.which race do you think is best ?
lol No.
Nords get a few race-specific lines dialogue (barely noticeable, though) but other than that it's all the same.
Just go with whatever race you want, it won't make a difference.
Races mean little in Skyrim when the grand picture is looked at. Khajiit traders are not allowed into towns and what not yet, you are if your a khajiit.
The only thing I noticed is comments from time to time. Bandits will taunt you that you'll make a nice rug if your a khajiit.
Nords will say "What do you want elf." in a demeaning tone of voice from time to time.
Just little things like that.
In a case where tell takes precedence over show and those that tell are shown to be hypocrites (the Caravans are skooma smugglers allied with the Thieves Guild, Ysolda trades in Sleeping Tree Sap) in a series full of unreliable narrators, it makes me think that the treatment Khajiit PC's get is pretty much how they'd be treated if they weren't with the caravans. In other words, I don't believe Khajiit PC's don't get special treatment.
But yeah, you're generally treated better as a Nord, too, but it also goes both ways. The dock Argonians are friendlier to you if you're Argonian, as are the Windhelm Dunmer if you are a Dunmer yourself.
Sticking to the main quest, however, nothing really changes regardless of race save for a few lines of dialogue.