Skyrim Relationships: Friendship, Romance, Marriage, Cheatin

Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 7:46 am

There was one bi character in ME; Liara. Ashley was maleShep only; Kaidan was femShep only. I don't believe there were any in ME2. Miranda, Tali, and Jack were maleShep only. Jacob and Garrus were femShep only. Dragon Age Origins had 2; Leliana and Zevran. It was DA2 tha had nearly every party npc as bisixual, and there were a lot of complaining threads on their forum; from Origins only Isabela was bi.

I see. Dragon Age 2 was the playthrough I saw so I assumed the others were similar due to being by the same developer.
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Alberto Aguilera
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:44 pm

Marriage, I couldn't care-less for, and it seems possibly like a rather botched idea. I guess those who are RPing to a full extent that mirrors real life can see the value in it, however, in terms of my game-play of the Elder Scroll series, marriage has been non-existent as an idea in my play through of the games. Here is how I see it:

You get married.... that is it. How? Possibly a few quests for the one you are wanting to marry, then you can marry him or her. I do not envision a full integrated relationship system with depth, rather just a rather thin sheet of content in terms of relationships.
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 5:01 am

"Relationships" in videogames are pointless unless they actually improve the main narrative/story of the game (like in Mass Effect). And I don't imagine Bethesda's first rendition of "relationships" in a videogame will be all that great, and I especially don't expect it to enhance the narrative in any way, so the easy answer is none of the above.

My friend, I believe you are confusing your personal Skyrim narrative with some form of "definitive" Skyrim narrative.

Within the world of RPGs and Action RPGs, there have been some very well-done games by developers like Bioware that allow the player to experience an epic story that is fully fleshed out, where the PC has a predefined role to play with some choices that affect the final outcome.

And on the other hand, there are developers like Bethesda that immerse the player in a wide open sandbox narrative where you are at greater liberty to define the story's arc yourself, for example, who your character is, where he comes from, which NPCs he wants to befriend or flirt with, why he does what he does and which quests and organizations he wants to join.

Neither is necessarily better than the other from an empirical perspective, but on a subjective level, some RPG fans prefer one or the other, and some enjoy both types of games.

In your personal Skyrim narrative, certainly, NPC romance or relationship features might play the tiniest of roles, or even no role at all.

In my personal Skyrim narrative, these features could play an even larger role than Esbern and the Greybeards, for example.

To provide some background, I have been playing Oblivion for years and I still have absolutely no idea what happens after you take Martin to Cloud Ruler Temple. In fact, during my latest playthrough, which I started at the end of 2010, I have racked up over 300 hours, without even touching the main quest or setting foot inside any Oblivion gates yet.

My personal narrative for this particular playthrough is the tragic tale of a young, naive Dunmer orphan who defends herself from the advances of a corrupt palace guard captain in Skingrad and accidentally kills the man. After she falls in with a bloodthirsty cult of assassins, she begins plotting her revenge on all those who wear the hated red garb of the Skingrad city guard. Although she has begun to master the ways of stealth, archery and poison making, this Dunmer does not even know what an Oblivion gate looks like. In her narrative, the Dark Brotherhood and the Skingrad City Guard play a much larger role than the Blades, for example.
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:05 pm

No sir, I don't like it.
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Roberta Obrien
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 9:17 am

I understand that you used the "most" qualifier, but I think you should open the poll race options to allow for multiple choices, in the event that someone might be willing to persue more than one race.

I myself would like to keep Dunmer, Altmer, Bosmer, Breton, Redguard AND Nord lasses on the menu, with a leaning towards Dunmer and Altmer.

Also, I think a query about Polygamy as an option would be nice. Harems and concubines anyone? :celebration: :celebration: :celebration: Praise Holy Sanguine and blessed Dibella!!!

I noted that you had multiple choice for gender relations, which I deem was a proper offering, and it seems only proper that race choices should also have multiple options.
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 8:21 am

My biggest problem with the whole relationship thing is as the very first point in the pole. Relationships developed by doing tasks for someone. I do loads of "tasks" for my supervisors at work and they still don't like me. In fact, I think they think worse of me.
Relationships of any level are developed by having something in common with someone. I met my best friend by sing the Victory Fanfare from final fantasy as it turned out we both liked RPGs Final Fantasy specifically.
I became Fargoths best friend from giving him his ring back.
I became Martins Friend from escorting him to cloud ruler temple.
Yet I know nothing about Fargoth or Martin.

It was DA2 tha had nearly every party npc as bisixual, and there were a lot of complaining threads on their forum; from Origins only Isabela was bi.

That is stupid. Having a unique character with depth means having diverse sixuality. Making everyone bi is just a cheap way to cater to everyone. BioWare really svcks at the whole relationship thing. Except FemShep and Kaidan seemed to play out nicely.
I hope they don't trash Ashley and Kaidan in ME3 by making them bi.
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 1:08 am

I understand that you used the "most" qualifier, but I think you should open the poll race options to allow for multiple choices, in the event that someone might be willing to persue more than one race.

I myself would like to keep Dunmer, Altmer, Bosmer, Breton, Redguard AND Nord lasses on the menu, with a leaning towards Dunmer and Altmer.

Also, I think a query about Polygamy as an option would be nice. Harems and concubines anyone? :celebration: :celebration: :celebration: Praise Holy Sanguine and blessed Dibella!!!

I noted that you had multiple choice for gender relations, which I deem was a proper offering, and it seems only proper that race choices should also have multiple options.

Your wish is my command. Most of the options are now multiple choice.

