Skyrim Requiem Question

Post » Wed Jan 22, 2014 6:15 pm

I have been playing SkyRE since it came out, I have done a good number of playthroughs with it, and while I used to enjoy it, it has gotten a bit stale. So in an effort to find something new(ish) I came across Skyrim Requiem, and while the overhaul looks like it could be fun, and having played a little bit of it, I am unsure as to what mods would be good with it. For instance, I have not yet played Falskaar (SkyRE apparently isn't compatible with it) and would like to try it out. I also generally use the Interesting NPC's mod. As well as Frostfall / RND.

What I am trying to find out is A: Are those mods compatible with Requiem (Not sure why they wouldn't be except maybe Falskaar) and B: What other mods would you guys recommend I try out in conjunction with Requiem?

I am not looking for visual mods as this laptop is pretty weak (got it back in 09). It plays Skyrim on High well enough, and graphics aren't of huge importance to me. (I would be using a desktop but my job makes using a desktop more trouble then its worth, yay for trucking!)

I would however like something like Immersive Weapons / Armor / Creatures. I used the Weapons / Armor mods before in SkyRE and they clashed kinda... Like there was two of just about everything in the crafting list and whathaveyou, even with the SkyRE Compatibility patch.

Anyway, any suggestions on this would be greatly appreciated as well as any answers on whether those mods that I listed before cause any problems when used together. Thanks in advance.

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Julia Schwalbe
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