Maybe he should have used his imagination in an RPG?
This argument again? Maybe the game designers should use their imagination and have NPCs that actually react to the changing world around them. Or NPCs that actually have human motivations that can be explored. Or devise scenarios where your choices actually matter so those choices mean something to the player who is trying to use their imagination to craft their character. The imagination that goes into the world and it's people is the designers job. They're the DM and we're the PCs.
Some examples of lazy writing I came across last night that could actually be great avenues for RPing that were completely missed:
I'm walking to Whiterun from the NW. I come upon a group of Thalmor walking up the road. I think to myself "Oh, this could be cool" I engage conversation and I have two choices: " Who are you?" and "What are the Thalmor". Let's look at how limited that is for a moment. I have no problems with those questions but there has to be more. Firstly, the game assumes I am somehow ignorant of the last era of history of the game by leaving me with only these questions which breaks immersion right there. Secondly, it ignores that I have already dealt with the Thalmor but leaves me no other options. Again, breaks immersion. I ask anyway. For, who are you, I get "I'm a Thalmor Justiciar" Okay. Who is the Thalmor then? "We're the rightful rulers of this continent and soon we rule over lesser races like you again" And that's it. The two grayed out questions hang there. I can't respond in any way. No new dialog opens up. In FO I'd be able to agree with. Disagree with her or tell her to F off possibly making her attack me. But no, nothing. I just take my insults and do the only thing the game allows. Exit out of dialog and kill them all. Endless missed opportunity. Not only that killing them made the guards attack me when I arrived in Whiterun. I kill three before yielding, pay my fine and it's like nothing ever happened. The Thalmor don't care. Nobody in Whiterun cares. Nothing.
Another example of a useless NPC? The racist guy in Windhelm. Why's he so vociferously racist? I dunno, can't ask him. Can't confront him. Can't tell him he's an ass. Can't do anything. What's the point? He's ripe for one to be able to confront him. Maybe brawl with him (aside for money in the inn which has nothing to do his racism) till he submits and you get a story out of him? Nope. Maybe be able to use speech to get further insights? Nope.
The game is filled with these instances where you let NPCs say all kinds of things the character you are RPing may disagree with but there are no options to express that short of exiting dialog and attacking them, which aside from being senseless, is likely useless because their likely essential.