if you're a PC player, please leave some mod suggestions that can help increase people's immersion!

(I will suggest some mods below my own 'rules.')
Here are some of my ideas:
- Only make choices and do whatever your character would do. (#?Stay in character no matter what you would do.?#)
- Make a journal to record the major happenings, events & character developments that your character goes through on their adventures.
- Don't fast travel.
(#?You will miss unique locations, encounters, loot & even scenery. You'll even be able to camp outdoors or in an abandoned shack you may find!?#)
?Frostfall (check the 'manage fast travel' in the MCM menu)
- Don't sprint except when in combat.
(#?You'll get very tired very quickly.?#)
- Only 'pay-to-train' in skills that you wouldn't normally partake but would like to get better at (e.g. crafting skills) in in order to enhance immersion.
(#?You wouldn't need training in archery if you're already great at archery, but you would need training in Smithing of you aren't that great and would like to get better?#)
- Eat, Drink & Sleep everyday & night.
?Realistic Needs & Diseases
?Total Realism: Basic Needs
?Imp's More Complex Needs
- Try to avoid traveling at night.
(#?Too dark without torch/lantern & extra dangerous.?#)
?Climates of Tamriel (Darker nights module)
- Read books that you may find interesting.
(#?You should at least read one page and see if you're interested to continue.?#)
- Don't swim or sleep with armour & weapons equipped.
(#?Put them inside a cupboard in your room/house and/or put comfortable clothes on instead.?#)
- Walk more casually in towns/cities.
(#?There's no need to rush. Who else runs around like a loony??#)
?Realistic Humanoid Movement Speed
- Have a realistic carry amount.
(#?Don't carry 3 swords, 2 shields or 4 armour types etc.?#)
?EK Limited Items
?Realistic Carry-weight
?Bandoiler Bags & Pouches
- Reward/pay someone if they do a good deed for you.
(#?Pay your hireling/follower $___ gold pieces every now & then and/or give them a jewel/piece of jewellery of some sort.?#)
- Crafting, cooking, drinking & eating takes time.
(#?Do something else whilst waiting for that weapon/armor/ingot to cool down and mold. make sure you wait for a meal to cook and sit at a table and look around while eating.?#)
?Total Realism: Basic Needs
?Realistic Needs & Diseases
(I know that all of these mods have eating/drinking animations)
- Find shelter whilst it's raining, storming or a blizzard
(#?You'll get soaked, freezing and maybe struck by lightning!?#)
?Wet & Cold
?Splash of Rain
?Climates of Tamriel
- Wear warm clothes in snowy, cold weather. Wear regular clothes/armor in mild weather and wear formal attire/clothing in towns/cities.
?Wet & Cold
?Winter Is Coming - Cloaks
- Use Common Sense.
*Don't use torches in gas-filled areas such as Dwemer Ruins.
*Do NOT swim in icy water.
?Wet & Cold
*Do go near a fire or a sunny place to stay warm & dry if you get soaked.
?Wet & Cold
*Don't loot bodies & misc items whilst there are still enemies trying to kill you.
*Don't take raw/stale/rotten meat from animal corpses.
(#?Who knows how long it's been dead for!?#)
* Don't Save/Load as often.
(#?Don't obsess over saving & loading in case you make a small mistake. Still save regularly, but if you restrict yourself, you will be more determined & careful when fighting enemies or if you make a minor mistake. While this is a simple rule, it is a GREAT one for increased immersion!?#)
- http://hubpages.com/hub/roleplaying-skyrim
- http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/615804-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/64319463