like a balloon pretty from the outside hollow from the inside.
like a balloon pretty from the outside hollow from the inside.
This is Skyrim in a sentence thread, not harp on what other people think.
And this forum is called ''skyrim general discussion''... So it is a skyrim forum.
Someone once said "Skyrim is a mile wide and an inch deep", I think that sums up Skyrim fairly well in one sentence.
An occasionally flawed, but highly enjoyable experience.
Skyrim is a great game that I will be playing for years.
someone once said wide as an ocean deep as a puddle.
Like streotypical blonde girls pretty, but very shallow.
I work for belethor, at the general goods store
Pretty much this.
The general consensus here seems that Skyrim is a good game but has a lot of half-assed potential.
A breathtaking experience to lose yourself in that falls short of perfection due to a few design flaws and a rushed release.