What could have been.
Intriguing, engrossing, detailed, but not as well written or completely finished as I would have liked it to be.
How about:
"Some people were infuriated and frustrated with the changes from the beginning and pretty much any time accumulated on Skyrim was just trying to get some use out of it since the money was already spent, plus being on Steam it couldn't be sold and also since any accumulated time is a small fraction of the time spent on previous Elder Scrolls games and only after modders fixed ...bondoed the holes in a game released so unfinished that it could qualify as a collection of incomplete ideas."
"shallow ocean"
Ocean as in possibilities and things that it offers you to do.
Shallow because it never fleshed out even one of those thing that it offered you.
XBOX Exclusive has ended time to move on!
An open world adventure with replayability surpassing that of its predecessors, with a feeling of near limitless possibility, littered with beautiful locales, epic battles and foreboding dungeons, alongside an intricate perk system and new powers, but one that comes at the cost of limited player choice, forced hand-holding and simplification/removal of previous skills and abilities.
Skyrim -- Morrowind and Fallout love-child conceived in Sara Palin's Alaska.
"It has ups and downs, like every other game in history."
Skyrim is beautiful, shallow, repetative, addictive and a great deal of fun, too bad the fun has been cut short, sort of like killing the Goose that laid the golden egg.
The most amazing and fantastic game I have ever played.
Yes, I have played Morrowind and Oblivion. Both were great, don't get me wrong, but I just liked Skyrim better. It's my opinoin, and if you think I am a complete idoit, than let me be one. The only bad Elder Scrolls game, to me, was Arena. No one hardly knew what the main quest line was! XP
So, you're saying it's like Oblivion then...Because as we all know, FO3 was just Oblivion with guns.
Just one more step toward realizing Todd's dream of an action/adventure sword-swinger-on-rails.
A dozen individuals reciting the same words over and over and then complaining that the game does similar.
Since I'm an artist, I'll give an artist's anology: A beautiful painting with little substance.