» Thu Sep 22, 2011 12:47 pm
There's no good and evil gods in TES. The closest approximation would be the split between Aedra and Daedra, which are roughly anolagous to the gods and demons. Aedra are those who took part in the creation of the mortal realm and are usually viewed as "good" by mortal races, whereas Daedra are those who did not and are frequently viewed as "evil" or at least troublesome, though some are more benign, like Azura. Another important distinction is that Aedra can die whereas Daedra cannot, and Aedra can create whereas Daedra can only change.
Look in the lore forum, specifically at the stickies, if you want to learn more about the setting. Everything is gray, gray, gray, with very little in the way of black and white. Hell, even Mehrunes Dagon's not as simple as being the evil guy. He's Destruction. without destruction nothing new can be created. Tearing down an old building to build a new one can hardly be seen as bad in an objective sense.