Graphics is also a problem, although the graphics overal is impressive looking there seems to be slight pixelation at the sides of objects, i.e a slight jagged black line. Oblivion does not have this and it not a problem related to hardware as far as I can see. This game just gives the feel that it was rushed through in places without any thought for quality. Now its almost just pick up a weapon and of you go so no not what I look for in an RPG and will be unwilling to pay full price for any such similar offering in the future now I know what to expect.
On the plus side the intro is quite good, a bit different from the usual, 'the king is dead and you have to save the world' type intro it looked like it might turn out to be in early development gameplay is fine not quite as tongue in cheek as Oblivion which is a shame. Just think they could have been a bit more inventive with the stuff they could have included. The weapon generation lacks any notion of being able to craft an individual weapon it just feels like a world of warcraft rehash. So yes this game could have been so much better.
In weapon generation they could have had a series of two or three phases in which you generated an individually crafted weapon say starting of with a rod of steel, lengthening or shortening it, ie. betweeen one and two handed weapons, then adding the tip, jagged edges or bending it (perhaps some templates you can squash down or lengthen to achieve this) then finally customising the hilt again from templates you can alter. I just don't see the point of generating a weapon you can buy in the weapon shop, its rather pointless. I think what people want is to be able to generate an individual character, armour and weaponry without having to resort to doing a 3d cad version themselves and bringing it into the game that it was never supposed to be a part of.
Now I could go on with more ideas to bring more of an interesting element to the game but I think the above gives an idea. I just think that this game could have been more adventurous on this front particularly as they have done several now. I just wish they have not messed with the character generation more than they had done in Oblivion as it now feels so dumbed down and weak in this repect which I feel is what many RPG's want just to try and make a few more bob flogging it to those that arn't really big RPG fans, what do you think?