I'm sure there have been tons of posts about changes people want. I'm obviously new so I haven't read them all. But I'm interested in simple suggestions. I don't want to get into major things, like the quests, if there should be dragons or not, how to improve graphics, or how the whole combat system needs to work. Also I don't want to discuss bugs or glitches. In general I don't mind the simplifying of things like spells or the skill tree, so I'd prefer not to talk about that either. Overall I'm pretty happy with the game but small things have occurred to me, that together, would enhance the whole experience. Hope this isn't too repetitive. Maybe some of these will come to life in the next TES game. I've haven't played as long as most of you, but I thought I'd share. Anyway, here goes.
? Map: needs more settings; toggle on and off most everything, like quest markers, major cities, towns or settlements, etc. Online somewhere (mashupforge?) there's an interactive Skyrim map that let's you do this. It's cool. When I peek I make sure to turn off most everything.
? HUD: same thing as map: needs more settings; toggle on and off most everything thing like quest markers, major cities, towns or settlements, place you've discovered. You could have just N,S,W,E, or whatever you want on your map. At times it bums we out that it tells you everything near you when you spin around. Maybe some people like being enticed but others don't. Sometimes I'd just like to know where the major cities/towns are and explore the rest.
? Loading screens: these are a huge improvement over the loading screens in Oblivion. Those were horrible. These tips/facts with models are interesting, but I feel there is still a better way. They should help you feel immersed in the what you're doing in-game. This might be opening a door or Fast Traveling. I give some examples next.
? Fast Travel: It would be nice to have some sort of simple animation or QT that gives some sort of impression of travel, as opposed to the black tip/facts screen. Anything that gives the impression of travel or transition. Maybe just looking out the window of a carriage as scenery passes by. Or some sort of horseback view, even if it was just generic. I know things are loading but the tips/facts screen really breaks the experience. Maybe theres another way to get tip/facts.
? Opening doors or entering caves: if there was some way to avoid the black tips/facts screen again. I'm not sure if this is a bigger deal than faking FT. I realize this is a very different (size) game but I recently played Batman AC. It's great how when Batman opens doors it doesn't go to black, but shows a generic cutscene/animation of him entering the building. Also Mass Effect did things that showed the exact character you created in cutscenes. If there was some way to show our Skyrim character entering a place that would be great. But even a generic first person view of the door opening, or something, would be an improvement. Heck, even a static picture of a hand opening a door would still sort of keep me immersed in the game world.
? Other animations to help flow and immersion: (not sure if they is simple really) could some actions have an animation. Maybe when we pick plants or other things, we can see our character knee and pluck, or there some sort of variation - some standing and some kneeling. Even simply in first-person view just have our hand reach out and pretend to pluck something. That would be cool. Our hands do plenty of other things, but mostly around combat. Have them do some other things too, like grab a book from a shelf. Or just have hands simple reach out and then cut to a book, or a lock, or whatever. They could be generic male/female/Nord/Argonian/etc hands. We have a kill-cam, why not this? Seems simple.
? Encounters in the wild (outside cities): I'd like the option to tailor how often you encounters when walking/riding thru the world. Sometimes I'd simply like to just go for a ride but I get attacked by something almost every 1/4 mile (or km). Sometimes it's too much. I realize devs want the world to seem alive, but I think there needs to be some control over that or it needs to be smarter. Maybe just tweaked a bit. For example, the closer you are to city the less random creatures. Or the closer you are to the road the less you are attacked. There are always wolves on the road. Maybe they should be a bit farther off the beaten path. I have to worry about being attacked at any given moment when just going from one spot to the next. It seems no one in this world would be able to go out for an afternoon stroll without getting killed.
? Horses: I wish they had some options like be aggressive or not. I'm always worried about losing my horse or it dying. A couple times I've lost - don't know where it went - my horse and had to buy another. I'm level 25 and haven't seen much variety in horses. Also it would be greet if followers rode horses. (This might not be a small thing.)
? Followers: my follower sheaths/unsheathes her sword every time I switch a spell or weapon. It gets irritating. Please change it. Would be nice to learn more about followers as you spend time with them. If they explained or offered what they can do. I didn't realize things like they could carry stuff for your, or open locks. Yeah, seems obvious, but it didn't dawn on me. Would be great if they rode horses too. I'm sure there are a number of small things that can tweaked about them.
? NPC Dialogue: Often NPCs start to talk to you when you are just near them. They should say, "hello", "good day", or just ignore you. But many speak full sentences whenever you're near. When you are close to a group of people they all start to talk to you at the same time. When you actually decided to engage a person in dialogue, other people are talking to you in the background. Would be nice if that didn't happen. The NPCs should have more conversations between themselves, and at different volumes, especially in places like halls or taverns.
? More music and conversation in pubs/halls. The halls and taverns are usually quiet. These generally just two people talking to each other. NPS sitting at the bar should be talking to the bar tender. Other characters should talk to each other more often. The lone flute player is pretty skimpy. There should be multiple musicians in some places. Those places need some background noise. They feel very solemn. They are supposed to be centers of activity.
? Castles are pretty empty: Similar to halls, castles seem empty to me. They need more NPCs in the castles, or something to make them seem an important and busy place. Maybe more or different guards. I'm not sure what, but something.
? Easier way to manipulate objects. It way too difficult to re-place a bowl or a tankard that has been knocked over. There needs to be one click to make it upright, or align it. Then you can really decorate your house. Maybe some way to lock items in place. I seem to bump things over in my house if I'm not careful, and then I can't get them back in place.