Skyrim is the Dragon Age 2 of the TES Series

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:24 am

See, and this is why I usually wait till everyone leaves the forums and only the true TES fans remain.

Op just seems to run doing the quest blindly without actually exploring the game.

In other words you are a idiot :D
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Gisela Amaya
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:12 pm

*Skyrim Forums* “Where posters enjoy wiping they’re ass with people’s opinions when they don’t agree” You guys are classy.
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Andrew Tarango
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:39 pm


I disagree on the Dragon Age part. Origins was slow and painful to play. I'm glad they changed the game style. I only dislike the fact the scenario was so weak. Dragon Age: Origins' plot, though beats Skyrim's plot hands down.
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claire ley
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:01 am

What the... I dont even...
.... No way did you just compare da2 to skyrim... If there would ever be a reason to hit the ban button...
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Kara Payne
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:29 pm

Vivec said, 'Reach heaven by violence then.'

So to quiet his mind the Hortator chose from the Fight Racks an axe. He named it and moved on to the first moon.

There, Nerevar was greeted by the Parliament of Craters, who knew him by title and resented his presence, for he was to be a ruling king of earth and this was the lunar realm. They shifted around him in a pattern of entrapment.

'The moon does not recognize crowns or scepters,' they said, 'nor the representatives of kingdoms below, lion or serpent or mathematician. We are the graves of those that have migrated and become ancient countries. We seek no Queens or thrones. Your appearance is decidedly solar, which is to say a library of stolen ideas. We are neither tear nor sorrow. Our revolution succeeded in the manner that is was written. You are the Hortator and unwelcome here.'

And so Nerevar carved at the grave ghosts until he was out of breath and their Parliament could make no new laws.

He said, 'I am not of the slaves that perish.'

Of the members of Parliament only a few survived the Hortator's attack.

A surviving Crater said, 'Appropriation is nothing new. Everything happens of itself. This motif is by no means unassociated with hero myths. You have not acted with the creative impulse; you fall below the weight of destiny. We are graves but not coffins. Know the difference. You have only dug more and supplied no ghosts to reside within. Central to your claim is the predominance of frail events. To be judged by the earth is to sit on a throne of wonder why. Damage us more and you will find naught but the absence of our dead.'

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.


*commits sudoku*
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Genocidal Cry
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:44 am

so... who really cares every game is like that... and at least they look different... and Dragon Age 2 and DA: Origins has like 5 dragons between both those games... Skyrim has infinite.

Yeah, because obviously the number of dragons tells something about the game other than just that, the number of dragons.
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Farrah Lee
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:51 am

*commits sudoku*

Don't you mean, Hara Kiri? Also named seppuku. :homestar:
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:38 am

*commits sudoku*


Well played master, you have bested me.
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Robert Devlin
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:08 am

I can relate in some way with this thread, although I disagree with a lot of what is said. Personally I love Skyrim, but as I have stated many times before I think it is considerably lacking in the depth department compared to other earlier TES titles. I have a kind of love hate relationship with the game; the engine and mechanics have so much potential, but I think another year should have been put into development, dedicated to the fleshing out of the world. Fingers crossed for some beefy DLC and mods :)
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Chris Guerin
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:22 pm

There are some valid concerns sprinkled into your post, but I'm not seeing any problems you mention that are actually more prevalent in Skyrim than in Oblivion. If you wanted to call a TES game the "Dragon Age 2" of the series, I could follow you a little more perhaps if you'd said Oblivion was it. Skyrim? No way. Copy/paste content and level scaling was far more of an issue in Oblivion. Overused voice acting, unimaginative quests, lack of variety in enemies(Skyrim is probably the best to date with respect to how different fighting different enemies is), etc. etc. Skyrim's magic system is also simply better, despite the lower spell count, spells are much more distinct when it comes to feel and function as well as visuals.

Well that's my comments and beliefs of Skyrim. Go ahead and throw stones at me. Call me a hater. Tell me I'm not a fan or a complete complainer. I know you will, but before you do. Check the date of when you signed up for this forum versus mine.

X27 Joined: 17-February 09
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I guess this means I have seniority for whatever that is worth. I actually played Morrowind earlier than even that but I guess I joined the forums later.
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Melanie Steinberg
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:38 am

For one, people actually speak words.

I would rather there be no voice acting, if it meant fleshed out dialogue for every NPC.
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Kay O'Hara
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:44 am

I would rather there be no voice acting, if it meant fleshed out dialogue for every NPC.

I was always heavily opposed to this, but after playing Skyrim for quite some time now... I agree fully.
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Kieren Thomson
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:32 pm

I would rather there be no voice acting, if it meant fleshed out dialogue for every NPC.

