Skyrim is Soulless

Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 5:22 am

Obsidian did a much better job when it came to implementing reactivity in the game world and they had a fraction of Skyrim's development time. It's not a question of time, it's a question of creativity and the drive to make a game that feels real. A static game world that pretty much ignores what the player does, forcing them to pretend that they matter and imagine making an impact, is the complete opposite of a roleplaying game.

And while we're on the subject of reactivity, you do realize that it'd be a simple matter of adding a few more lines together with a check to see if the variable"FortGreymoorCleared" is set to true, in order to have said hag react to the fact that the player just slaughtered everyone around her. Then add a second check, for the variable "FortGreymoorOwner", to see if it's taken by Imperials or Stormcloaks and add further reactivity. The Gamebryo tools already supported this in New Vegas. Why wasn't this functionality used?

In fact, why wasn't the entire plethora of tools available to craft a living, breathing world used to make a living, breathing world? When compared to New Vegas, where decisions truly matter and the world reacts to them, Skyrim feels static and lifeless, like a theme park.

Christ. Roleplaying is NOT the same as play pretend. When you have to pretend that you've made a difference and imagine stuff to make the world feel real, that means that the developer has failed to create a roleplaying game. Roleplaying is creating an unique character and playing him out (in accordance with the background chosen, skillset, their views) in a dynamic world that reacts to your choices as you make them. Western RPGs come from the pen-and-paper background, where the Game Master continuously reacts to the players' actions and changes the adventure in response to their actions. This is why a game is supposed to react to the player and his choices, not expect the player to take on the role of Game Master for himself.

The reviewer is not the problem. You are the problem, when you state that (basically) it's wrong to expect the developers to create a good story and it's good to have to write it yourself.

Well said!
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:06 am

Skyrim is not soulless, it's just that at times it's not as exciting as one would expect it to be. And here's why:

- it's not a heavily scripted and linear RPG, it's an open world, it's not supposed to svck you in the story at first glance because there is no linear story to follow
- people have lost the ability to roleplay. Nowadays they just run like hell from A to B killing everyone in between and they don't bother to read any books so they have little or no background on the quests they are following
- last but not least, voice acting. That's what dumbed down NPCs interactions nowadays. There are just too many combinations to cover every scenario

That being said, the Dark Brotherhood quest alone is worth the money, at the end I almost shed a tear. I'm 150+ hours in the game, still enjoying it like the first day and couldn't care less of what people think of it.

*back to play*

Particularly agreed on the voice acting bit, but I think that the roleplay element is quite dumbed down from the let go. Despite what Bethesda claims, even with perks, the loss of several skills and how you level up makes for LESS character choices, characters are more predetermined and if you want to be able to do certain things, there's no 200 ways to do it. You want to get in a faction, you got the warrior faction, mages, thief and assassin. There's a certain number of quests and if you want to be archmage for example, you necessarily need all of them and get up the ladder in a very one-dimensional way. (ie. in Morrowind it was a combination of skills and quests, and if you got your skills better fast, you could bypass some quests, well, you usually didn't need to do every quest. Different games could see the player do quests he didn't do in the last playthrough, while not doing other quests, depending which quest giver you preferred.) There were more factions that were in line with more nuanced characters, making it easier to get quests that are more in line with characters that don't fall within archetypes. And with NPC's dispositions changing more depending on your allegiances and such, it's easier to roleplay according to how the world reacts to you too. Mages could levitate, so if you had low acrobatics you could go up the slopes of the red mountain more easily. You could put traps, unlock chests with spells, and other things. You had more specialization choices within the archetypes, and more easily do things other archetypes do, if you specialized in what enabled you to do so. There's also more than I'm forgetting. The world was more complex, it reacted to you more, etc. And in that case it's easier to roleplay accordingly to what you want to be, and it's more fulfilling. Skyrim feels like it's too easy for one game to be similar to another one, seeing only minor differences between characters who specialize in combat for example. I mean, there's roleplaying in Skyrim, it's just not nearly as deep as in Morrowind or Oblivion even. The game is so detailed, but kinda shallow at the same time.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:58 am

While I agree, Todd Howard himself has actually said that this is there goal. I remember in a video, he said that at its core the game was "Going through a cave killing things and getting loot". Sad indeed.

