I chose a Dark Elf, because that’s what I always choose
Describes little nit picks he had while playing it on the 360
It looked fine if not jaw dropping as, unfortunately, it was running on a 360 and without trying to incite anything, it didn’t run the best. Lets be honest – it’s aging console and each TES game has always pushed the PCs of the time (not to breaking, by any means, but they do scale upwards very nicely). So, it looked fine if a little blurry and jaggy, and the framerate jerked around a bit, but, well, I’m 100% confident that the PC release will iron out all these issues and most importantly, the style is spot on – traditional fantasy with a subtle, unique twist.
A shout shout or was he using it as a metaphor?
the two handed weapon system works well and allows you to legitimately shout (quietly, under your breath) “with fire and sword!”.
(though I do hope there is an option to keep the “finisher” animations in 1st person, rather than breaking to 3rd to show off a kill)
Another example of the improved Radiant AI
After climbing the hill in the distance some, for example, I came across bandits that politely told me to back off while drawing their swords, only launching into attack when I replied with arrows and fire.