» Thu May 03, 2012 11:16 am
I hope to Talos I never see a TES anime, but hypothetically, I think it could have a chance of coming out halfway decent if taken by the right company.
I'll be up front and say I'm not a huge fan of anime mostly because it's so popular. It's freaking everywhere, man. You can hardly do an image search for, say, "swords" without a bunch of anime stuff popping up. It gets annoying after a while.
That being said, though, I can get into it a bit if I'm in the right mindset, and there are a few anime series I genuinely enjoy. Death Note and Wolf's Rain being at the top. They're anime, but they're fairly realistic, mature, and for the most part not too over-the-top. If the Elder Scrolls series were treated more that, maybe I'd watch a TES anime.
However, if they were done like Final Fantasy or DragonBall Z with the crazy, brightly colored hair-do, ridiculously implausible weapons and costumes, and crazy ninja moves...that would make me die a bit inside.
I like the Elder Scrolls series as is, but if I had to pick, I think I would rather see a CGI or Western-style cartoon before a full blown TES anime. It could be done, but it would be treading on some very iffy territory for me.