Skyrim is a poor RPG

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:14 pm

I wanted to make another comment, I find it slightly rude that there are some PC gamers like this who blame console players. As if we're somehow less than a gamer because we play on console. Well I'll have you know my first console was the Super Nintendo, then my parents got the N64, I also had the Sega Genesis and the Dreamcast. I call myself a hardcoe gamer because I grew up, yes with consoles, but I grew up with the industry. I have been playing games longer than the Battlefield and Halo kids could wet their lips with video games. I'm tired of both sides hardcoe PC gamers telling me I am not a gamer or I am the cause of a problem that makes something more streamlined for console players. Because the truth is, that it isn't the whole community asking for it. You find that even the Console gamers are split. You have the new generation who only know Xbox and Xbox 360 alongside PS2 and PS3 with a PSP and DS thrown in. And then you have the old timers and the old schoolers such as myself who grew up with Super Nintendo [back from my parents time] and even owned their own Sega Genesis. [I mean I had to share with my older brother, but still]. I even remember for Christmas getting an Atari and a Jaguar. Gauntlet Legends is still the [censored] to this day. That game is tight. Anyway getting distracted. I grew up with console games. But that doesn't make me less hardcoe because I don't play on the PC.

I am under the personal impression that Oblivion's UI was perfect for console and PC gamers. [I cannot fully make that comment because I have never played it on PC] I too don't like the UI in Skyrim. But I don't blame it on the fact that there are console gamers. I blame it on the fact that there are some players, usually tweenies and teens, who need eye candy to stay focused on a game.
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Alisha Clarke
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:53 am

I agree his hate is understandable, but as I said misplaced. The hardware in question has little to do with the direction of games nowadays, it's all about aquiring the largest audience, even if they don't stay for long a box sale is a box sale.

There are just as many casual gamers coming into the PC market, there are numerous games with the audiences described here as being console only. I have been around since the early days of gaming when 8 colours was a major selling point and have watched gaming become embraced as mainstream instead of treated as a dirty hobby akin to watching pormography. This has seen gaming blossom and many games, and innovations around now, woulnd't be but for the casual players people bemoan.
PC gaming has increased dramatically too. PCs are no longer as expensive as they once were and are much more common to find in a home.
As much as people want to try and deny it gaming has always had it's undesirables regardless of platform the only difference is there are more of them now ONLY because there are more gamers in total.

sigh......10th time ive bowed to someones wisdom in so little time notheless :bowdown: ....and of course :intergalactic:
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BrEezy Baby
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:46 am

...just glad it hasnt destroyed ratchet and clank for me

Does that mean All 4 One doesn't svck after all? :hehe:
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:58 am

Does that mean All 4 One doesn't svck after all? :hehe:

awesome single and multiplayer , very funny too just some good ol r&c damn if only spyro and crash had the same fate :intergalactic:
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Brian LeHury
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:29 pm

oh sweet(god, the elitism and outright ignorance of this thread is astounding....

Angry nerds are so funny to the rest of know that actually interact with women.

Nerd rage, and the endless entertainment it provides, FTW.
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Alan Cutler
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:58 pm

Possibly, I guess the XBox thing gets linked to the changes that were made to Oblivion, I think though that the reason Morrowind (that only got relesed on Xbox much later) was'nt dumbed down was because the extra people it would appeal to was minimal set against the market it had to lose to which the game originally appealed. I guess I wish someone would come forward to do a more traditional RPG allowing you to create an individual character and continue crafting your charater in little ways through the game. Morrowind had this to some extent but unfortunately its fight scenes were not what all that great which is where Oblivion tended to do better. I just guess I expected for games after Morrowind to get more in depth with charater generation stuff you do in the game not less. Yes the game is fun enough to play for a while but it more just of you go now an never minf the intricasies that much. I mean its not appalling bad that I would not want to play (though in parts such as the menu system it is appalling) it just that it could be so much more enjoyable to traditional RPG fans.

Oh one final grip have you noticed how two handed weapons do twice as much damage now as one handed and that a shield is more of a hinderance in Skyrim where in Oblivion sword and shielf seemed a good choice. Just seems two handed weapons are overcompensated now in Skyrim making them the choice to go with.

Morrowind was released on the Xbox only a month after the release on PC.

And it should be that two weapons does more damage, so as to make the choice more worth taking since with two-handed weapons and sword-and-board style, you still have the option to block, reducing combat damage overall. The dual-wielder has to take the more kamikaze route.
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kitten maciver
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:12 pm

which is the downside to the industry having gotten so big (halo,mw,wow,svr,ea in general etc) just glad it hasnt destroyed ratchet and clank for me

Well see the problem is not games themselves. Halo's single player is done well (for me) and I like the story, I was happy between Halo 1 - 2 and 3 was eh but the story was decent. Hated reach. Now I liked the multiplayer in Halo 1/2 but not from their forward. The main reason is the fact that their room for improvement is less due to the jumps in technology over the span of the first two games. Sure 3 was alright because of the next leap, I loved the story but I didn't have much enjoyment with the multiplayer (personally at least).