Well that's a fair argument. Although, the game would feel more-so underdeveloped if this was the case. There probably could have the same amount of dialogue options as Morrowind, but the problem with this is, the sound files on the game discs takes up a tremendous amount of space, so this would likely not be possible for the current generation.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:07 am

That being said, I agree with some parts of the OP.
The variety is very lacking in my opinion. Entire Whiterun Hold is filled with 3-4 types of flowers in total, maybe a few mushrooms ontop of that, everywhere you look there's just mountain flowers, tundra cotton and lavendar. And if you decide to run to Solitude and pick every herb on the way (I did that) the only additional one you get is Nightshade, instead of the cotton. Yes, I may exaggerate a little, but my point still stands. Sure, they added insects that you can catch, but even with those it still looks really bland.
The diversion in monsters I honestly expected to be better than Oblivion, it's not really, but I can live with that. I'll just hope modders add in simple wildlife such as boars.
And yes, there doesn't seem to be a big diversion in outfits. And I don't mean armour, just outfits in general.

For everything that they removed, they added something.
There are now elks, bigger and different types of bears, foxes, rabbits, and lots of different wildlife that weren't present in previous TES installments.

The much more varied food types should also be noted. And the outfits weren't lacking imo.

I'm no alchemist so i can't comment on ingredients. But my point stands : For everything that Bethesda removed, they added something else.
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Christie Mitchell
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:50 pm

I agree with the op on most of the points or at least with the general idea. :D

The examples on how the game would be more creative are the only things I don't agree on, since I would prefer if Bethesda sticked with creatures that at least somewhat felt Elder Scrolls-like.
I don't think that for example a "Water Serpent" has ever been mentioned and in my opinion such a creature wouldn't fit in well with that particular moment you mentioned.

They were just examples.

Absolutely, yes.

Because some complaints are as if someone buys a car and then complains because when its under the sun the exterior gets too hot.


What in the...

It was just an example. I didn't think there should be. I just think a lot is missing when it comes to enemy variancy.

People should try reading his actual post, perhaps even give their own reasons why he is right or wrong.
Currently 90% of this thread is full of "You're an idiot" posts...

That being said, I agree with some parts of the OP.
The variety is very lacking in my opinion. Entire Whiterun Hold is filled with 3-4 types of flowers in total, maybe a few mushrooms ontop of that, everywhere you look there's just mountain flowers, tundra cotton and lavendar. And if you decide to run to Solitude and pick every herb on the way (I did that) the only additional one you get is Nightshade, instead of the cotton. Yes, I may exaggerate a little, but my point still stands. Sure, they added insects that you can catch, but even with those it still looks really bland.
The diversion in monsters I honestly expected to be better than Oblivion, it's not really, but I can live with that. I'll just hope modders add in simple wildlife such as boars.
And yes, there doesn't seem to be a big diversion in outfits. And I don't mean armour, just outfits in general.

Luckily, most of this can be modded in, assuming there's modders with the same ideas as me...

Who the hell cares? He might've taken that as an example as he couldn't think of anything else. You can still get the idea of his post without nitpicking over all the minor examples.
I don't agree with the mermaids and dwemer serpents at all, but I don't feel the need to brand his entire post useless because he mentioned them.
It's about as pathetic as the people who immediately derail a topic as soon as CoD/WoW/IGN are mentioned.

Thank you. Only an example. I even made it an ice mermaid, lol. But It's more of an example of making water more dangerous. Other than the horrible slaughterfish, oh no.


I wasn't saying there were no robes, btw. I am saying Clothes are just called Clothes. Instead of having an attention of detail. With individual names that make them feel different from one another.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:26 pm

OP the day skyrim comes out till now: Oh geez I cant wait, Im rushing to get it right now. Sits and plays game for two weeks straight, doesnt sleep, eats skittles and root beer and takes his dumps in an empty can of Tasters Choice. After all that decides he doesnt like the game. Only one thing logical to do, Im going to march straight to the official ES forums and tell everyone about it, since online they cant see my grooming habits and are more prone to take my opinion seriously, I is win on the internet. Types up mundane boring rant about how he didnt like his toy, sits waits for replies because he's sure everyone will tell him how smart he is for figuring all this out way before anyone else. Plus how long he has been a member must validate him, even if his post is uninspired and unoriginal. Holy hell, Im awesome!

Honestly bro, get a life. Nobody really gives 2 damns if you didnt like a video game.
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Jessica Raven
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:51 am

Many of us feel betrayed by the company.

Why do you feel like this? At most Beth owes you a thank you for buying past games, other than that :shrug:

I'm tired of RPGs going down the toilet...... Skyrim became an action adventure game.

I completely disagree, Skyrim is a RPG in every sense of the term. More-so, you actually get to evolve your character as you see fit, you can literally be anything you want within the realm of the skills provided.

Skyrim is the Dragon Age 2 of the TES series......Skyrim lacks in the creativity department much the way Dragon Age 2 lacked in the creativity department.

I am gonna have to assume that you are trying to say,

"Skyrim is to Oblivion [or Morrowind] as DA2 is to DA:O"

and if that is in fact what you are saying, I can only assume you have never played DA:O or DA2 (or at least one of them)
Unlike Oblivion, Skyrim has a wide variety of dungeons, it also has a comparable amount of variety when it comes to enemies as Oblivion, hell, 90%+ can be found in either game.

