The Skyrim Fan Interview Q&A response revealed that you can now enter into romance relationships with NPCs in Skyrim and even get married, according to Bruce Nesmith:
7) Will we be able to have relationships with the NPCs, romantic or otherwise?
Bruce: Absolutely! You make friends with people by doing things for them. Friends in the game will treat you differently. Some of them will even agree to go with you into dungeons and on adventures. You can even get married. If you own a house, your spouse will move in with you.
Update Aug 24: Same six romance and marriage options confirmed by Pete:!/dcdeacon/status/106531907218579457
Here is the complete quote:
14 hours ago
in reply to @Jadis232 ↑
Pete Hines
@Jadis232 Not hush hush, just not making a huge deal out of it. You can marry anyone.
Pete Hines
@DCDeacon @Jadis232 Sorry, should clarify. Not any NPC, just mean any male or female. Doesn't matter what you're playing.
Among the info from the QuakeCon journalist hands on previews, there is a bit more that suggests greater complexity in the relationships with NPCs:
1. you can persuade random NPCs to accompany you and they feel like intelligent, interesting companions:
"As we helped a person to receive a letter in this brief quest, we could ask him to follow us, and he became an intelligent and careful fellow companion adventurer. "
2. there is a woman named Sigrid who tells us she is "spoken for"
"When I went back outside I met a woman named Sigrid, whose first words to me were "I'm spoken for, don't get any ideas." She kept on farming while telling me about herself and her daughter. "
3. even minor NPCs have more complexity and depth compared with Oblivion
Source: a few of the QuakeCon hands on preview articles
What do you think about this new feature?
Will your PC get married?
Will you remain faithful or perhaps flirt with other NPCs behind your spouse's back?
What about if you get thrown in prison, do you think your wife would visit you and bring you a lockpick?
How do you think getting married (or getting divorced) will affect Radiant Story quests?
Do you think your spouse might get kidnapped by The Horme bandits, for example,
Or if you anger your wife, that she might take out a contract on your life?
What will happen if you follow your spouse around for a day?
Will they continue performing the same daily activities and job schedule they had before marriage?
If you marry a baker, or a shopkeeper, would you expect her to behave differently than if you marry a fellow member of the Dark Brotherhood?
- a general in the Rebel army?
- a bandit?
- the leader of the Whiterun Witches' Coven?
- an assistant librarian at the College of Winterhold, who spends all her time cataloging books for the Ysmir Collective?
- an aristocrat, Clan Matriarch or even the Jarl of a Clan that rules one of the Nine Holds?
What does everyone think this new feature means for modders?
Many mods added companions and romance features for Oblivion, but now that there is this framework, does it make this easier for creative modders to implement new quests and stories involving NPC friendships or romance?
Some more interesting questions posed by Verbose:
Verbose, on 06 July 2011 - 12:44 PM, said:
- Will you be able to break a marriage by seducing one (of both) spouse(s), and then get married with the one of your choice?
- Will you be able, as an evil character, to kidnap one spouse to force the other to do something for you?
- One of the most interesting of these questions, from a gameplay and story-telling viewpoint (but not necessarily from the point of view of role-play) is that ennemies may try to harm the player through his family. Or to kidnap the beloved one to force him doing something. This could lead to long fascinating questlines (and would offer a brilliant application to the radiant story mechanics, since it would be heavily depending on the previous actions of the player)
- If marriage is in the game, then divorce surely should be in.
- But how do the laws of Skyrim allow it (if they do), to what conditions?
- Would it raise many problems related to ownership?
- Divorce isn't the only way to make an end to a marital status.
- Will repudiation be in the game? Widowhood is an other possible outcome.
- How will the inheritance be handled?
- Will I be able to play a black widow, chasing for heritage?
- Will homosixual relationship be possible? Will they possibly give rise to a wedding?
- How will other NPCs react to people involved into homosixual relationships?
- how will they react to people involved into interracial relationships?
- In addition to official marriage, will there be unofficial romantic kinds of union?
- Will we witness marital ceremonies?
- Will, for example, magic be involved to seal the oaths in some way?
- How do two people worshipping different gods get married? What kind of ceremony will they attend?
- Will advltery be possible?
- What kind of consequence would it give cause to?
- What are the dictates of the different religions regarding faithfulness?
- Will some of them tolerate polygamy?
- What new crimes will the laws punish? The examples that pop into my mind are conjugal violence, and possibly advltery.
- Will it be possible to make or adopt children?
- In case of interracial wedding, will it be possible to have hybrid children?
- How will it be possible to seduce people, and will your chosen appearance affect the way different people react to your charming attempts?
- Will there be forced weddings?
- Will a powerful mage be able to cast spells in a permanent enough way to force someone to marry him/her, which could be seen as a form of mental and de facto enslavement?
- In a similar context, will I be able to invoke a Mazken or an Aureal, to bind her/him to Nirn and then to marry her/him?
- Will my wife/husband be able to follow me into dungeons?
- Will my ennemies try to harm me through her/him?
- will there be nudity and sixuality in the game? I mean, it would be very strange that spouses wouldn't even know what each other look like.
Please keep on topic and pay heed to Summer's warning:
"Please just discuss the relationships that may or may not be in the game and steer away from any off topic conversation. We are not discussing real world law or bigotry here, we are discussing what will or will not fit into this game.
In addition I ask that you refrain from expressing your strong opinions about life choices in a way as to offend other members or groups of members of this forum. "
Also, remember the important forum rule:
"Do not discuss the harming of children and do not quote any such posts made by others."