Hi to All...i have a problem...i can't play Skyrim with any mods installed, because after some secs of apparently good gameplay the game start to lag a lot and when i walk i see a lot of lag.
My Computer's Specs are : Intel Core I7 3840 M ( I overclocked it at 4,0 ghz but even like this nothing changed), 12 gb ram, 2 ATI 7970 M Crossifre (the drivers are updated).My Hard Disk is not empty.
I did 3 things to solve this situation :
1)I even set all the details to Low....nothing changed.I removed big mods like falskaar etc.
2) I removed all my graphical mods, i dont use enb,
3) i removed the rest of the mods See that Skyrim is QUITE good (the game speed is decent but i see is at the limit , like if i add one more thnig and it will become slow again) just when i disabel ALL my mods (i have near 50 medium mods installed).
What can i do?
Thanks for your Answers.