Nvdia 550ti x2 (Running in SLI)
i7 3770k 3.6hz.
16gb Ram
Alright so I started up Skyrim for the first time in a while, default set on Ultra High /w My assorted mods, now for the first 3 days, it was running like complete butter, 60FPS solid, perfect..
(ex. Unofficial Skyrim Patch, Immersive Weapons/Armor, FXAA Post Process Injector, Pure Waters, Midas Magic, High res texture).
But after 2 days, It began to stutter heavily, then it went away, then it continued to get worse, tiny flickers of textures here and there, until the point where it was unplayable and I would get massive stutter and flicker.
so I disabled all my mods, everything except just bare skyrim, Still flicker and stutter. So then I tried downloading the 60ghz Skyrim Stuttering Fix off of the nexus, still nothing. I even reinstalled Skyrim itself.
I've googled my heart out, since I really would like to enjoy Skyrim, but It seems I cannot fix this problem.
If you could offer any insight on how I could fix this, I would be in your debt forever. Thanks.