Skyrim is the Dragon Age 2 of the TES Series

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:11 pm

Anyone who has played Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, DA, and DA2 and understands how casual gamers and console ports are destroying PC classics will completely identify with this post and agree with the OP. Solid critique, of course there are a thousand more issues with the streamlining and balance in this game.
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Ice Fire
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:24 am

Well you didn't. Your statement was purely based on "reviews said X was good and Y was bad, you're wrong.". (Yes I know that's really blunt and you probably wont agree, but that was the gist of it.)

I guess i'm sorry, then i'll say it now to make you feel better.

DAII was complete garbage, i played it. Skyrim is amazing, i played it.

Now back to professional opinion, since I feel that its just as important as random forum posters opinion is. Skyrim is being critically acclaimed more than any other rpg this year, or any other tes, it will likey win tons of RPG GOTYs and GOTYs -> The opposite of DAII which will probably win every "most dissapointing" award.

They are opposite ends of the spectrum.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:04 am

Alpha Protocol? Bwahahaha, Obsidian really devoted fan. No one likes that game.

Actually I know quite a few people who do. Good ob stating an oppinion as fact. You must be one of the drooling people bethesda is after. Maybe you would like AP more if it was a shallow rpg, like skyrim/oblivion. Pissing on rpgs is all the rage in gaming development these days.
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Ana Torrecilla Cabeza
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:24 am

Not at all, you miss my point.
Skyrim could borrow some animals from Cyrodiil though, I personally find it really odd that there are no boars in Skyrim.

That being said I do not want them to recycle mobs/herbs/all that stuff, but they could still add a few more. Everywhere you look there's either mountain flowers or frostberries, that's about it for flora, I guess I have to be thankful there's atleast a few different colours for mountain flowers.
I'd rather they borrow the gameplay elements from previous series, but still have the large amount of variation in flora and fauna I'm used from TES games.
Of course no one expects that there are Netches or something exotic like that to be present in Skyrim, but it could adopt some of the (imo) more interesting creatures from Oblivion, Minotaurs for instance. Just change their appearance significantly due to the cold and harsh climate in Skyrim.

Those creatures are native to the climate of Cyrodiil. It's the same thing as having the dreugh in Skyrim. They just wouldn't survive.
And about the flora, i agree to some extent. It's just that i never really tried out alchemy in TES.
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josh evans
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:28 pm

Reviews from companies such as IGN should be taken as a guideline but you must be awear that it can be bias and use your own knolage and opinions and not be a sheep a good example of IGN being bias is the typical Battlefield and Modern warfare debate as they rated multiplayer for Battlefield the same as that of Modern Warfare so as to not take sides and mess with two major game developers. Now for this your own opinion comes in and you decide which is better rather than saying they are rated the same so they are both as good. Basically check the reviews agenda before blindly following their view.
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Romy Welsch
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:09 am

Are you seeking satisfaction and comfort? Some people to hate because they like the game? Sorry that its not your cup of tea boyo but it doesn't warrant a far flung hate threat IMO.

I'm guessing he's giving feedback (albeit a bit exaggerated) in the hopes of the developers reading such thread and the future TES games being more influenced by old TES games rather than modern games in the market.

Personally I hope it happens. There's sadly a reason I barely play videogames these days.

Those creatures are native to the climate of Cyrodiil. It's the same thing as having the dreugh in Skyrim. They just wouldn't survive.
And about the flora, i agree to some extent. It's just that i never really tried out alchemy in TES.

Hmm, quite a lot of creatures have been borrowed from previous TES games (and sometimes altered a bit). Dreugh > Land Dreugh springs to mind.
Daggerfall has quite a lot of creatures similar to Skyrim. Yes, the climate is similar, but Cyrodiil's creatures should quite easily adapt and be able to be found in (southern) regions of Skyrim. Assuming they really are based on their real life counterparts.
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josh evans
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:04 am

Reviews from companies such as IGN should be taken as a guideline but you must be awear that it can be bias and use your own knolage and opinions and not be a sheep a good example of IGN being bias is the typical Battlefield and Modern warfare debate as they rated multiplayer for Battlefield the same as that of Modern Warfare so as to not take sides and mess with two major game developers. Now for this your own opinion comes in and you decide which is better rather than saying they are rated the same so they are both as good. Basically check the reviews agenda before blindly following their view.

