» Sat May 28, 2011 3:24 am
90% of the things you guys are labeling as cons (for silly/selfish reasons imo) are easily disabled with 2 clicks of your mouse. You have wasted far more effort posting in this thread than you would have ever used getting steam to work as you prefer it.
Don't like achievements because they "Break Immersion" ? Turn em off.
Don't like auto updates? Turn em off.
Don't like cloud saves? Why not? There is no negative, the saves are still on your HDD. Don't like cloud, don't use it/turn it off.
Multiple Computer Use? If you don't use it, fine, not a con though in the least, just an option for those that want it. And no, you cannot do the same thing with discs easier. Two clicks on each machine and both games will be installed and ready to play. Try putting the same amount of effort with discs and see how far ya get...
No need for discs is great. I have 105 games on my PC right now that are all 2 clicks away from playing. How is that not a pro compared to discs?
Online activation? Deal with it, it may be a con, but it takes less than 30 seconds tops. Again, how long did it take you to write a post complaining about said inconvenience?
Steam Client is not a con. It has no discernible performance effects on any PC built in the last 6 years. If you are playing Skyrim on it, then you wont notice steam is running. Don't like notifications? Turn em off.
Steam Overlay? Irrelevant? So you would rather run Xfire, a program that does 1/100th of what steam does, than run steam itself? There is no logic in this, unless you have very very specific needs that only xfire can accomplish, steam provides everything needed for the gamer.Group Chat, Web Browser, Voice Chat, Profiles, Friends Lists, Groups, Clans, Guides, Game Specific News, Ect. And the beauty of it all? You don't have to use any of it if you don't like it. You use the features you want.
If the said gamer for some reason does not want said benefits? It takes 30 seconds to configure Steam so that they are all disabled. Once again, I guarantee anyone complaining about steam integration has spent more time complaining about it, than they would ever be hassled by it.
I know even in typing this short post I have taken longer than anything steam has ever had me do in relation to a game.
Really, people these days will find anything to complain about.
If I don't like woodelves does that mean they should not be in the game? Does that mean that I and my entitled self should not have to endure the presence of said elves while playing my hundreds of hours of Skyrim? Even though those same elves bring others so much joy? Should I complain about them, boycott, try to see them removed? Just so I don't have to have a game with woodelves in it? Common guys. Just install it and play. Steam software is less intrusive that the OS it is running on.