The reason Bethesda made Solsthiem nothing but snow is because Vvardenfell had no snow at all. It was completely different than Vvardenfell just like Shivering Isles was so different than Oblivion. Bethesda didn't make it look like Morrowind because that would have been more of the same.
Alaska is a frozen wasteland!(said seti in stubborn tone

Bethesda still made Solstheim(a respresentation of Skyrim) covered in snow. The same is true for Northern Cyrodiil. Bethesda definitely thinks of Skyrim as frozen and it seems very likely that Bethesda thinks of (mostly)snow when they think of Skyrim. Expecting Skyrim to be a frozen wasteland covered in snow shouldn't be a shocking expectation. After seeing so much snow and so many failed attempts at portraying what you claim is Skyrim, why continue to see more of it? I would be fine with any province being TES V's setting and I am fine with Skyrim being TES V's setting, but I'm not overly excited about it. Bethesda hasn't shown us anything to make us believe they don't think of Skyrim as a frozen, mostly snow-covered wasteland.
I'm not able to picture Skyrim as anything more than the usual attempts of portraying Skyrim(which have made me sick of anything related to Skyrim and don't make me believe in that Skyrim is going to be any different). I'm not able to picture Skyrim not because I lack imagination, but because Bethesda hasn't indicated that Skyrim will be anything more than a frozen wasteland full of stereotypical, Viking culture(along with worship of the Nine).