And if it has the IGN logo. Does it mean it is official?
I've seen the exact same screen shots on the VG247 website... a rather established source of information, so I highly doubt a professional website will be using scans. Also don't know if you were trying to be scornful at the end there but you did come off quite arrogant at the end there.
I'm acually a lot more impressed by the Orc- PC fight than anything else. The Aurora looked average to me, but for the console i can see why everyone would wet themselves. The Grassy fields of Rohan (lol) looked a lot better for displaying shadowing improvements i think. I can definitely see the DX11 at work and the resolutions on the grass look quite nice. I think its pretty obvious that roughly less than half are PC screens.
Im pretty sure Skyrim isnt a DX11 game in that it utilizes none of its features, only the optimizations.