Skyrim's strength is it's greatest Weakness

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:47 pm

You have a point, like to me they could of made different type of dragons, which when I first heard they worked on em for a year I was thinking well maybe they sorted out different types. I atleast wish it wasn't only wyverns, and I thought for a split second that blood dragons could swim.

Also I must add I can't wait for Guild Wars 2 to come out, I don't know why but I just can't wait.

different dragons would also be cool in terms of abilities and looks - take the pixar dragon movie as an example (cant remember the name) or the cartoon dragon hunters
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:39 pm

An amazing lack of understading what is great about an open world RPG there and a biased feeling of what is epic. Complete disagreement here. I've been more often on the edge of my seat playing skyrim than playing Halo etc. The calm periods also offer things no other gamestyle can.

The above poster is right about pen and paper RPGs though. There is a magic there no PC game can touch .

Never tried the pen and paper RPGs but I'm eternally grateful for the 4 years of lunch money that the D&D crowd provided me. :P
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:51 pm

Sooo fable is better because it has boss fights with unique bosses in each of them? In that case, that reviewer would have loved dark souls..
He did say that Skyrim was better when it came to combat, size, freedom and such, but apparently shrugged those away as minor things and brought up the 'epic' boss fights as the winner.

And I've played oblivion, unmodded, for 5 years and will most likely play Skyrim for just as long. It doesn't need mods.

I'm pretty sure you misread something that says "TES is missing unique boss battles and would be better (than itself) if it included those," and instead interpreted it as saying "TES is missing unique boss battles so any game that does have them is better than TES."

Just so we are clear, nobody is saying Fable, or Skyward Sword, or any other game is better than TES because it has uniqueness in it. What we are saying is that TES would be better than it currently is if it had such things.
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