Skyrim - A Step Up? Or a Step Down?

Post » Thu Nov 14, 2013 11:18 am

Precisely why I posted that link here. I give him credit that he's a Morrowind fan yet doesn't wear nostalgia goggles and bash every game since then like most MW fans do. It's fine if you think Morrowind is the best game of the series but to knock the others as trash out of love for MW is childish and benefits no one...that's like a Zelda fan loving the original 8 bit and saying that Ocarina of Time was garbage when actually they're both great in their own right.

ha I watched both and they both have valid points but the response vid puts to rest most of the complaint vids issues. Fact is no game is perfect and no game can cater to everyone, so if Skyrim is so stupid to you then why come into a Skyrim forum posting stupid comments?
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Josh Sabatini
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Post » Thu Nov 14, 2013 3:15 am

Ah, the good old "if you don't like it leave" argument... the enabler of atrocities of genocidic scale. I just don't like it when people fawn over turds. Makes it more likely we'll be fed more turd in the future.

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Post » Thu Nov 14, 2013 4:35 pm

Both. Skyrim suffers from mediocre writing, guilds, and story, removal of excellent features found in previous games, and so forth but at the same time excels in other areas that make the game great. Smooth gameplay and combat (still about as dull as a rock but much better than its predecessors), magnificent hand crafted world. It's as much a step up and step down as Oblivion was to Morrowind. Every game has its ups and downs, although some of the cons are rather questionable as to why they're there.

Besides the characters involved in an important quest/quest line or DLC, what is this personality for which you speak of? The only unique qualities followers have are their looks and class (and even then do the classes only vary between being a mage or a warrior most of the time). Very little detail in them. And marriage is about as useless as carriages. Only good thing that comes out of it being the free gold a spouse gives.

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Harry Hearing
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Post » Thu Nov 14, 2013 12:05 pm

ha not what I meant, I'm saying say something with sense besides "Skyrim is stupid like Call of Duty". If Skyrim is the Call of Duty of TES then Morrowind is the Deer Hunter game....not a great shooter that everyone can play but diehards swear it's the best ever :wink:

Seriously though you're talking about mods and the like as if it pertains to the actually game as intended...if you stand up Morrowind without mods and Skyrim without mods then only love for MW will deny the fact that it's much more unplayable in vanilla form. Morrowind on Xbox is crap yet Skyrim on xbox is decent. Oblivion is a bit grey as it's both decent and full of crap on console :P

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Post » Thu Nov 14, 2013 5:08 pm

Catering to everyone is why Skyrim took that step back imo. They wanted to sell this game to guys that aren't into RPGs and it succeeded, selling well over 20 million copies. Bravo! The problem is, and its not just Bethesda, that these days the gamers who built the franchise are getting shafted in favor over the guy who think your game looks kinda interesting but he'll pass and just buy the new madden instead. Imagine if Tetris was in this situation. They build up a solid fanbase with their original game but its 2011 and its time for the next iteration. They want to sell many copies but they remove the "L" and Zig-Zag blocks with numerous excuses why. They cite: "People complained it was too spreadsheety", or "We just want people to pick up and play". Thats why I think Skyrim took steps back, because they removed their figurative "L" and Zig-Zag blocks.

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Post » Thu Nov 14, 2013 5:38 am

Well I still use the vanilla UI and play on PC.

Oblivion I gave it a try, started looking for mods almost immediately and soon gave up on it and went back to Morrowind.

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Harinder Ghag
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Post » Thu Nov 14, 2013 2:43 pm

Ah now this is a more reasonable statement and I agree to some extent with what you say yet I don't feel that opening it up a bit completely ruins the experience although I do wish they would've handled things a bit differently to also cater to fans of the roleplaying part of the RPG.

As for the Tetris thing, I will take your word on that and try to hold back my anger ha as I loved me some old school Tetris which was pretty much the reason I got a gameboy as a kid. I can't believe they would do such a thing, that's like Beth making the next main character for TES 6 immortal (gods lets hope they don't simplify things on that level or else I will be TES bashing with the MW guys).

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Post » Thu Nov 14, 2013 6:18 pm

I agree with this. Morrowind by default is really crap and unplayable for me... Oblivion just gave some good memories but overall as dull... Skyrim is the most enjoyable by default (Please note. I do count all Patches + DLCs as well since there's are GOTY editions)...

I do agree though that a Modded Morrowind on PC wins but truly, we shouldn't count mods so therefore Skyrim wins for me.

And I dislike it when people praise to themselves like their opinions are facts... It is your OPINION that you think Skyrim is a bad game yet it is my OPINION that it is a grand game and personally I like where Bethesda is mostly going with TES series... Need to work on quests some more though, that's for sure.

I can agree to a point with what you are saying as Bethesda did a few things to help cater to more people but I still think overall that the game is a step up from the previous titles.

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Post » Thu Nov 14, 2013 8:58 am

Given that we're comparing it against previous TES games, not real life, we have: in Skyrim, NPCs like Mjoll, Erandur, and all the hirelings, who all have unique lines and dialogue; and in Oblivion, generic unnamed followers with generic dialogue. I'd say it's a big improvement.

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Post » Thu Nov 14, 2013 5:35 am

The tetris thing was a "What if?" Just creating a parallel so you could understand my and other's positions on it.

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Kieren Thomson
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Post » Thu Nov 14, 2013 4:05 am

No dialogue? "BY AZURA BY AZURA BY AZURA!" how can you say that's not character :tongue:

ha he served me well as a porch light, I made him stand outside my home with a torch

ha oops, my tired eyes missed the part of your statement where you said "imagine" :cool:

I hear you but it's not quite that serious for Skyrim imo.