....Did he say WHY the [censored] they would aim for this?
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Esther Fernandez
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 5:08 am

[censored] them. It's not B's fault that they don't have any cells left for imagination in their brains.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:34 am

So.... Is "no imagination" the new "just nostalgia"?
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:28 am

Skyrim is not soulless, it's just that at times it's not as exciting as one would expect it to be. And here's why:

- it's not a heavily scripted and linear RPG, it's an open world, it's not supposed to svck you in the story at first glance because there is no linear story to follow
- people have lost the ability to roleplay. Nowadays they just run like hell from A to B killing everyone in between and they don't bother to read any books so they have little or no background on the quests they are following
- last but not least, voice acting. That's what dumbed down NPCs interactions nowadays. There are just too many combinations to cover every scenario

I think you touched on a valid point here. Does anyone else have the feeling that they would be able to roleplay better without voiceacting? The open world and non linearity puts restrictions on Skyrim. That makes sense. You can't do everything.

If you were given the choise:
more roleplay options and interactions but no voiceacting in dialogue or the choise beth made, aka voice acting but less roleplay options, what would you choose?

Perhaps full voice acting should be something thats kept for more linear RPG's for now? Time to start running? :bolt:
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:22 am

to be honest it must be soulless because all u ever did was travel when u fast travel it resets everys one that was walking in the world of skyrim for example u [censored] to 2 am auto everyone is in be

what is this
i dont even
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:39 pm

5 years ago: Oblivion is soulless
9 years ago: Morrowind is soulless
15 years ago: Daggerfall is soulless
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Heather Kush
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:38 am

If I want to play pretend, then why the hell do I need a game to do so?

I want to base my character on the game, and I want the game to base itself on my character. If I'm PRETENDING the people of Whiterun view me as a hero for stopping that dragon....then what's the point?

It's very basic: I'm pretending to be a certain role, yes, but that does NOT mean I should also be expected to pretend people are treating me like my role. No no, that's not part of the deal. I fulfilled my end of the "bargain," now the game needs to fulfill it's end. If it can't do that, then again, why do I need the game at all? I'm basically just straight-up playing pretend at that point, which I can do with or without the game.
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Anna Beattie
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:07 am

It's funny how many people are quick to defend Bethesda, basically telling them they can't improve on anything. Do you actually want the best game possible or only lick boots and accept anything that is thrown at you? Some people are basically coming up with elaborate reasons for either laziness, bad priorities and the likes. I'm not saying Skyrim is a bad game, but a game of this size clearly isn't going to be perfect, and lifting the problems only makes sense. Pretending nothing is wrong and covering up every of Bethesda's faults isn't going to make things better, on the contrary. Well, this post doesn't particularly applies to this thread and all those in here who says there's no problem about this subject, it's just that I feel commenting on something that irks me on these forums in general. Developers nowadays are good on the self-patting and even fans get into it, making sure not everything that ought to get fixed get fixed.
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Paula Ramos
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:07 am

The problem is, he is soulless, not Skyrim. He stated so in the first few sentences, about how all he wanted to do was kill and loot and didn't give a [censored] about the story.
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Far'ed K.G.h.m
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:39 pm

So.... Is "no imagination" the new "just nostalgia"?

Seems like it. Petty excuse to cover up a valid point or concern.
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Sharra Llenos
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:28 am

....Did he say WHY the [censored] they would aim for this?


He said that, and that they maintain the illusion of a world by putting forks in the game.


AND HEY! Why waste money on a game when I can go in the woods and play warlocks and warriors (cowboys and indians, mutants and mercenaries etc.) with my friends like I did when I was a wee lad! I know how to use my imagination, but I shouldn't have to do it to this extent to enjoy a game.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:55 am

Yes, stordrage! You should follow Straying Bullet's example and whine only about things you have no control over.


Can't believe you are cowering and resorting to those typical comments. Stop quoting me for no reason unless you have something constructive to say. I don't want to deal with the ignorant.
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Donatus Uwasomba
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:56 am

I agree. I think the author put as much time into the article as he did Skyrim.

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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:05 pm

This is beyond stupid.

First this is like a case of:
There's no full freedom and not everything does what I want them to do -> this game sux.

Which is just ridiculous.
No, not even New Vegas was able to make this case better. I found A LOT of ruins that had interesting names saying that there might be some people inside or a long explorable dungeon with its own story to tell. No, nearly all of them is one room long and has a couple of treasure and a bed in it. Yay.

These big choices did not matter that much either. Will your experience completely change if you would just randomly kill that hoker in the corner? NO, it wouldn't, that wouldn't have any consequence either. There are people complaining how little it means to go in the Legion camp and kill Ceasar, what is different if you let the President die? Apart from you're getting a different ending, absolutely nothing is different.

What is wrong with you have you even listened to what this lady is saying?!
"I can't even keep track of all the people who have been in and out of this fort", "They come, they go, I barely notice!"
Dead bodies on the floor is like every day happening to her, you cannot save her, she doesn't want to leave, THAT'S THE BLOODY POINT!

This is why I seriously question if people here know what they're talking about when some people bring up some stupid things like this.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 1:06 pm

I remember the fort and Agnis. Once she seemed to not offer anything but a few "Who's in charge? Who cares?" sentences, my interest in her dropped to zero and I was off, not giving her a second thought.

