horrid thing to state.
both sides over polarize teh issues.
stereotypes exist because they are in fact real
to a extent in that they do not make up 100% of the people they are referring to.
same thing goes for generalization. its not that simple. you can be a casual console player yes, but just because you have a console doesnt make you one, rather its a reflection of mentality and attitude that is displayed.
as for the person who just asked me how consoles limit games beyond graphics...your kidding right?
how about hte fact that a pc warfare game can have 64 people fighting at once but a console can only handle 16? thats just a tidbit example. I dont claim to be super intelligent with technology but to think there are people today that would still ask this question yet they know how to operate a pc and access te internet and post on a forum stating false facts or faulty opinions is...rage inducing.
anyone ever seen the movie idiocracy? i think we are heading there >.>
but whatever, this like most internet arguments will not be settled simply because of the blind, the ignorant, and the trolls. so ill go enjoy the game...it is, despite anything ive said, a fun game