Skyrim is a poor RPG

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:18 pm

You want a hardcoe game? Turn off quest markers and leave them off.

Oh, really? So that you can't complete half of Skyrim's "quests"?
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Laura Samson
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:31 am

Skyrim isn't an RPG.

I feel pretty immersed in my character and am developing him how I want to, in an open world where there is no set path for me.

Sounds like an RPG to me.

I would love to hear your explanation on how Skyrim does not fall under the RPG category.
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Leanne Molloy
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:30 pm

AI, environmental interactivity, physics, anything that's requires more than simplistic CPU power. The processing power just isn't there on the consoles to make advanced stuff happen.

That's why games like Metal Gear Solid pioneered A.I. on the measly PS1, amirite? :rolleyes:
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Tai Scott
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:13 am

You clearly don't know what a casual gamer is. A casual gamer plays Farmville and Wii Sports, not RPG's of any type.

And I've seen none of these posts, plus taking posts on a forum at face value is silly. There are so many liars and trolls you can't really trust what you read.

So, you were saying?

No, a casual game isn't defined by genre, it's defined by being relatively simplistic and take minimal skill on the part of the gamer. A casual gamer is someone who plays games that are easy to pick up and go and that don't require a commitment to learn or play. Like Skyrim. It's just pick up and mess around, nothing to really try to figure out, character building is whatever, the quests are generic and everything is spelled out.
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Jason King
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:13 pm

Skyrim isn't an RPG.

"A game in which players take on the roles of imaginary characters who engage in adventures, typically in a computerized setting. "

You don't know two definitions now, would you care to keep trying? It is an RPG.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:00 pm

main problem with the game is that it is now so dumbed down for Xbox

I stopped reading, laughed, and disregarded this post entirely when I saw this.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:15 pm

What does RPG mean?

Rocket propelled grenade. You would think that most who bought this game would know this since that's the audience the game was designed for. :sadvaultboy:

It's designed to appeal to people who don't play many RPGs. It's not designed for consoles.

Clearly the UI was not designed with a console controller in mind. Clearly. It was also clearly not built with console limitations in mind and then poorly ported to the PC. Clearly. Your statement also contradicts itself. The people who play the least RPGs play on the consoles.
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Natasha Biss
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:39 am

"A game in which players take on the roles of imaginary characters who engage in adventures, typically in a computerized setting. "

^Describes most fictional games.
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Jhenna lee Lizama
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:57 pm

That's why games like Metal Gear Solid pioneered A.I. on the measly PS1, amirite? :rolleyes:

Wow, game AI has been around as long as games have been around, nothing on the PS1 was pioneering it. MGS doesn't have complex AI.
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Amelia Pritchard
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:21 pm

Rocket propelled grenade. You would think that most who bought this game would know this since that's the audience the game was designed for. :sadvaultboy:

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Pete Schmitzer
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:16 pm

I do not think that RPG means, what you think it means.

love your quote! about the roleplaying tool.the guy who posted the original comment should read it
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Roanne Bardsley
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:08 am

No, a casual game isn't defined by genre, it's defined by being relatively simplistic and take minimal skill on the part of the gamer. A casual gamer is someone who plays games that are easy to pick up and go and that don't require a commitment to learn or play. Like Skyrim. It's just pick up and mess around, nothing to really try to figure out, character building is whatever, the quests are generic and everything is spelled out.

Um, no. Skyrim requires a pretty hefty time investment to do almost anything. By your definition Mass Effect, Dragon Age, etc. are all casual games.

A casual gamer is one who doesn't get invested in games or play them much at all, and simple games like those made by Zynga are targeted at casual gamers. If you play Modern Warfare 8 hours a day, you're not a casual gamer. It doesn't jive with what it means.

Nothing to figure out? I hope that's a joke, I really do. Just because something isn't Baldur's Gate doesn't make it casual.

Wiki article:

Most casual games have similar basic features:

Extremely simple gameplay, like a puzzle game that can be played entirely using a one-button mouse or cellphone keypad
Allowing gameplay in short bursts, during work breaks or, in the case of portable and cell phone games, on public transportation
The ability to quickly reach a final stage,[5] or continuous play with no need to save the game
Some variant on a "try before you buy" business model or an advertising-based model
The word "casual" indicates that the games are produced for the casual consumer, who comes across the game and can get into gameplay almost immediately. Every month, an estimated 200 million consumers play casual games online,[4] many of whom do not normally regard themselves as gamers, or fans of video games.

Managing an inventory, buying and selling, crafting, looting, exploring, perks, magic...really? Nothing to learn if someone who's never played games picked up Skyrim?

This is the worst argument ever.
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Jennifer May
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:01 pm

Actually no.

In my other long rants I stated there are plenty of Gray people and I also play console/PC and I started on a SEGA/PC (I played Atari at a friends etc but we were too poor till one year I got a Sega).

I am speaking to the people who only picked up a xbox or 360. Not the fact that they cannot become gamers or part of the gamer culture. Its the people who more or less buy them to play "A Game" such as only CoD (which being a shooter player is not a problem) its not that. Its the fact most families have consoles (from one brand or the other) and often do not know what they are buying when they go to get a game, movie games.

I speak directly to what I am criticizing (who as well) the people who do not fit into that segment are not being mentioned. Consoles are a part of gaming the problem is that the mainstream has gotten to the point where consoles are just a part of the household now in a lot of cases. I see my friend buy his kid horrible movie games and hey at least he likes them but they are poorly made (some are decent).

Its the case of games doing the least amount of work for maximum profit in cases of game-play/design and new content.

I speak like I damn all Console gamers but honestly my target is only a certain sect of people.

Edit: I would say if you haven't read my tirade posts back further, it says a lot of what I am restating and I would rather not have to pvssyfoot around things to be careful of the segment I am not referring to.