Unfortunately you can only have maximum 5 questions, so I can't add new questions
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 6:34 am

I'm waiting for them to say it was a joke.(and of course that was a joke, I'm not against this whole relationship thing as long as it gives some benefits.)
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Phillip Brunyee
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 10:13 pm

Your wish is my command. Most of the options are now multiple choice.

Unfortunately you can only have maximum 5 questions, so I can't add new questions

Thank you my good friend. Your screenname suggests you might be at home serving Sanguine and Dibella, yourself :wink_smile: LOLOLOL.

Anyhow, thank you much, and if no more questions can be added, just put me down in a special addenda notes column as "Polygamy and Harems for the win!" Lol.
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 3:43 am

Alvor. Together we will dual-man-bash our way through all trouble we meet on our way, like when I dual-shield-bash. That or Jsashe. Like her I and my char are both big fans for Shor.
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Chris BEvan
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 3:47 am

Thank you my good friend. Your screenname suggests you might be at home serving Sanguine and Dibella, yourself :wink_smile: LOLOLOL.

Anyhow, thank you much, and if no more questions can be added, just put me down in a special addenda notes column as "Polygamy and Harems for the win!" Lol.

LOL my pleasure.

BTW I added your polygamy request to the first question.
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Juanita Hernandez
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 2:54 am

LOL my pleasure.

BTW I added the polygamy option in the first question.

I SAW thank you. And I checked it! Right along with Altmer, Dunmer, Bosmer, Breton, Nord, Redguard, Imperial and other Daedric Prince. I would have checked Golden Saints and Mazken if they were offered!!! lol
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 2:53 am

As for the animations (hugging, kissing, etc.), I hope they'll be in since if all you do with your significant other is talk, well, what's the point of being more than friends? (Please note: I am talking about simple interactions, I am NOT talking about six). That and unless someone can point out an example, I don't remember there being so much as a handshake between two people in any TES game, the only physical interaction I've seen is a sword to someone's face :rolleyes:

I have to agree, it seems the Beth team is not taking babysteps, they are going whole nine yards with the romance feature by including marriage and cohabitation, so they must be aware that it would be pretty odd not to have any related animations whatsoever.
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 11:48 pm

I SAW thank you. And I checked it! Right along with Altmer, Dunmer, Bosmer, Breton, Nord, Redguard, Imperial and other Daedric Prince. I would have checked Golden Saints and Mazken if they were offered!!! lol

Let me guess, when you go to the food court in the mall, you like to sample the Mongolian, Mexican, Chinese, Lebanese, Japanese, Korean, Brazilian, Italian, etc......amirite?
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JUan Martinez
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 6:20 pm

My biggest problem with the whole relationship thing is as the very first point in the pole. Relationships developed by doing tasks for someone. I do loads of "tasks" for my supervisors at work and they still don't like me. In fact, I think they think worse of me.

Relationships of any level are developed by having something in common with someone. I met my best friend by sing the Victory Fanfare from final fantasy as it turned out we both liked RPGs Final Fantasy specifically.

I became Fargoths best friend from giving him his ring back.
I became Martins Friend from escorting him to cloud ruler temple.
Yet I know nothing about Fargoth or Martin.

OK you have a point here - however, are you suggesting that it would be better to have friendships develop in a different way in Skyrim?

If so, how, exactly?
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Gemma Archer
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 12:46 am

Huh, What do an office full of married men and women know about relationships? Probly more then your 14 year old ass ever will.

OT: I'm concerned about all of this romancing and what not happening in such a small time frame. In OB and MW, I was level 20 and pretty much done with the playthrough within 3 in game Months.

Not that it makes a difference but I'm actually 4 years your elder. It was supposed to be a joke, and it's people like yourself that made me so hesitant to make an account here again in the first place. Guess I'll stick to lurking for information until the times comes to release mods again. And you only played TES 3&4 for 3 in game months apiece? Do you also perchance play mmorpg's, and call everyone a new player?

EDIT: "New player" were not my words, damn forums!
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 3:04 am

Let me guess, when you go to the food court in the mall, you like to sample the Mongolian, Mexican, Chinese, Lebanese, Japanese, Korean, Brazilian, Italian, etc......amirite?

As long as it looks and smells apetizing, and there is no reputation for salmonalia/ecoli etc. Lol
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 10:58 pm

It makes sense that the Male-Female marriage type has the most votes. What's interesting is the second most goes to Female-Female, and I'm pretty sure that both of these options have been solely voted for by guys. :P
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Guinevere Wood
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:03 pm

It makes sense that the Male-Female marriage type has the most votes. What's interesting is the second most goes to Female-Female, and I'm pretty sure that both of these options have been solely voted for by guys. :P

Also interesting to note there are some people who want to romance a Draugr or an Ice Wraith....different strokes.
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kevin ball
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 7:18 pm


just kidding :P


I don't know about marriage, since I loath the idea in real life but romance sure :D I will try pretty much everything that's what games are for :spotted owl:
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Riky Carrasco
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:17 pm

A Volkihar will be the love of my life and she will bite me so we can be together forever! :wub:
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Davorah Katz
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 2:03 am

Also interesting to note there are some people who want to romance a Draugr or an Ice Wraith....different strokes.

Hum. Where are the Xivilais, Dremoras, Scamps, Atronachs, Dreughs, Spriggan, Minotaurs, Imps, Trolls, Aurorans, Falmers, Rieklins, Grahls, Frost Giants, Gehenoths, Goblins, Ogres, Ogrims, Daedroths and Winged Twilights?
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Sophie Louise Edge
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 10:10 pm

lusty argonian maid FTW
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Sista Sila
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 6:55 pm

if by divorce you mean kill.... >:)
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Ashley Tamen
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 3:01 am

I'm just completely fed-up with this whole marriage thing.. :homestar:
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