Skyrim is a poor RPG

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:24 pm

consoles limit far more then graphics friend.

...such as?
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:28 pm

i love all teh people in here snippeting the xbox bash and using that as a basis for invalidating OP's claims lol. grow up and pay attention.

this game was created for consoles (yes xbox mainly) which is a outdated and obsolete system. therefore the game has to operate within those limitations.

combine that with a poor port to bethesdas original fanbase (pc users) and you get a mess.

skyrim is fun, but its still a bad console port of something so outdated it shouldve been scrapped years ago.

however to the main title, skyrim isnt exactly a POOR rpg, its just not like traditional rpgs. its minimalist rpg, no big stats or number crunching, they made imo a great initial talent and progression systems taht actually PUNISHES min/maxing to a degree instead of role playing.

however i do think they went too minimalist so your char just feels generalized.

now as for what he means by xbox crowd...he means the isntant gratification, achievement [censored], braggards that dont have the mental fortitude to play a game that doesnt spoonfeed them. and yes, xbox (microsoft) were the pioneers in influencing and creating this exists even if you dont want to believe it. and its hurting the gaming community from a creative standpoint.

Now there's a carefully prepared nerd rage rant. Very entertaining.

Well done! :D
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chirsty aggas
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:10 pm

- everyone with a pc is "l33t" and hardc0re! heck even mom that plays farmville on facebook and little Anna that enjoys The Sims.
- everyone else in the world is a nub and a casual console player!
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:57 pm

Yeah, as an RPG, Skyrim is about as casual as it gets.
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Laura Elizabeth
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:12 pm

...such as?

Disk size limiting number of assets (audio/meshes/textures) resulting in less varied games
Control scheme is adapted to eunuch-friendly controllers
Frame rate caps to not exceed the refresh rate of 1920's steam powered televisions
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Ashley Campos
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:10 pm

Yeah, as an RPG, Skyrim is about as casual as it gets.

Yeah, no it isn't. No casual gamer would even be able to comprehend Skyrim.
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Brooke Turner
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:10 am

Got this for the PC, main problem with the game is that it is now so dumbed down for Xbox users that the stats side of the character generation is now virtually pointless more so than in Oblivion. Had hoped that they may have moved back towards the Morrowind's more subtle character stats giving a more individually crafted character. What you now get is a rather generic character you just hack and slash your way through the game which is fine but it just lacks the degree of character crafting that made Morrowind so great and was at least ok in Oblivion. The Menu system is also very poor its just so bland, no icons or view of your character with the equipment on and moving between menus is just so awkward particularly when in combat. Oblivion at least had quite a quility feel to its menu's which were easy to move between and its character generation was better with its associated artwork, etc.

Graphics is also a problem, although the graphics overal is impressive looking there seems to be slight pixelation at the sides of objects, i.e a slight jagged black line. Oblivion does not have this and it not a problem related to hardware as far as I can see. This game just gives the feel that it was rushed through in places without any thought for quality. Now its almost just pick up a weapon and of you go so no not what I look for in an RPG and will be unwilling to pay full price for any such similar offering in the future now I know what to expect.

On the plus side the intro is quite good, a bit different from the usual, 'the king is dead and you have to save the world' type intro it looked like it might turn out to be in early development gameplay is fine not quite as tongue in cheek as Oblivion which is a shame. Just think they could have been a bit more inventive with the stuff they could have included. The weapon generation lacks any notion of being able to craft an individual weapon it just feels like a world of warcraft rehash. So yes this game could have been so much better.

In weapon generation they could have had a series of two or three phases in which you generated an individually crafted weapon say starting of with a rod of steel, lengthening or shortening it, ie. betweeen one and two handed weapons, then adding the tip, jagged edges or bending it (perhaps some templates you can squash down or lengthen to achieve this) then finally customising the hilt again from templates you can alter. I just don't see the point of generating a weapon you can buy in the weapon shop, its rather pointless. I think what people want is to be able to generate an individual character, armour and weaponry without having to resort to doing a 3d cad version themselves and bringing it into the game that it was never supposed to be a part of.

Now I could go on with more ideas to bring more of an interesting element to the game but I think the above gives an idea. I just think that this game could have been more adventurous on this front particularly as they have done several now. I just wish they have not messed with the character generation more than they had done in Oblivion as it now feels so dumbed down and weak in this repect which I feel is what many RPG's want just to try and make a few more bob flogging it to those that arn't really big RPG fans, what do you think?

TL;DL. Im not reading some wall of text just slamming a game. Sooo....I guess good job typing some crap I didnt read. ^.^
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Setal Vara
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:58 pm

Xbox isn't responsible for dumbing down games. MTV is. And also Rush Limbaugh. There, I said it.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:57 am

It has nothing to do with " Being dumbed down for xbox" that's a asinine argument. they just did it to do it. you dont think xbox could handle having stats...give me a break lol
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Hannah Barnard
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:18 am

...such as?

AI, environmental interactivity, physics, anything that's requires more than simplistic CPU power. The processing power just isn't there on the consoles to make advanced stuff happen.

Yeah, no it isn't. No casual gamer would even be able to comprehend Skyrim.

Hahahaha. Skyrim is a casual rpg made for casual gamers. It's the CoD of RPGs.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:33 am

Yeah, no it isn't. No casual gamer would even be able to comprehend Skyrim.

