I do agree that Character generation is less of a focus, but this entirely deliberate, the idea being that you craft your character through your choices in the game rather than those right at the start.
It has nothing to do with being dumbed down for x-box users. It is in no way dumbed down, and wouldn't need to be for xbox users. Please refrain from format-bashing!
The reference to a game being "dumbed down" refers to the fact that modern gaming PCs are leaps and bounds of consoles, almost from the moment a new console is released, and that in order to make a game that plays on both PCs and consoles, developers will often design the game with the capabilities of the weaker consoles in mind as a cap to quality and size of the game... However, the process of capping game requirements (which definitely DOES happen, by the way) happens for a quite different reason. First, developers COULD design a game that is much better than what Skyrim is, in size and graphics quality. The fact that there are already modified texture packs coming out for parts of the game, in much higher quality and resolution, supports the concept that those graphics were both scaled back, and that the game is designed to be able to render higher quality textures from the beginning...
However, by making a game that pushes all these aspects to their max, Bethesda would essentially alienate anybody who isn't running a $3000 gaming rig, including all of those console users. I waited in line with over 300 people on release night. Were the game to only run for those with maxed gaming systems, I would estimate maybe 90% of that number would not have been there. When I purchased my copy (PC), there were only 7 PC editions left, and they had two FULL crates of 360 editions they were going through... Considering the fact that ALL of those 360 sales go back into Bethesda's development budget for the next game, I am certainly glad they decided on this popular economic tactic rather than "pushing things to the max"...
Considering that the modding community has already begun issuing better quality graphics packages, and improved UI elements for those of us with beefy systems. Assuming the modding community is up to the standards they met with both Morrowind and Oblivion, we are in for some wonderful mods in the near future.