The problem is that games like CoD can just re-skin/new map/newish story and then sell it again for 60 dollars every year and sell millions of copies every time because of the majority of the casuals/only CoD/Halo players (not all shooters just those really.. and maybe some madden).

I don't condemn people for genera preference or choices I judge them for the fact that they are happy with mediocre games and support them and further the half-assed game making style which comes down to cranking out new games as fast as possible with enough to please the majority for maximum profit.

The corporate side is winning out hard over the actual gamer community that had been developed slowly over the start of video games. I am for growth but not for the bastardization of games over the dollar. I am disappointed as a whole. I do recognize real effort and real games still come out, the problem is not that. The issue is the movie games and reskinned games which sell the most copies and make it harder for smaller publishers to thrive anymore or become well known. Its becoming like rich people with Old Money and New Money.
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matt oneil
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:08 pm

skyrim is a bad RPG -Rocket Propelleled Grenade-

ye ill pay that!
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Baby K(:
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:22 am

Skyrim is a poor RPG

It's not an RPG.
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Sophie Miller
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:51 am

Anyway, to call this thread to a close as far as I'm concerned at least, its nice to know others have found the same. One final thought in the next instalment maybe they could have two character generation modes one for those that like stats and one for those that like it dumbed down so just gives more limited overal stats and the computer does the rest. Now I won't suggest for one minute they have two buttons to press i.e Intellegent or Dumb (in brackets Xbox user) lol.
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Courtney Foren
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:35 pm

I understand where the OP is coming from. I feel a huge disconnect from the former TES games when playing this. Was it simplified? Yes. That is what is bugging alot of people about the game i think.
Face it though, this is the new breed of RPG that is cross platform anymore.

Like sports games should be kept on consoles, RPGS should be kept on PCs.

/pc & ps3 gamer
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Albert Wesker
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:28 am

But they could have combined what they learned in Oblivion and Fallout and brought it into Skyrim. True, Skyrim has better customization than Oblivion. But it is watered down and lackluster. Even Dragon Age Origins had more options when it comes to customization than Skryim does.

I think you are mistaken. DAO is a good game in its own terms, but in my opinion the customization is better in Skyrim. Skyrim has also a different approach to character development.
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Esther Fernandez
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:51 pm

It's not an RPG.

It's an action RPG which is a sub-group of RPGs in general.
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Laura Elizabeth
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:37 am

Well see the problem is not games themselves. Halo's single player is done well (for me) and I like the story, I was happy between Halo 1 - 2 and 3 was eh but the story was decent. Hated reach. Now I liked the multiplayer in Halo 1/2 but not from their forward. The main reason is the fact that their room for improvement is less due to the jumps in technology over the span of the first two games. Sure 3 was alright because of the next leap, I loved the story but I didn't have much enjoyment with the multiplayer (personally at least).

The problem is that games like CoD can just re-skin/new map/newish story and then sell it again for 60 dollars every year and sell millions of copies every time because of the majority of the casuals/only CoD/Halo players (not all shooters just those really.. and maybe some madden).

I don't condemn people for genera preference or choices I judge them for the fact that they are happy with mediocre games and support them and further the half-assed game making style which comes down to cranking out new games as fast as possible with enough to please the majority for maximum profit.

The corporate side is winning out hard over the actual gamer community that had been developed slowly over the start of video games. I am for growth but not for the bastardization of games over the dollar. I am disappointed as a whole. I do recognize real effort and real games still come out, the problem is not that. The issue is the movie games and reskinned games which sell the most copies and make it harder for smaller publishers to thrive anymore or become well known. Its becoming like rich people with Old Money and New Money.

well said ...really made me think...damn poor silicon knights studios, alot of companies have closed recently...or some have gone straight to doing downloadables....damn
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Kieren Thomson
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:56 pm

It's an action RPG which is a sub-group of RPGs in general.

...since 1994
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Chloe Mayo
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:23 pm

The Ui is bad for console to :whistling:
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Sabrina Steige
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:08 pm

Let's just say they dumbed it down, because of Blizzard dumbing down the genre with WoW.

Most every game since has gone that route.

Oblivion had it's flaws, but are easily fixed with mods. Skyrim to me, is nothing more than a heavily modified (and not always for the better) Oblivion set in a different area.

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Tanya Parra
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:49 am

To add to what I am talking about.

