Skyrim Relationships: Friendship, Romance, Marriage, Cheatin

Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 10:22 pm

My Imperial/Nord is going to find and befriend a Redguard male and go out on adventures with him, and I will try to find an Altmer female loyal to the Empire and marry her so that she waits in my house when I come back from my adventures. :P
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 11:30 pm

How long are these threads going to go on?

Seriously? You're already asking this question?

Let's see, it is July 6. We found out about romance and marriage on July 5. This is the 5th thread on the subject since yesterday.

There are 127 days, 5 hours and 13 minutes left until Skyrim is released.

Between now and then there will be approximately 27,000 threads about this new feature.

Starting from 11.11.11, and proceeding until the end of time, there will be another 18 bajillion threads about this feature, discussing such topics as everyone's favorite romance interest, how to unlock friendship, romance or marriage options with various NPCs, etc.
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:41 pm

What on Earth do an office full of nerds know about relationships anyway? If it makes people happy then let I guess it's another of those "don't use it if you don't like it" things, but It's not something I cared for in the Fable series and it's not something I'll care about in TES either.

You do realize a lot of people who make games have families, right? And that there are girls who work on games to.
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Jerry Cox
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 7:49 pm

No Dar-Ma as an option.
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Rebecca Dosch
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 7:48 am

Seriously? You're already asking this question?

Let's see, it is July 6. We found out about romance and marriage on July 5. This is the 5th thread on the subject since yesterday.

There are 127 days, 5 hours and 13 minutes left until Skyrim is released.

Between now and then there will be approximately 27,000 threads about this new feature.

Starting from 11.11.11, and proceeding until the end of time, there will be another 18 bajillion threads about this feature, discussing such topics as everyone's favorite romance interest, how to unlock friendship, romance or marriage options with various NPCs, etc.

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Marguerite Dabrin
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 4:32 am

No Dar-Ma as an option.

Fixed that.

Great suggestion btw; however, can Argonians live that long?
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Carlos Vazquez
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 9:52 pm

What on Earth do an office full of nerds know about relationships anyway? If it makes people happy then let I guess it's another of those "don't use it if you don't like it" things, but It's not something I cared for in the Fable series and it's not something I'll care about in TES either.

Huh, What do an office full of married men and women know about relationships? Probly more then your 14 year old ass ever will.

OT: I'm concerned about all of this romancing and what not happening in such a small time frame. In OB and MW, I was level 20 and pretty much done with the playthrough within 3 in game Months.
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 1:13 am


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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 7:28 pm

It's really interesting if they move in with you, does that mean only in their home city or will they actually move out? If they move out, what will this mean for their shop if they own one?
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Eduardo Rosas
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 5:50 pm

I just hope that not everybody is bisixual like in Mass Effect and Dragon Age.
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 4:47 pm

It's really interesting if they move in with you, does that mean only in their home city or will they actually move out? If they move out, what will this mean for their shop if they own one?

it would seem a bit odd if you live in Windhelm and your wife lives in Solitude, but I can't imagine any other way for her to continue performing her daily activities, as she's not going to walk from Windhelm to Solitude every day just to open her shop or bake fresh sweetrolls.

The only scenario I can imagine is that she only moves in with you if you buy a house in her hometown.
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:05 pm

I like having the option to get married. I'll probably try it out in the game since I'll never get married in real life.

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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 12:33 am

it would seem a bit odd if you live in Windhelm and your wife lives in Solitude, but I can't imagine any other way for her to continue performing her daily activities, as she's not going to walk from Windhelm to Solitude every day just to open her shop or bake fresh sweetrolls.

The only scenario I can imagine is that she only moves in with you if you buy a house in her hometown.

Forget that. The only way my PC will marry someone is if they like life on the road. In gaming life, want a crew, not a boat anchor. That's why I'm hoping you can "marry" traveling companions. I want someone watching my back, not my store.
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naome duncan
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 9:17 am

I like having the option to get married. I'll probably try it out in the game since I'll never get married in real life.

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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 7:53 pm

What on Earth do an office full of nerds know about relationships anyway? If it makes people happy then let I guess it's another of those "don't use it if you don't like it" things, but It's not something I cared for in the Fable series and it's not something I'll care about in TES either.

I'm pretty sure Todd has a son, either he is better at making AI than Oblivion suggests or he has, in fact, gotten into a relationship.

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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 2:07 am

Forget that. The only way my PC will marry someone is if they like life on the road. In gaming life, want a crew, not a boat anchor. That's why I'm hoping you can "marry" traveling companions. I want someone watching my back, not my store.

I imagine if your wife is your companion, you can tell her to follow you. But there will probably be some kind of difference between NPCs that might be inclined to enter a dungeon and NPCs that would flee from any kind of combat.

Also, I seem to recall Madaras Zore mentioning that there will be traveling merchants in the game that follow a caravan route from town to town.
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 1:59 am

It's really interesting if they move in with you, does that mean only in their home city or will they actually move out? If they move out, what will this mean for their shop if they own one?