How about averages?

I didn't need that site to tell me how good/bad a game was - but it surely helps to prove a point in terms of how well a game was generally received.
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Sheila Esmailka
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:40 pm

Actually I know quite a few people who do. Good ob stating an oppinion as fact. You must be one of the drooling people bethesda is after. Maybe you would like AP more if it was a shallow rpg, like skyrim/oblivion. Pissing on rpgs is all the rage in gaming development these days.

Nope, I like good games. All people like you do is come here and [censored], and then claim Obsidian games were better. GTFO.
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Sammie LM
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:30 am

Is seniority really worth anything though?
I try not to look at that, but rather at the insight someone has in the progression of the series and perhaps the understandling of the lore.
(TES can be played with as much pleasure without ever picking up an in-game book.)

If you look at my joining date you will see that I joined days after Skyrim was announced.

However, I have played the series since Daggerfall and due to being old and resistant to technology only got internet in the post-Oblivion era.

Point is, you cannot really judge someones knowledge of the series by their join date.

Secondly, ok, DA2 is maybe a lacking comparison.
But what have we lost since Daggerfall?
Certainly I would say over half of what got me hooked on the series in the first place.

Loss of spellmaking being about 30% of that.
It is an awesome world, it has great detail. There is a 'little story' to about any place you stumble on.
But there is a severe lack of customisation, of fleshing out, of deep next to broad, freedom, compared to any other title.

Morrowind was the pinnacle in this.
No matter how people want to shove these claims into the 'rose tinted glasses' category, Morrowind offered the most realised, deepest as well as broadest experience in a TES game to date.
It is only that Daggerfall does not win this due to being not a fully handcrafted world.

SInce that the series has bled features and has continued to do so and now we are here.

A beautiful, inviting land that in the end lacks meat on its bones.

No, I don't actually think seniority is really worth anything, just pointing out that there are people who disagree with the OP that have stronger cards than him if he wants to play that game.

Losing spellmaking IMO was one of the best decisions Beth has made for the series. It's unfortunate that alchemy and enchanting basically carried on the TES tradition of extremely exploitable mechanics despite their efforts to balance combat better. I can admit that, if the combat is going to be imbalanced anyway, sure I'll take spellmaking. But I'd rather they work towards better combat, eventually we might get a TES game that actually has genuinely good combat - for better or worse since I'd probably become a total recluse if that happened.

Certainly, I'd have liked more armor options, more spells, more of many things. But I'll take quality before quantity. Customization is also better in Skyrim when it comes to character creation IMO, perks allow for even the highest level characters to have significant strengths and weakness instead of being "master of all trades". When it comes to armor, it's better than Oblivion in some ways, worse in others. Being able to customize gear with enchants much more is nice even if enchanting is still broken/OP. Having no separate pauldrons or greaves, not a major issue for me and I can't really complain as they had good reasons for doing it - the armors just look better and have less clipping issues and I'm sure it's due to this decision.

I can't argue that when it came to atmosphere and story, Morrowind is still the best for me if you exclude the visual advantage of previous games. But I think Skyrim is a step up from Oblivion, they did a much better job at making lore relevant and somewhat subtly involving the history of the TES world. You could find it fragments here and there in dialogue and quests as well as of course the expanding number of books.
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Justin Bywater
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:02 pm

Anyone who has played Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, DA, and DA2 and understands how casual gamers and console ports are destroying PC classics will completely identify with this post and agree with the OP. Solid critique, of course there are a thousand more issues with the streamlining and balance in this game.

Dont blame console ports. I play on console I didnt ask for most stats to vanish in skyrim, didnt ask to loose skills, didnt ask for DAII to have an awesome button, or hack and slash combat.

