If there is anything I missed, let me know!
October 17th screens
-Amazing lighting effects, seems to reflect off the armor and axe as well.
-You can see a couple of his minions in the very back of the screen.
-The axe the PC is holding just screams glass axe to me.
-It seems the Draugr Lord is wearing Daedric armor.
-If you look at the PC's left hand, it looks like his glove is made from skin of a reptile (Perhaps skin of a lizard/dragon?) Looks to '3D' to be leopard print.
-Between the Dragur Lord and his pals, you see what looks like a fallen/tilted over 'cupboard' or something. Look closely at it and you can see a face with faintly glowing eyes. It may be me but I see a face.
-Dunmer vs Orc, obviously. It looks like some armor/robes can have your face hidden. Not much else to see here though
-Mr. tough guy...
-Foliage, foliage...more foliage! (Admit it, you thought the red ones on the ground were roadkill at first? :whistling: )
-So..if we can have torches and use them as a weapon now...I wonder if we can take that torch on the wall beside the guard...
-Looking through the arch in the back, it looks like a big pot or table, seems rounded. Right before it you can see what seems like a
-I have a good feeling the guard is patrolling the area of what I think is the castle or whatever they call it in Skyrim (If its different). Looks to quiet to be a public area.
-Ummm...the guard's sword...is going through the wall. :spotted owl:
-His armor is 'scaly' looking, and it looks like a piece of clothing going over it. Looks like silk IMO.
-Foggy on a cloudy, cold day. Can't get more natural than that!
-The town is on a cliff, is this the one we saw in the trailer? (The infamous "backwards windmill" one?) You can make out what is the town 'sqaure' and the castle by looking at the architecture.
-The big white blob under the town, I am assuming thats a tunnel/hole.
-Grey trees that twist and turn. Does the one in front look like it is more 'alive' than the others? (Remember, trees that attack were confirmed...) :bolt:
-Bottom left corner, you can see a stone path, just barely.
-I guess the stones can be in groups or alone.
-Obviously, it is the Apprentice sign.
-Wow...just, wow! Do I need to describe the lighting effect you see?
-So I guess all the "islands" everyone saw from the official Skyrim map is this area...thin ice, glaciers, the whole deal.
-Small shipwreck *plays TAPS*
-It looks like gusts of wind can carry snow/ice from the ground in it. (Looks to 'active' to be fog)
-I see no Horkers, though :sadvaultboy:
-It was confirmed you can only do alchemy at tables now, and this screen shows it.
-Why so much blur?
-You can see different vials of shapes and colors on the right, and ingredients on the left.
-On the able, it looks like there is different holes for each 'bowl' of potion, as the PC is using the middle one in this case.
-The PC has a ring on his finger, and is stirring nothing in the bowl.
-The PC's robe looks different this time around.
-I like the 'pattern' of how he makes the potion.
-To the left, above the ingredients, you can see other shapes of bowls as well.
-Again, you can see the PC wearing a ring.
-The bound weapon system is now a 'ghostly' look!
-IMO, the bear looks a little odd in some ways...
-The waterfall and the stream looks very natural IMO.
-I think the PC's robe is different than the one in the Alchemy screenshot.
-http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Regice_%28Pok%C3%A9mon%29 :hubbahubba:
-Snow looks dynamic when falling down, even in the screenshot.
-That big shadowy figure behind him..Is that a dungeon? (Look at the top of it, it has that 'hold' architecture of a castle/lair)
-He looks transparent, like a ice cube would be
-One arm is blunt, the other is sharp. Can it change arms?
-I think those are blood scars under his eye, not facepaint.
-Blood on the hammer, but the Orc is holding it in a odd way.
-Little blood on the PC's left hand and the sword in his right looks really 'wooden'. Obviously, a iron sword probably.
-At first, I thought the tunnel in the background was a fireplace but it looks to deep and through to be one, so it looks like a firetrap in it.
-On the bottom, there is a weird texture of something...maybe a animal fur rug or skin rug or whatever?
-Cool looking, twisting tree IMO.
-In the background, behind the tree, you can see the top of a fort or dungeon.
-Wooden fence in the middle of nowhere? Possibly a border.
-Spectacular view of the mountain range! Some fog around it.
Things I missed :read:
And the axe the draugr lord is holding looks like Ebony (reminiscent of Oblivion's gold filigreed ebony armor and weapons)
Draugr one looks like it may be at an ancient Nordic shrine, very nice.
Like I said in another thread, who thinks that the area where the Northern Lights are is where the Volkihar vampires inhabit? ( if they are in the game )
In the Northern Coast Screen it looks like there is a ruin hidden within that glacier. Also if you maximize the image the small dirt coast on the left side of the screen looks as though it may have a horker on it. may just be a stone though. You know how the eyes see what the brain wants it to see
I'm acually a lot more impressed by the Orc- PC fight than anything else. The Aurora looked average to me, but for the console i can see why everyone would wet themselves. The Grassy fields of Rohan (lol) looked a lot better for displaying shadowing improvements i think. I can definitely see the DX11 at work and the resolutions on the grass look quite nice. I think its pretty obvious that roughly less than half are PC screens.
High Hrothgar is nowhere near Solitude and that is a tiny mountain. It's not HH.
Water? It looks like the blue gel out of Portal 2.
The curved plant is a practice dummy I believe.
I believe it's Monkshood, this is how it was seen on Oblivion http://images.uesp.net/0/06/OB_Flora_Monkshood.jpg
Also, all these screens are gorgeous. The draugr lord one is epic. Though call me crazy, but I think that's an elven axe, not glass, though you can't really tell with the lighting. It looks like it can go either way, depending on whether it's gold or green. And the draugr lord probably isn't wearing daedric, at least not daedric armor we can loot and equip. It's probably just armor that's a part of the 'draugr lord skin,' like netch lether armor was part of the goblin skins in Oblivion.
The northern lights-image is ridiculously wide. I think the northern lights look a bit weird too... Like they were see through a fish eye lens, while the rest of the landscape looks normal, but not very detailed...
Like I said in another thread, who thinks that the area where the Northern Lights are is where the Volkihar vampires inhabit? ( if they are in the game )
he Orc with the hammer? I'm pretty sure that's just a version of Iron armor. You'll most likely have it by the time you're out of the starter area.
That's what it looks like to me. That's what I love about new Bethesda games. Even the early items look amazing. I'm looking at a variant of iron armor going "awesome, I want" just like I did after seeing the trailer for Oblivion and seeing the Imperial Legion armor (which then was believed to be Iron armor).
I see that orc in the armor and picture my imperial with a sword and dagger sheathed at his belt, and a shield and a bow on his back, and I'm pumped to finally play. If iron armor is getting me this excited, I don't know what I'm going to do when I find Ebony, which is almost always my favorite armor in the series for my warrior characters.
Upon further review I can confirm it is a practice dummy. It even has a target painted on it and a fake sword and shield attached to it.