The Orc with the hammer? I'm pretty sure that's just a version of Iron armor. You'll most likely have it by the time you're out of the starter area.
That's what it looks like to me. That's what I love about new Bethesda games. Even the early items look amazing. I'm looking at a variant of iron armor going "awesome, I want" just like I did after seeing the trailer for Oblivion and seeing the Imperial Legion armor (which then was believed to be Iron armor).
As awesome as the Legion armor was, after a year or two in the game, it became so mundane that I no longer cared when I saw it. With a new game, there's new items to go nuts over, and a couple years before it fades into the "meh" category.
I see that orc in the armor and picture my imperial with a sword and dagger sheathed at his belt, and a shield and a bow on his back, and I'm pumped to finally play. If iron armor is getting me this excited, I don't know what I'm going to do when I find Ebony, which is almost always my favorite armor in the series for my warrior characters.
I have four exams this week (one in 2 hours) and I'm looking at pictures of armor for a game coming out in a month. Damn you Bethesda... damn you...