Bethesda games have a surprising habit of turning the extraordinarily epic into the run-of-the-mill. Becoming a God-like being? No big deal, just bash through a couple dungeons and it's yours. Fighting colossal ancient dragons? Sure, ain't no thing. In fact, here's 56 of them. Have fun.
I don't know how to fix this paradox at all. On the one hand, Skyrim is an enormous open world where I can do tons of things in any order I like, almost. However, on the other, this freedom to roam around and do what I like actually tends to create an unorganized, repetitive mess. Every battle I fight has to be scaled to my character, either that or I run into artificial restrictions on where I can and can't go, or what I can and can't do.
So which is better? The constantly on-the-edge-of-your-seat battles that are just barely within reach in games like Zelda, or the vast, open terrain where I can go anywhere I like an know that I won't find anything that's above my head there of Skyrim?
Hard to say.