» Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:46 am
I think you're thinking of six appeal, not, er... horniness. To that end: people who want chainmail bikinis can feel free to download mods, but the more time passes in this world, the more trite a "serious" fantasy universe featuring skimpy, skin-exposing and poorly shaped armor becomes. Now, don't get me wrong - it can certainly be amusing in tongue-in-cheek fantasy universes, but if I'm playing in a Nordic epic about fighting a God-Dragon for the safety of time and space, I expect practical armor and a grittier style.
Now, a couple dress models that are a bit more low-cut to throw on the average tavern waitress in the exceptionally Nordic bars, or more subtle stuff - I wouldn't mind, not so much because I'm particularly interested in seeing a bunch of provocative outfits but because it'd be less intrusive and make sense in-universe.