I bet that a relative of spouse gets the shop, just as if you killed the shop owner. Only this time, the new shop owner likes you, because now you're family (Discounts anyone?)

Summary of Points:
Kill shopkeeper - A relative of shopkeeper moves in - New shopkeeper hates you
Marry shopkeeper - A relative of shopkeeper moves in - New shopkeeper likes you

(Boy, never thought of these possibilities until you mentioned this)
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 7:17 pm

"Relationships" in videogames are pointless unless they actually improve the main narrative/story of the game (like in Mass Effect). And I don't imagine Bethesda's first rendition of "relationships" in a videogame will be all that great, and I especially don't expect it to enhance the narrative in any way, so the easy answer is none of the above.
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 6:10 pm

I just hope that not everybody is bisixual like in Mass Effect and Dragon Age.

There was one bi character in ME; Liara. Ashley was maleShep only; Kaidan was femShep only. I don't believe there were any in ME2. Miranda, Tali, and Jack were maleShep only. Jacob and Garrus were femShep only. Dragon Age Origins had 2; Leliana and Zevran. It was DA2 tha had nearly every party npc as bisixual, and there were a lot of complaining threads on their forum; from Origins only Isabela was bi.
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 3:07 am

There was one bi character in ME; Liara. Ashley was maleShep only; Kaidan was femShep only. I don't believe there were any in ME2. Miranda, Tali, and Jack were maleShep only. Jacob and Garrus were femShep only. Dragon Age Origins had 2; Leliana and Zevran. It was DA2 tha had nearly every party npc as bisixual, and there were a lot of complaining threads on their forum; from Origins only Isabela was bi.

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Anna Beattie
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 6:44 pm

Again, my concerns are on the writing and dialogue for one, and animations on the other. I don't expect award winning writing in the regards to romance but I hope its not grating or cheesed.

As for the animations (hugging, kissing, etc.), I hope they'll be in since if all you do with your significant other is talk, well, what's the point of being more than friends? (Please note: I am talking about simple interactions, I am NOT talking about six). That and unless someone can point out an example, I don't remember there being so much as a handshake between two people in any TES game, the only physical interaction I've seen is a sword to someone's face :rolleyes:
This especially bothered me in other games like Knights of the Old Republic, characters never touched each other and the kiss the male character can have with Bastila was just the two standing in front of each other and a fade to black..I mean WTF, a fade to black for a KISS? I'm glad Bioware learned after that with later games like Jade Empire and Mass Effect because that was friggin STUPID and....sorry, I seem to have gone on a rant there...


Anyway, I like to think Bethesda knows this isn't a feature they can half ass without backlash from both those who want romance and those who don't, so let's hope they are treading carefully.
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 12:12 am

Again, my concerns are on the writing and dialogue for one, and animations on the other. I don't expect award winning writing in the regards to romance but I hope its not grating or cheesed.

Anyway, I like to think Bethesda knows this isn't a feature they can half ass without backlash from both those who want romance and those who don't, so let's hope they are treading carefully.

Yes my sentiments exactly. I'm really surprised Beth decided to take on this challenge, because I image it'd take a lot of work to get just right. I see a lot of ideas being thrown around about this concept, but I really don't see it going that in depth and ending up feeling like a half assed effort on Beth's part. I'm keeping an open mind, but I'm not confident they made the right decision.

Time will tell.
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 10:34 pm

If you expect too much depth you will be disappointed I suspect. I liken this to the guild ranks. Does it make sense you can rise in rank so quickly? No, of course not. Those kinds of connections and rank gains would take years. Having it there is better than nothing at all though, in my opinion. It's also kind of like the scale of the world. In the lore the cities and provinces are significantly bigger with far more people and buildings. In the interest of providing a game though that must be scaled down, as such it will be with relationships.
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Penny Courture
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 3:23 am

There was one bi character in ME; Liara. Ashley was maleShep only; Kaidan was femShep only. I don't believe there were any in ME2. Miranda, Tali, and Jack were maleShep only. Jacob and Garrus were femShep only. Dragon Age Origins had 2; Leliana and Zevran. It was DA2 tha had nearly every party npc as bisixual, and there were a lot of complaining threads on their forum; from Origins only Isabela was bi.

It was more split on the forums about all the LIs being bi. There was the group that wanted all of them bi for equal opportunity, and the other half was saying that it was "unrealistic" to have them all bi.

edit: regarding the Liara romance in ME1, didn't Bioware come out and say that it wasn't a bi/lisbian romance?
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 9:05 pm

If you expect too much depth you will be disappointed I suspect. I liken this to the guild ranks. Does it make sense you can rise in rank so quickly? No, of course not. Those kinds of connections and rank gains would take years. Having it there is better than nothing at all though, in my opinion. It's also kind of like the scale of the world. In the lore the cities and provinces are significantly bigger with far more people and buildings. In the interest of providing a game though that must be scaled down, as such it will be with relationships.

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