No I did not forget that but I did not mention it. I made broad statements to young timmys and all the other casuals out there who want quick completion. I remember when movies gave you 2 or more hours instead of being lucky to get 2 hours for 10 bucks as it is now. I agree with all of what you have said.
I am just doing a direct voicing at certain targets and neglecting exceptions and people who do not fit into that category I am firing away at. My problem is on the whole mainstream/casuals are influencing games overall in the fact that I remember when it used to take me weeks to beat a game (play time) and not less then 24-48 hours. I mean I loved Darksiders and Dead Space 1/2 but the fact I can beat them so easily makes me sad. I beat all difficulties in DS2 in under 48 hours. Its the issue of content + quality being beat out by contents worth vs money.
The fact that games like CoD with the same things repeated over and over again with slight variations make the most money seems to force companies to put out smaller content to keep their cash flow running. Its the issue of time = money and the fact that to make money in games less time must be spent which = less content/bang for your buck.
I bought Rage and I love it but overall it has not seemed to get much in the way of sales overall. Zelda and Mario have stayed true to their roots (for the most part) while we look at Sonic trying to splinter away from what we first knew has caused them more trouble than what it was worth going away from the status quo for Sonic.
At the same time we need new innovation and experiences but the balance with older games can be a delicate thing. Just like what we expect from game types we have played in the past. I enjoy a lot of games out there on the whole but I am also upset at the price tag for what I am getting compared to what I used to get for the proper price comparison for the times.
Replay value is becoming a harder thing to capture now a days it seems as well. I have a lot of games I go back and play but I feel kinda bad that when it comes to FF X-2 and up I cannot find a reason to play it again like I can still go back and enjoy FF9 etc.
Absolutely agreed.
Mario and Zelda are probably two games that I too think have remained true their fans. Even I enjoyed Mario Sunshine from the favorite was Luigi's mansion though. Mario has always been about evolving himself and still remaining true to what he is. I think there was only one Zelda game that the fans kind of squawked at and the company cleaned up their act.
Sonic has gone way beyond what I remember as a kid. I will admit I liked the Dreamcast games Sonic Adventures. But then it went way way to far. Hedgehog werewolves, why do they have guns? Wait why is the second fastest hedgehog on a motorcycle? It makes no sense. And I think that's costing them a lot of money and I think a lot of pride too.
I think there should be a way to compromise to the fans, whom basically at I believe made the company, and to the mainstream without giving to much away.
My brother said this, it's like orange juice. You can get the frozen stuff from the freezer section at the store, problem is usually the frozen stuff requires a little bit of water that water downs the flavor. Or you can get "fresh squeeze" orange juice that requires no water.
Skyrim is frozen orange juice. As good as it is. It doesn't compare to real orange juice.