You also have to realize this as well, and it does come to factor in age and maturity as well. While I don't like generalizing, when I went to the midnight launch of Skyrim. A lot of the people who were there were young kids, telling me MW3 was going to get Game of the Year. Basically most of them were out there to Play A Game and be done with it. And a lot of the people praising MW3 were kids. Granted I'm only in my twenties, but kids are younger than me and they behave like kids.

I wish I could find it an article about this. But they talk about how a casual mainstream fanbase is screaming over the true hardcoe fans in droves. I have no problem with the mainstream casual gamers, but when they begin to leak into games I have thoroughly enjoyed and turn them into something they are not then it kind of is sad in a way. It's like watching your favorite thing become sick almost. To be honest I liked Morrowind, like everyone else did. All though a lot of people claim Oblivion to be for the casual mainstream, I thoroughly enjoyed it a little more than Morrowind. One reason though that usually wins me over is character customization.

I play Western RPGs, have always liked Western RPGs for that one reason character customization. I like building my own characters and being my own character. But I haven't been really interested in the hybrid Western "RPGs" such as Mass Effect. I call them Hybrids because it is a character someone else built and you're being asked to fill the role. It's a pseudo character. It's basically like if Halo was a RPG. I'm worried for the business of RPG because I have always enjoyed them the way they are.

Dragon Age Origins was probably the most extreme form of this business changing. DAO was great. Not TES great. But it really had all the classic elements that RPGs held. It really showed that a game could possibly live up to this new generation. It was a rare jewel in this new market. And then DA2 came out and many of the fans of DAO called outrage. They were slighted. Bioware just took a dump all over their fans to appeal to this more mainstream and casual game generation.

The day TES gets a Voice acted main character is the day TES dies, imo. I have always given my characters my own voices. I have always imagined what they sounded like. I didn't need a paid and hired voice actor to tell me what my character should sound like.

I also wish that TES would standup and live to what DAO lived up to. And that's making great classic style RPGs with hints of modern elements. Go back to appealing to their original fanbase. They don't need MW3 and COD lovers to love TES too.
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remi lasisi
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:27 am

Wow, game AI has been around as long as games have been around, nothing on the PS1 was pioneering it. MGS doesn't have complex AI.

Yes, it does. You are simply too focused on the technological side to see it.

But alas, that is the typical PC gamer.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:38 am

Consoles are not to be blamed. Bethesda is the one to blame for making it streamlined. You CAN actually streamline the game without making it less of a rpg.

Bethesda didn't just streamline it. They dumbed it down.
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Nany Smith
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:26 pm

A real RPG is purely PnP. CRPGS are games like Boulders Gate, Torment, ect......

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Emily Jeffs
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:19 pm

Consoles are not to be blamed. Bethesda is the one to blame for making it streamlined. You CAN actually streamline the game without making it less of a rpg.

Bethesda didn't just streamline it. They dumbed it down.

Mass Effect 2 was dumbed down, Skyrim is streamlined.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:16 pm

I feel pretty immersed in my character and am developing him how I want to, in an open world where there is no set path for me.

Sounds like an RPG to me.

I would love to hear your explanation on how Skyrim does not fall under the RPG category.

Well apparently on planet Dork, Skyrim is no different than Gears of War 3. Since you don't apparently reside there, you just wouldn't understand. :D
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Susan Elizabeth
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:38 pm

Oh, really? So that you can't complete half of Skyrim's "quests"?

You want to turn them in? EARN THAT S***
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kyle pinchen
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:54 pm

anyone else keep getiing menu freeze? horrible, i have to bring up favorites 5 times before i can even select "quickly" select a favorite, and i use quickly lightly since i have to scroll through an entire list of things to select a spell during combat....did they even play the game before they released it?
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Max Van Morrison
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:32 pm

The point I'm trying to make is that Console gamers and PC gamers, are both gamers. If the game is being simplified its for both PC and console gamers, not because of one type or the other. Why should it be?

Heh, what an extreme overgeneralization. It's like saying every person on the planet has the same IQ, strength, compassion or creativity just because we are all human.

-Consoles sell more games than the PC overall. Only a select few PC developers sell millions of units per game without fail (see: Blizzard)
-Both PC gamers and console gamers are both gamers. This does not mean both share the same interests in the type of games that they play.
-As consoles gain even more popularity, developers shift their focus towards a more "mass appeal" approach instead of the niche/genre market that their games were originally designed for. They don't care if their game has lost it's identity or mostly abandoned those who initially gave them success as long as any random Joe off of the street can pickup and play the game that grabbed him hook, line and sinker with a massive advertising campaign.

This is not a sleight against people who play on consoles either. I've been playing on consoles as well since Pong was first released, and enjoy games on whatever platform they are on if the platform suits them better. However, the RPG genre especially has always been one of the more convoluted genres that only nerds and geeks would play until Square let the "cool kids" know that it was ok to play this type of game when they released FF7. From then on, RPGs in general have had the hardcoe elements stripped away one layer at a time.
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Michael Korkia
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:06 pm

Oh look! It's this thread again.

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trisha punch
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:40 pm

PC gamer - someone who plays games on a PC.
Console gamer - someone who plays games on a console.

Difference? Hardware.

Casual gamer - someone who plays casually.

Nothing to do with intelligence, tastes etc, but then that would ruin arguements like this.
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Sophie Morrell
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:08 pm

You had me until you blamed the consoles for your issues with the game -- about a dozen words into your rant.

Take your ignorant, elitist attitude Elsweyr (lol).

Lol, good one.
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Rebekah Rebekah Nicole
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:12 am

Nothing to do with intelligence, tastes etc, but then that would ruin arguements like this.

It has more to do with the maturity of player, imo. Than the intelligence.
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