Take a look around the forum. The "casual gamer" thinks Skyrim is the best thing since COD.
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rheanna bruining
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:06 am

- everyone with a pc is "l33t" and hardc0re! heck even mom that plays farmville on facebook and little Anna that enjoys The Sims.
- everyone else in the world is a nub and a casual console player!

people generalize far too much while other people deny the existance of stereotypes as if its a horrid thing to state.

both sides over polarize teh issues.

stereotypes exist because they are in fact real to a extent in that they do not make up 100% of the people they are referring to.

same thing goes for generalization. its not that simple. you can be a casual console player yes, but just because you have a console doesnt make you one, rather its a reflection of mentality and attitude that is displayed.

as for the person who just asked me how consoles limit games beyond graphics...your kidding right?

how about hte fact that a pc warfare game can have 64 people fighting at once but a console can only handle 16? thats just a tidbit example. I dont claim to be super intelligent with technology but to think there are people today that would still ask this question yet they know how to operate a pc and access te internet and post on a forum stating false facts or faulty opinions is...rage inducing.

anyone ever seen the movie idiocracy? i think we are heading there >.>

but whatever, this like most internet arguments will not be settled simply because of the blind, the ignorant, and the trolls. so ill go enjoy the is, despite anything ive said, a fun game :)
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:05 pm

AI, environmental interactivity, physics, anything that's requires more than simplistic CPU power. The processing power just isn't there on the consoles to make advanced stuff happen.

Hahahaha. Skyrim is made for casual gamers.

Your Mom is a casual game. Played by casual gamers.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:55 pm

Your Mom is a casual game. Played by casual gamers.

Haha, 12 year old nerd rage.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:13 am

And what about what I have stated? I owned a Genesis when I was a kid, like right when it came out. I know that everybody didn't own one. But I grew up in a heavy video game family. My dad use to play Quake on the PC, but also the N64.

Are you saying that everyone who plays a console is the casual gamer? Because that seems to be everyone's argument.

Console = casual gamer

Actually no.

In my other long rants I stated there are plenty of Gray people and I also play console/PC and I started on a SEGA/PC (I played Atari at a friends etc but we were too poor till one year I got a Sega).

I am speaking to the people who only picked up a xbox or 360. Not the fact that they cannot become gamers or part of the gamer culture. Its the people who more or less buy them to play "A Game" such as only CoD (which being a shooter player is not a problem) its not that. Its the fact most families have consoles (from one brand or the other) and often do not know what they are buying when they go to get a game, movie games.

I speak directly to what I am criticizing (who as well) the people who do not fit into that segment are not being mentioned. Consoles are a part of gaming the problem is that the mainstream has gotten to the point where consoles are just a part of the household now in a lot of cases. I see my friend buy his kid horrible movie games and hey at least he likes them but they are poorly made (some are decent).

Its the case of games doing the least amount of work for maximum profit in cases of game-play/design and new content.

I speak like I damn all Console gamers but honestly my target is only a certain sect of people.

Edit: I would say if you haven't read my tirade posts back further, it says a lot of what I am restating and I would rather not have to pvssyfoot around things to be careful of the segment I am not referring to.

Edit 2: Example of poor game buying.. I did not research/look over space marine 40k before I bought it. I just bought it due to a random moment of shiny warhammer 40k love and I regret it. I normally look into all games I am going to buy to be well informed or often test the games before I buy in one way or another. Uniformed/Casuals are buying the games which seem to be dumming down games as a whole because it's easier for the masses to grasp and pay to play them.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:00 pm

For those of us that have followed the series, Anthotis' signature says it all.

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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:49 pm

Take a look around the forum. The "casual gamer" thinks Skyrim is the best thing since COD.

You clearly don't know what a casual gamer is. A casual gamer plays Farmville and Wii Sports, not RPG's of any type.

And I've seen none of these posts, plus taking posts on a forum at face value is silly. There are so many liars and trolls you can't really trust what you read.

So, you were saying?
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RUby DIaz
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:20 pm

Yeah, no it isn't. No casual gamer would even be able to comprehend Skyrim.

ya, just have to say, a casual gamer wouldnt have to understand skyrim to play it, its that easy/simple/onubtrusive/etc. however you want to look at it. its both good and bad in a way. you can role play a char by literally role playing not assigning points. which is more a case of personal taste i think.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:47 pm

Your Mom is a casual game. Played by casual gamers.

Behold! Bethesda's new target audience in all its glory! :wink_smile:
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Genocidal Cry
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:17 pm

Can we leave the casual vs. hardcoe debate to MMO's please?

You can play Skyrim, just as you could the other Elder Scrolls games, as casual or as hardcoe as you like. That is what makes these games so brilliant; the ability to play exactly how you want to.
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Dewayne Quattlebaum
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:08 pm

You clearly don't know what a casual gamer is. A casual gamer plays Farmville and Wii Sports, not RPG's of any type.

Skyrim isn't an RPG.
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Daddy Cool!
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:27 pm

You clearly don't know what a casual gamer is. A casual gamer plays Farmville and Wii Sports, not RPG's of any type.

However, the actual start of this thread was that Skyrim is a poor RPG. So, the true question that's been dismissed is: Is Skyrim an RPG? A good one or bad one?

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Poetic Vice
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:26 pm

Skyrim isn't an RPG.

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candice keenan
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:29 am

You want a hardcoe game? Turn off quest markers and leave them off.
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James Smart
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:21 am

If you don't like it, don't play it. It's that simple.
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