The devs made the big choices. IF the controls on PC svck, fine blame consoles, but there are big issues that are bethesdas fault, and only their fault.
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Chris Ellis
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:33 am

I somehow think you missed a lot of gameplay. Have you ever noticed hired thugs coming after you, do you know WHY they come after you? Because you stole something from someone. Or why an Assassin comes after you from the Dark Brotherhood once in awhile. You walk the road, you could get mobbed by a mountain lion on the prowl or roaming bandits, or find yourself with a raiding dragon. SOmehow I think you are mixing up a variety of monsters to fight to a dynamic world, which is what I believe we are talking about.

Simply put, Skyrim ahs the most dynamic world of all the games. You have farmers, blacksmiths, politicians, warriors, guards, bandits, assassins, theives all in this world, doing their own thing. You can find someone working the local sawmill. You dont find every NPC needlessly walking the districts doing nothing else then looking important. I think we are all used to the Morrowind/Oblivion mindset of the game being absolutely focused around your character, when the reality is, the game is moving toward a living dynamic world. The NPCs will take actions without you around. My world is probably a lot different from your world or such asd the Dude whose entire populace of Markath is dead due to a dragon.

Honestly, I think you are looking for a game entirely rounded around your play style, while this game is simply rounded around multiple playstyles.

Anyone who has played Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, DA, and DA2 and understands how casual gamers and console ports are destroying PC classics will completely identify with this post and agree with the OP. Solid critique, of course there are a thousand more issues with the streamlining and balance in this game.

Played Morrowind, Oblivion and DA:O and I dont agree entirely with this critique. I think the op is actually referencing ideas that dont actually exist in Morrowind or Oblivion.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:07 am

Nope, I like good games. All people like you do is come here and [censored], and then claim Obsidian games were better. GTFO.

Right becuase your word is the word of god, what you say is good = good. Also forgive me for having a different oppinion to you on obsidians games, and criticisg the dumbed down games bethesda spewed out recently.
Oh and dont tell me to GTFO you ignorant little piece of [censored].

Oh and no I came here before playing an obsidian game. Just under a different name.
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Dewayne Quattlebaum
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:30 am

I'm guessing he's giving feedback (albeit a bit exaggerated) in the hopes of the developers reading such thread and the future TES games being more influenced by old TES games rather than modern games in the market.

Personally I hope it happens. There's sadly a reason I barely play videogames these days.

You and me both man. I'm incredibly picky about my games. I wish they'd fix some graphical errors and optimize it more so they can just focus more on longer story and bigger worlds. I mean Skyrim is big already, but a less easy and more difficult, unforgiving world is more lovable than Oblivion's. Weird right? But for me I find a game that has you work hard to achieve things is better. As a note I really love Skyrim but find it can either be lacking in length for the story lines or some of it is just a bit too easy.
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Liv Staff
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:57 am

[censored], my brain's melting. I've been here for two hours.

Time to abandon ship.

Enjoy your
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Austin Suggs
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:05 pm


Concerning the topic: No. :bolt:
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Matthew Aaron Evans
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:32 am

Anyone who has played Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, DA, and DA2 and understands how casual gamers and console ports are destroying PC classics will completely identify with this post and agree with the OP. Solid critique, of course there are a thousand more issues with the streamlining and balance in this game.

I don't agree.

The reason for the "steamlining" in modern games, in my opinion, is because developers feel that it's necessary to make proper profits. It seems only a few developers actually go against this and design games with close to no handhelding and tough gameplay.
But I'm no expert, so I may be completely wrong, just feels like that in my opinion. And yes I'm certainly upset at the handhelding in games, sometimes it almost insults the intelligence of human beings.
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matt white
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:16 am

Right becuase your word is the word of god, what you say is good = good. Also forgive me for having a different oppinion to you on obsidians games, and criticisg the dumbed down games bethesda spewed out recently.
Oh and dont tell me to GTFO you ignorant little piece of [censored].