I think the author of the piece just can't accept that, yes, even in a game, there might be people (characters) who really don't give a crap what you're doing. She takes care of the fort. People come and go but she takes care of the fort. What more is needed here? Why the desire for her to say "Oh, you're so interesting and different from the many others who come and go; please tell me about yourself and what you're doing and then I will give you a long, convoluted story and end up making a request of you so you can go off and do something and come back and feel like you've made my life better somehow"?

That said, that's the feeling I get from most of the game population. Unless it's quest related, the majority do not seem to care what I'm doing. Perhaps that was the point he was trying to make, but attaching it to one encounter wasn't very effective.
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sally coker
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 1:02 pm


I can't keep reiterating this enough: if you're complaining about NPC's not acknowledging the way you've changed the world, you haven't played Morrowind or Oblivion.

If you can't utilize the game world and create your own rich tapestry out of what you're given, you've lost your imagination and you don't know what roleplay really is.

Sure you need to be imaginative to RP. Ok Agnis is absolutely over the edge crazy. Would a crazy person to this degree still not recongize two people that were just telling her what to do and ordering her around on the floor dead and naked. We aren't saying she should suddenly be sane, or say it's all an act or be a game changing interaction. The fact that there is no change in her at all though. This is the problem with other NPCs as well. Once you become a werewolf and cure yourself people still make the werewolf comments about your smile and ear hair. When the curse is gone at the very least these reactions should stop.

There was another one somebody was posting about the other day. He was the leader of the DB. He comes across a guard that tells him he use to be in the Morag Tong (sp?). He then tells you that he would be killed if the DB knew who he was, and that you could be killed just for knowing about it. The only response you could give is I'll keep your secret. You can't go and open a contract on him, or kill him right there or let him know who you are. Now go roleplay that? What your suddenly became a cold blood assassin with feelings?
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Sharra Llenos
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:05 am

I think you touched on a valid point here. Does anyone else have the feeling that they would be able to roleplay better without voiceacting? The open world and non linearity puts restrictions on Skyrim. That makes sense. You can't do everything.

If you were given the choise:
more roleplay options and interactions but no voiceacting in dialogue or the choise beth made, aka voice acting but less roleplay options, what would you choose?

Perhaps full voice acting should be something thats kept for more linear RPG's for now? Time to start running? :bolt:

My own thoughts is a hybrid system would work. Some NPCs are fully voice acted especially for main quests (but with tons of branches) and factions. But for the generic quests it would be fine if they only spoke greetings and reactions and the rest was written only. Which would allow 1) more content voiced for the main and faction quests and all the possible branches and 2) allow them to get really creative with the minor quest NPCs reactions to what a player did in the MQ and guild quests because it's just written dialogue and not spoken.

But I don't think we're ever going to get back to written dialogue for anyone but the protagonist. Even BioWare has started giving spoken dialogue to the Player Character in Dragon Age, severely limiting branching.
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Rebecca Clare Smith
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:09 am

This is beyond stupid.

First this is like a case of:
There's no full freedom and not everything does what I want them to do -> this game sux.

Which is just ridiculous.
No, not even New Vegas was able to make this case better. I found A LOT of ruins that had interesting names saying that there might be some people inside or a long explorable dungeon with its own story to tell. No, nearly all of them is one room long and has a couple of treasure and a bed in it. Yay.

These big choices did not matter that much either. Will your experience completely change if you would just randomly kill that hoker in the corner? NO, it wouldn't, that wouldn't have any consequence either. There are people complaining how little it means to go in the Legion camp and kill Ceasar, what is different if you let the President die? Apart from you're getting a different ending, absolutely nothing is different.

What is wrong with you have you even listened to what this lady is saying?!
"I can't even keep track of all the people who have been in and out of this fort", "They come, they go, I barely notice!"
Dead bodies on the floor is like every day happening to her, you cannot save her, she doesn't want to leave, THAT'S THE BLOODY POINT!

This is why I seriously question if people here know what they're talking about when some people bring up some stupid things like this.

In New Vegas?

Dude, go kill the hoker. The Kings will friggin' shoot you. Freeside will hate you. You can no longer get Rex as a companion possibly (if you haven't already) and depending on how bad things escalate, it might ruin your relationship with the Followers of the Apocalypse. Bad relationships with them means you might miss out on implants, several skill books and a good percent of the doctors in the game. I speak from experience, because I accidently shot a person in Freeside once, ended up having to defend myself from the Kings, broke a leg in the fight, and then when I went to the Followers, they didn't want anything to do with me.

