"Wow, all this enthusiasm, we gotta do something with it".
NOTE: I couldn't find a thread like this, so hopefully it could stay opened

This is not a thank you thread or what is essence of Skyrim or TES. This is about YOU and Skyrim, and possibly what past TES games meant to you.
I think it's important for the devs to see this so they get a better picture of what their game is actually to us all. After all, it can't be JUST a game to you if everyone's so excited about it and cuts it to the tiniest bits every single day with the most dedicated forum members I (personally, ofcourse) have ever seen in a forum so far.
So, I'll start by saying what Skyrim is to me:

Another thing is, that I've never been excited like this for a game. I try to be as active as possible, and like you all, I'd rather see tens and hundreds of interviews of Todd stating the same exact things only in different words just because it's new. It's the experience of waiting for this game, and actually feeling excited

So, yeah. Write down what Skyrim is for you, and try to not include negative espects, if you must you must, but I don't want any flame war going on around this thread.
Looking forward escaping and losing myself in hundreds of hours of game time