Oh and no I came here before playing an obsidian game. Just under a different name.

I'll tell you whatever I want to, Obsidian really devoted fan!
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:30 pm

...pressing F5... :cryvaultboy:
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Marine x
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:44 am

Please enlighten me how Skyrim is more complex than Morrowind? I really don't think there is anything to support such an argument.

sure it is, the world itself if more dynamic than any game i know of. a lot more so than FO3 or Oblivion, i get the feeling there is always more to do in skyrim, the way things spawn, respawn, the random encounters and the unpredictablility of the world. this game is about adventure, exploration, combat and the story fits the world pretty good. i can't think of a better game this year or any year, its the best game i ever player, even better than FO3.
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Anthony Santillan
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:46 am

...pressing F5... :cryvaultboy:

You're not alone.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:52 am

...pressing F5... :cryvaultboy:

I second that. I curious about reading all this drama.
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Elizabeth Lysons
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:51 am

-Lack of variant enemies, imo

-Lack of actual choice

-Lack of town environment, that people actual live there. I want to talk to everyone. I want to talk to no quest givers about random stuff.

In no game. But I'd like it to. I'm tired of pseudo choice. I want to be able to make a choice and it actually matter. Where something opposite happens in game.

You're just wrong on the enemy variety. I feel that there is a huge variety of opponents in this game.
- 3 types of unique enemies in Dwemer Ruins
- Trolls
- Bears
- Wolves
- Saber Cats
- Spiders
- Frost Wraiths
- Mud Crabs
- Treants
- Skeevers
- Draugers
- Mages
- Atronarchs
- Bandits
- Shades/Ghosts
- Dragons
- Giants
- Mammoths
- Dragon Priests
- Skeletons
- Vampires
- Werewolves
- Falmer
- Hagraven
- Chaurus

I mean, thats actually a huge list. Honestly, this game does not lack in monster variety, if you're making that claim, you haven't been paying attention in skyrim or you haven't played other RPGs.

Lack of town environment.. Sure the towns are small, but this time around they are pretty unique, compare Whiterun-Riften-Windhelm. Give Bethesda some credit here. You want to engage in a non- quest related conversation? How about asking the inhabitants about what they think of the events thats ben going on in their town or around skyrim. You can also listen to NPC banter, as they are quite halarious at times.

Choices... sorry, this game isnt witcher 2. Not every game can excell at everything.
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Emma-Jane Merrin
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:06 am

You and me both man. I'm incredibly picky about my games. I wish they'd fix some graphical errors and optimize it more so they can just focus more on longer story and bigger worlds. I mean Skyrim is big already, but a less easy and more difficult, unforgiving world is more lovable than Oblivion's. Weird right? But for me I find a game that has you work hard to achieve things is better. As a note I really love Skyrim but find it can either be lacking in length for the story lines or some of it is just a bit too easy.


I just fear the TES series might go the same road as World of Warcraft (No, don't make a big deal out of this, it's just a famous example.). WoW had no quest help at the start, you kinda had to figure it out on your own, similar to TES games. But the playerbase demanded simplification, in the form of addons and I believe Blizzard eventually caved and started to make the game easier, more readily available and eventually a lot more boring and stale.
Which leads back to my previous point. People got used to handholding and are demanding it from the game developers, who ultimately almost always cave into it as they're companies, and companies are there to make money...

Sad. :(
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Cheville Thompson
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:49 am

I somehow think you missed a lot of gameplay. Have you ever noticed hired thugs coming after you, do you know WHY they come after you? Because you stole something from someone.

Or the very so glitch everyone experiences where you haven't stole anything and thugs are still being sent out on you. Dynamic. Wow.
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Luna Lovegood
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:49 am

I'll tell you whatever I want to, Obsidian really devoted fan!

If I were one I would be rraising theirrgames and ignoring faults, I dont. I would also have bought DS3.

You seem to be saying alot of stupid things today dont you, im honestly suprised your old enough to purchase skyrim.
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