his hate of bf3 is understandable though that was honestly made just to compete mw3 i wasnt apart of bf original audience but that game blows
I agree his hate is understandable, but as I said misplaced. The hardware in question has little to do with the direction of games nowadays, it's all about aquiring the largest audience, even if they don't stay for long a box sale is a box sale.
There are just as many casual gamers coming into the PC market, there are numerous games with the audiences described here as being console only. I have been around since the early days of gaming when 8 colours was a major selling point and have watched gaming become embraced as mainstream instead of treated as a dirty hobby akin to watching pormography. This has seen gaming blossom and many games, and innovations around now, woulnd't be but for the casual players people bemoan.
PC gaming has increased dramatically too. PCs are no longer as expensive as they once were and are much more common to find in a home.
As much as people want to try and deny it gaming has always had it's undesirables regardless of platform the only difference is there are more of them now ONLY because there are more gamers in total.