Skyrim makes no effort to make the NPCs react at all. I actually think Agnis is an example of a BETTER case of NPC reactions in Skyrim, which is actually pretty sad.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:52 pm

I accidentally hit her with a wayward arrow and the b!tch came at me with a knife. She seemed to have a lot of soul as she tried to cut my throat.

This guy's existential dilemma applies to real life and has nothing to do with the game. Nothing you do matters, get over it.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:19 am

If I want to play pretend, then why the hell do I need a game to do so?

I want to base my character on the game, and I want the game to base itself on my character. If I'm PRETENDING the people of Whiterun view me as a hero for stopping that dragon....then what's the point?

It's very basic: I'm pretending to be a certain role, yes, but that does NOT mean I should also be expected to pretend people are treating me like my role. No no, that's not part of the deal. I fulfilled my end of the "bargain," now the game needs to fulfill it's end. If it can't do that, then again, why do I need the game at all? I'm basically just straight-up playing pretend at that point, which I can do with or without the game.

Wtf are you doing in the forum based on the game you so hate?
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Ricky Rayner
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 5:43 am

I think you touched on a valid point here. Does anyone else have the feeling that they would be able to roleplay better without voiceacting? The open world and non linearity puts restrictions on Skyrim. That makes sense. You can't do everything.

If you were given the choise:
more roleplay options and interactions but no voiceacting in dialogue or the choise beth made, aka voice acting but less roleplay options, what would you choose?

Perhaps full voice acting should be something thats kept for more linear RPG's for now? Time to start running? :bolt:

Have you played Morrowind? It doesn't have voice acting and it shows. Well, yes it has voice acting, actually people have often voiced their disappointment with Oblivion and Skyrim not having the Dunmer "chain-smoking" voice of Morrowind. Except the voice acting is present outside the actual dialogues, so it still helps the immersion. In fact, there's voice acting, but since there's no elaborate acting we don't have to sit through awkward bits or wonder why everyone speaks so damn slowly. And when you get through the same lines, you feel like you're not hearing it all if you pass it up even if you read it. Lack of voice acting means ANY concerns about its flaws related to the acting itself is gone, you're sure it doesn't bother you. And I think it's much more... seamless or smooth personally. You talk to someone, you read his line and that's fine. No "I'm waiting for you to finish your lines" and such, and you actually save time, which may seem like a weird thing to lift up.

The programming for text-only dialogues is quite easy, and it shows with the number of lines and lines of text you read in Morrowind. Only for the main quest, you get a [censored]load of detail on everything. Before doing any real quests, Caius Cosades tells you're a newb and should look for work to get some experience. Then you can ask him about jobs, and he talks about the major guilds, where they are located and all. Instead of saying the bare minimum, what is essential to know as it looks to be the case in Skyrim, he (or anyone else) will give you all the details. He wants you to talk to someone? He will tell you in which city and canton to find him, where to look for him, and by that I mean asking people around for where he may be located since there's no NPC or quest markers. Quests feel much more "fuller" and complex and satisfying. There's no "can you get this sword I left behind in a ruin for me" and then by telepathy get both the name of the ruin and where it's located. Well, the person may tell you the name of the location, but the quest-log won't even record it and you'll need to press "show on map" to know where the hell you are going. And then, how do you actually go there? Up to you. Even if the person already got there, or if he knows someone who might know how to go there easily or where the place is located. Because of course, everyone knows where what they are looking for is, there's rarely any intermediary steps for quests. If there's a huge cliff or a big river you can't cross in the middle of the "straight" path, even if there's big landmarks which could help you to get around, no one will ever tell you that. Etc. And that is not to say Morrowind was perfect, but I can't imagine if they would have put more effort into it, how compelling of a game they could have made... But of course text dialogue is a thing of the past and outdated, so we'll never see that again and we can kiss goodbye well crafted quests or compelling character interaction.
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Jamie Lee
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:57 pm

Wtf are you doing in the forum based on the game you so hate?

You [censored] people, I just can't get enough of you.

CRITICISM IS NOT THE SAME AS HATING SOMETHING! It probably means that they care about the franchise enough to want to see it evolve and progress.

What if we stopped at the musket?

Who needs rockets? We have cannon balls!

Forget those massive steel battle ships, wood is where its at!

Pffffff, why get a car when I can just string 500 horses together?

Dude. [censored] the internet, we have the postoffice and encyclopedias.

Television....just have your kids dance for you, that's entertainment enough!

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Sarah Kim
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:50 am

Wtf are you doing in the forum based on the game you so hate?

Giving constructive feedback perhaps? Instead of kissing the Bethesda's asses. What would be the point of a forum anyway if it would only be to inflate Beth's ego and tell them they can do whatever they like and people won't care? Having an opinion or high standards is so overrated it seems...
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