Skyrim 4 CD soundtrack

Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:07 pm

Prior to posting this I attempted to search for other soundtrack threads. The gamesas forums don't display a search link for me (maybe I'm not eligible) and Google searches didn't pick up whatever existing threads there are... sorry!

I ordered the soundtrack on November 4th, got a notification on November 23rd regarding how soon the composer was going to start signing the packages, and today... the soundtrack arrived in the mail.

The package looks just like the pictures at the DirectSong site:

Composer Jeremy Soule signed an autograph in gold paint pen, underneath the listing for Disc 4. I believe that if you order by December 23rd, you can still get a signed copy for yourself for no extra fee.

Track listing and reviews can be seen here:,_the/

and copied further below if you don't feel like visiting that link. If you visit the game-ost page however, you can get a glimpse of the soundtrack sampler that the German customers got with their copy. Interesting. I visited and looked at the Skyrim listing but I don't see evidence of this being a pre-order item for them.

Regardless, the sound quality of the CDs is excellent. If you liked the music for the game I certainly recommend it. For being a signed 4 disc set, this price is very fair.

CD 1

1. Dragonborn 03:58
2. Awake 01:35
3. From Past to Present 05:06
4. Unbroken Road 06:26
5. Ancient Stones 04:48
6. The City Gates 03:48
7. Silent Footsteps 02:53
8. Dragonsreach 02:23
9. Tooth and Claw 01:51
10. Under an Ancient Sun 03:44
11. Death or Sovngarde 03:02
12. Masser 06:06
13. Distant Horizons 03:55
14. Dawn 04:00
15. The Jerall Mountains 03:22
16. Steel on Steel 01:45
17. Secunda 02:05
18. Imperial Throne 02:23

CD 2

1. Frostfall 03:28
2. Night without Stars 00:43
3. Into Darkness 02:55
4. Kyne's Peace 03:52
5. Unbound 01:35
6. Far Horizons 05:33
7. A Winter's Tale 03:22
8. The Bannered Mare 02:30
9. The Streets of Whiterun 04:07
10. One They Fear 03:16
11. The White River 03:31
12. Silence Unbroken 02:24
13. Standing Stones 06:39
14. Beneath the Ice 04:16
15. Tundra 03:52
16. Journey's End 04:10

CD 3

1. Before the Storm 01:09
2. A Chance Meeting 03:12
3. Out of the Cold 03:04
4. Around the Fire 03:12
5. Shadows and Echoes 02:21
6. Caught off Guard 01:13
7. Aurora 07:23
8. Blood and Steel 02:12
9. Towers and Shadows 02:24
10. Seven Thousand Steps 01:08
11. Solitude 02:12
12. Watch the Skies 02:23
13. The Gathering Storm 02:55
14. Sky Above, Voice Within 03:59
15. Death in the Darkness 02:38
16. Shattered Shields 02:40
17. Sovngarde 03:38
18. Wind Guide You 09:05

CD 4

1. Skyrim Atmospheres 42:35
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Ashley Campos
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:50 pm

Where do you live? Im in the UK and pre-ordered it aaaaaaaages ago and it still says "card approved" for me...hopefully it will come before the 16th of december lol.
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JR Cash
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:13 pm

Where do you live? Im in the UK and pre-ordered it aaaaaaaages ago and it still says "card approved" for me...hopefully it will come before the 16th of december lol.

I live in the USA. The delivery type used to send the package to me was United States First Class Mail, with a mailing date of December 3, 2011. The package came from the following address in Washington state:

621 SR9 NE; A-52
Lake Stevens, WA 98258
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Emily Rose
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:28 pm

I've been enjoying the soundtrack immensely, but I have a question about it.

Track 9 of disc 1, "Tooth and Claw," is not the same as its in-game counterpart, mus_combat_01. Specifically, the main difference seems to be the drums. The in-game version of the song has a thunderous percussion track, while the 4-CD version is missing it entirely.

Was this a case of the wrong version of the song being used for the CD set? I'd be interested in hearing peoples' opinions on this.

Also, does anyone know what the in-game version of "Unbound" (disc 2 track 5) is called? It's the only track I can't seem to find in the game files.

Thanks for your help.
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chloe hampson
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:12 pm

I've been enjoying the soundtrack immensely, but I have a question about it.

Track 9 of disc 1, "Tooth and Claw," is not the same as its in-game counterpart, mus_combat_01. Specifically, the main difference seems to be the drums. The in-game version of the song has a thunderous percussion track, while the 4-CD version is missing it entirely.

Was this a case of the wrong version of the song being used for the CD set? I'd be interested in hearing peoples' opinions on this.

Also, does anyone know what the in-game version of "Unbound" (disc 2 track 5) is called? It's the only track I can't seem to find in the game files.

Thanks for your help.

I'd like to think that the composer was sure about the track titles being correct before the soundtrack was mass produced. But without input from the composer himself, we're not going to have a definitive answer regarding the mismatch. Regarding the material that can't be found in the game, I can only speculate wildly. A track from an upcoming DLC, perhaps?

I found this:

Would that be the method you used to extract the audio so that you could make the comparison?
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