Look at the Zelda franchise of games. They have continued (mostly) to stay true to what we love about Zelda (assuming) and continue to keep what we love while still making a great game. They scored a 10/10 on most sites unbiased by the dollar on their reviews.

Look at Ninja Gaiden, they stated the new game coming will be much easier so "everyone" can now get to the end of the game. Was it super hard when it came out for Xbox? Yes, it was. I loved the challenge and it took me forever to beat it due to the fact my better skillset lies in other game types. But now to appeal to more people and to capture a larger audience they are making it "easier to complete" which I agree to a degree it needed but really do you think the dollar was not the main motivator behind this?

TES series is no different with lowering content. Do they give me the same feel? Yes. I still think they could be doing a lot more and make themselves appear stronger to the life gamers/hard cores but then they would lose out on money due to complexity/time it takes to go through the game. Most casuals I know do not like a long long story and I watched a friend who has never really played RPG games pick up the game, it caused me pain to watch him.

The simple fact is that games have to be (or are at least) make things more appealing to the general public to be successful. Gaming is growing but it's not just for the nerds/underground crowd anymore. Not everyone owned a nintendo or a sega but now most people I know, gamers or not own a Wii or Xbox.


Look at Torchlight, its doing "fine" but it has the original Diablo team and it's a great game but it's not nearly as well known as Diablo and do not expect Tourchlight 2 to beat Diablo 3 or even come close. I will play both but I have to admit the money power of bigger companies beats out the well made lower profit productions.


Also look at the Final Fantasy series. I liked FF X but not X2 due to the fact that you pretty much were forced in a (imo) shady fashion to buy the guide to get 100% completion. Which is a large load of crap, The open world features of the old games are not really in the new games from 10 and up. Look at it and tell me, is the world really open like 7, 8, or 9? Or any of the earlier games even? It makes me sad to be rail roaded (within limits, there is freedom but not much of it)
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:17 am

I do agree that Character generation is less of a focus, but this entirely deliberate, the idea being that you craft your character through your choices in the game rather than those right at the start.

It has nothing to do with being dumbed down for x-box users. It is in no way dumbed down, and wouldn't need to be for xbox users. Please refrain from format-bashing!

The reference to a game being "dumbed down" refers to the fact that modern gaming PCs are leaps and bounds of consoles, almost from the moment a new console is released, and that in order to make a game that plays on both PCs and consoles, developers will often design the game with the capabilities of the weaker consoles in mind as a cap to quality and size of the game... However, the process of capping game requirements (which definitely DOES happen, by the way) happens for a quite different reason. First, developers COULD design a game that is much better than what Skyrim is, in size and graphics quality. The fact that there are already modified texture packs coming out for parts of the game, in much higher quality and resolution, supports the concept that those graphics were both scaled back, and that the game is designed to be able to render higher quality textures from the beginning...

However, by making a game that pushes all these aspects to their max, Bethesda would essentially alienate anybody who isn't running a $3000 gaming rig, including all of those console users. I waited in line with over 300 people on release night. Were the game to only run for those with maxed gaming systems, I would estimate maybe 90% of that number would not have been there. When I purchased my copy (PC), there were only 7 PC editions left, and they had two FULL crates of 360 editions they were going through... Considering the fact that ALL of those 360 sales go back into Bethesda's development budget for the next game, I am certainly glad they decided on this popular economic tactic rather than "pushing things to the max"...

Considering that the modding community has already begun issuing better quality graphics packages, and improved UI elements for those of us with beefy systems. Assuming the modding community is up to the standards they met with both Morrowind and Oblivion, we are in for some wonderful mods in the near future.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:30 pm

That single statement invalidates every other thing you have to say. But thanks for your contributions!

tbh it's true. If they'd have focused the game on PC, it would have alot of advanced features not currently available. Not to mention how the graphics would be godlike.
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Killer McCracken
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:55 am

Even another point. The only thing I have against consoles are that they hold back games. And yes, the dev's made it for people who don't play RPG's. They made it simple so alo't console users would buy it.

How are they holding back games? I thought sales, and mainstream acceptability were at all time high for the gaming industry.
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Everardo Montano
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:44 pm

funny thing sbout games like Pokemon, and Zelda, gsmes that are "true to their roots" is that you played one game, you played them all.
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El Khatiri
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:34 pm

I respect your opinion and everything, but don't blame the consoles (you're specifically blaming the Xbox 360), they do help bring in money for the companies to put out other games.
But we don't really care what you think, each to their own.
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Janine Rose
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:27 pm

tbh it's true. If they'd have focused the game on PC, it would have alot of advanced features not currently available. Not to mention how the graphics would be godlike.

ye make a game that 10% of the market can enjoy, thats a good business model :celebration:
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Tiffany Castillo
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:21 pm

Jesus christ, no wonder PC gamers have a bad reputation.
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