Skyrim Redone + Skyrim Unleashed and Duel Combat Realism

Post » Tue Dec 31, 2013 3:17 pm

I have seen people playing with these three mods at the same time I just don't know how to get them to work together... I mean, when installing Skyrim Redone do I just install Main, Races and Standing Stone modules, followed by Skyrim Unleashed then Duel? (Leaving out SkyRE's Enemy AI, Scaling, Combat and Encounter Zone modules)

Also, is there some other way to make Skyrim Unleashed compatible with Immersive Armors / Weapons without having to use Wyre Bash to make a "bash'd" patch? Since I don't use Wyre Bash and would rather not.

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Post » Tue Dec 31, 2013 10:00 am

nexus is down, what is skyrim unleashed? is it ai?

you have to use wyre bash, reproccer, and tes5edit

b/c if you dont then your level 45 character will suddenly run into a game breaking something or other and it can't be saved, so you'll have to start over.

you wanna start over? everything i mentioned above is so easy to use its a joke not to use it. just takes a little reading

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Post » Tue Dec 31, 2013 7:04 am

Skyrim Unleashed I actually decided against using it. Tried it, didn't like it. Basically just makes intro levels worse then Skyrim Redone did.

But I do like Duel Combat Realism and want that with SkyRE. I would think that all I would need to do is disable Skyrim Redones Enemy AI mod since Duel seems to only affect the Enemies AI.

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