@Merari - the GS and DS were added by request; however, you can only have up to 20 responses for poll questions, so our menagerie must be limited in size.
Heh, menagerie

When it comes to in game relationships I think its a great addition. It will make the PC more a part of the world, it opens up roleplaying opportunities.
I am already planning to play an Altmer with no interest in romance with anyone at all.
A Dunmer racist who would prefer to marry an upper class Dunmer lady, but in the end will settle for any Dunmer woman.
And a Khajit rogue. He will specialise in diplomacy and sneaking rather than direct confrontation and romances anything in pants. Male or female of any race, as long as he has some fun.
There are so many posibilities to flesh out a character more with this, I think its a wonderful addition to the game. And I also am quite sure that it will be very much unlike how fable or dragon age did it.