If you are a responsible parent, then the world of MMORPG first person shooters should be something of a foreign language to you. In games like Skyrim, players are teleported to a far way lands that are cream filled with demonic spell crafting, violent shirtless blood shed and exposed not only Satanic critters, but bombarded with gay under tones of fecal fornication.
In the land of Skyrim, the player starts off as a captured terrorist, who has been caught plotting to destroy the golden empire by using dragons.
[quote name='_Vector' timestamp='1322178311' post='19450175'] So i came across this artical and thought i share it with all of you since i couldnt stop lmfao.
lol did not expect that XD I mean I could somehow understand them linking it to violence or fairytales contradicting the bible and whatnot (like how they boycotted that film with the talking polar bears)
but come on man this can't be 4 real
edit: it's not even that good or funny oh let's use a lot of "bad words" in our article cuz that's cool and funny can hardly be even called satire IMO
I'm going to assume that a lot of you didn't see that article about Mass Effect by McCullough. He was saying much the same thing as this article is saying and was completely genuine. Some people are just crazy.
Before the player gets to take control of his avatar, they are asked to create a character, which is purely the liberal’s way of teaching out kids that modifying and gender changing one’s self is fun and normal. Once the player has decided if they want to be a female wood fairy or an black ogre from Stormwind, they get to take control of their hell spawned fictitious demon.
I'm going to assume that a lot of you didn't see that article about Mass Effect by McCullough. He was saying much the same thing as this article is saying and was completely genuine. Some people are just crazy.
Shepard alien-whacked his sin rifle and sprayed his demon seed over evil robots.
ROFL .... I suppose the article creator is trolling. He very well knows Blizz got nothing to do with this game. The statistics are bogus fake bullsh!t.
If anything is a threat for humanity,.... then believing in a GOD... is.