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Post » Thu Nov 14, 2013 9:14 am

No contest. I have to scroll more than I should need hoo. The only thing that even makes this an issue is that it does 'put it in your face' that gamesas didn't really give enough of a damn to make an effort when they ported the game for PC. If you get over the idea that you got somehow 'disrespected' the UI actually isn't even a big deal, much less 'game breaking'.

Now the endlessly repetitive nature of combat in Oblivion, coupled with the necessary micromanagement of player leveling, coupled with the "I have three different defensive spells I'd like to have running and they all have such short duration that I am constantly casting until the fight starts at which point they all expire" magic system...that's not 'game-breaking''s just a really lousy game.

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Emmi Coolahan
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Post » Thu Nov 14, 2013 5:08 am

Really? I've fought only 2 dragons since the one at the watch tower and that was 14 levels ago, not sure how many hours, I haven't kept track. Do you ever fast travel? Because I think that there is an increased likelihood of finding a dragon after fast travelling, at least that's what I've heard. I haven't been fast travelling which could account for how rare dragons have been for me.

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Post » Thu Nov 14, 2013 9:03 am

The UI...well, I played with the vanilla UI for a few months and wasn't too bothered by it. I would point out that there is one glaring flaw with it, and that is while your inventory and any merchant's inventory are sorted into categories, storage chests are not; it's just one long list, items mixed up with one another and not grouped in any meaningful manner as you scroll down that list. I can't remember how a dead NPC's inventory is sorted.

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Brandon Wilson
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Post » Thu Nov 14, 2013 6:04 pm

Several depressing steps down in places, and encouraging steps up in other areas of the game. It always feels like 1 step forward 2 steps back with skyrim. I could go into detail but other posters have explained better than I ever could on this forum.

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Dean Brown
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Post » Thu Nov 14, 2013 8:51 am

Skyrim UI is not that bad for the PC, I find it is best to use the keyboard and not the mouse, mouse buggers up the dialog and a few other things. using the the wasd keys works well and can be quite quick.


I mean the Skyrim Vanilla UI

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Jamie Moysey
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Post » Thu Nov 14, 2013 6:34 am

No I dont think it's fast travel. Way back in the early days of the game dragons were way too common. I had stored up massive amounts of dragons souls, 24 at the least, because they would attack you all the time. Seriously I would run form Dragons because I didn't want to fight another one. Coming back after numerous patches I can safely say that maybe they tweaked the dragon spawning in a patch because they do spawn at a more manageable rate.

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Latisha Fry
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Post » Thu Nov 14, 2013 5:07 am

Yeah, forgot about that - it caused me quite a bit of trouble when trading. I'd have to 'try' to select the miscellaneous category four or five times before I clicked in the right place, and the price for not clicking in the right place was to be booted back out of the trade UI and to have to reselect the necessary dialogue option. Ouch...

I only came to Skyrim last Christmas, so my experience is bound to be different. I usually get dragons every three in-game days, and only every other random dragon attacks.

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Post » Thu Nov 14, 2013 3:59 pm

Skyrim. The graphics and gameplay are awesome. Probably without equal.

That said, while the Elder Scrolls world is still steeped in lore, the actual role-playing choices I make for my character are probably half what they were in Morrowind.

Step up or step down? It depends on how you view it, I guess.

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Post » Thu Nov 14, 2013 11:52 am

You know, just yesterday I dug out an old Oblivion save and am taking my Archmage through the Arena, just to meet this Oblivion legend :)

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Amy Smith
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Post » Thu Nov 14, 2013 1:43 pm

Regardless how you use it, it's still absolutely steaming pile of excrement. No option for sorting, finding items is nightmarish, it wastes immense amount of space, etc. List of flaws and issues is endless.

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Post » Thu Nov 14, 2013 4:46 am

Step down. Oblivion with Skyrim graphics would be beastly.
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Post » Thu Nov 14, 2013 4:51 pm


Oblivion was just awful no matter what in my eyes... Only a few simple things I liked in Oblivion... Morrowind, however, would truly be amazingly beastly if given Skyrim's graphics, combat system, etc.

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Post » Thu Nov 14, 2013 3:51 pm

I have never been a fan of the elder scrolls, until I tried Skyrim. To be clear, I' tried both Morrowind and Oblivion, but I dropped them after a few hours of gameplay.

The first time I tried Skyrim I was much sceptical about it, for example:

- same 3d engine as fallout series

- low resolution textures on many surface (as it was told by some reviews, gamespot included).

After the first hour of gameplay I was completely into the game, enthusiast of everything I was doing. The world is simply awesome, the characters are well modeled and fairly well animated, the story is really good and the nordic Viking theme that characterizes the game is fantastic, some quests are unexpected and wonderful (one side quest reminds me a lot "The hangover" movie!). Till now I've sunk into Skyrim more than 700 hours, and even if I have reduced a lot the amount of time per week I play it I consider Skyrim the best action rpg ever. Even compared to The Witcher.

In my opinion the game has some flaws as already told by other users (the spell system for example, the lack of variety of some places and dungeons, the poor variety of the Spellcasters robes), but it is a huge step up from the previous Elder Scrolls games.

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Post » Thu Nov 14, 2013 12:52 pm

I've said more than my fair share on the issue but why not

1 Step forward, Two steps back

As usual they advanced in world building, best world design yet even with all the annoying mountains people thought "wouldn't obstruct playing space"

Graphics? Ah-Mah-Zen best in the series no contest

Gameplay? the most simplest straightforward no dynamic alternate-route lacking installment of the series PERIOD all you have to worry about is your health bar....done and done.

A mile wide (Alot to do)

A foot deep (not many ways to do them)

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