Granted, yes, it may be a little tedious like that, however, at the same time it's what gives the world a sense of life. If you ever been to the clothes store or even a shoe store [I have been dragged there plenty of times] they aren't just called black shoes or even just shoes or nice shoes. No they have "Warrior Gray" [a pair of boots at Kohls that my girlfriend was looking at] and "Saddle Brown", "Athena Black", etc.

Now you are saying that Skyrim doesn't have the variety of the real world..... really, :facepalm:

Skyrim all though a good improvement of what Oblivion didn't have. It lacks in the minor details. And it's the little details that make the world an actual world. It makes these places feel real and it brings immersion into the world so you may play a role in the game.
You mean little details like not freezing the rest of the world when you enter into a conversation, or having the ability to cook food, or maybe the details are in the hundreds of non-essential items like cloths irons, pots and pans, burned books, actual books, etc....

At current Skyrim is a lifeless dungeon crawler. That tells you to go here and there. And hack 'n slash whomever you want just because someone asked.

I hate to break it to ya, but this is pretty much the halmark of a Beth game, you explore, you get a random quest, you kill, you retrieve an item, you bring it back, hell this is the halmark of many an rpg quest.

One more thing before I close this up, Pseudo choice should be choice. First off Oblivion had tons of choices versus Skyrims No and Yes system. And if I say No that I won't break the law, then it means No. The NPC should recognize this and we should get a consequence for it. Not my character say, "No I won't break the law" and the person going, "Well come back to me when you changed your mind". No means no. And if I say no do something about it.

Well, if you say no, then why would you continue to interact with that character, if you are truly RPing and you do not agree with a NPC, then your PC wouldn't interact with them, right?

Let's take for instance Brynolf from the thieves guild who as you steal a ring,

You, "I won't break the law"

Brynolf, "Okay fine,"

Then let's say you have a house. And when you come back to Whiterun to your lovely home you find your Saphire missing and a note from the Thieves Guild for blowing them off. Now you have an interesting set up for side quest to eliminate and take down the thieves guild. Maybe even find the person who stole your Saphire and send a message of your own. These are interesting things that make your Choices Actually Matter. I'm so tired of Pseudo Choice. I want to be able to make a choice and the game to not ignore or say I will change my mind. No means No. And the game should be set up for this. The game should have responses to when you say no.

In what game does anything like this happen?

. I know you will, but before you do. Check the date of when you signed up for this forum versus mine.

Whats your point
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Rich O'Brien
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:47 am

For everything that they removed, they added something.

I would consider that quite the stagnating series then. Considering it's been 5 years since Oblivion's release.
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Symone Velez
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:10 pm

Honestly bro, get a life.

*kills you*

You too. Bashing OP over his opinions is silly.
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Chris Johnston
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:31 am

Honestly bro, get a life. Nobody really gives 2 damns if you didnt like a video game.

If you actually didn't care, you wouldn't reply to his post.
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matt oneil
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:53 pm

OP the day skyrim comes out till now: Oh geez I cant wait, Im rushing to get it right now. Sits and plays game for two weeks straight, doesnt sleep, eats skittles and root beer and takes his dumps in an empty can of Tasters Choice. After all that decides he doesnt like the game. Only one thing logical to do, Im going to march straight to the official ES forums and tell everyone about it, since online they cant see my grooming habits and are more prone to take my opinion seriously, I is win on the internet. Types up mundane boring rant about how he didnt like his toy, sits waits for replies because he's sure everyone will tell him how smart he is for figuring all this out way before anyone else. Plus how long he has been a member must validate him, even if his post is uninspired and unoriginal. Holy hell, Im awesome!

Honestly bro, get a life. Nobody really gives 2 damns if you didnt like a video game.

That is probably one of the funniest posts I have read here in a long time. A little heavy, but just hilarious.
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Nicole Coucopoulos
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:47 am

I disagree on most cases. After thoroughly playing fallout 3, new vegas and oblivion and briefly playing morrowind (played it after the other 3 and couldn't get past the bad graphics for long) I'd have to say that skyrim is a major upgrade from previous bethesda games overall. Combat is a hundred times more interesting and actually gets my heart pumping at times. Unlike you, I actually feel the world is alive and sometimes stop just to stare at the amazing living world in front of me (when walking out of the riverwood tavern for example). I do agree that the clothing is of less variety than in OB but the increased variety in armor and weapons more than makes up for it.
Other than the terrible PC UI forcing me to use an xbox controller to play, the really annoying bugs, and the late mod support, skyrim has been a great game so far!
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Kirsty Wood
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:53 am

"Where are the mermaids?" .. hahahahahaha... For a worthless, soon to be forgotten thread, thank you for the laugh.
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Ross Zombie
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:03 pm

OP the day skyrim comes out till now: Oh geez I cant wait, Im rushing to get it right now. Sits and plays game for two weeks straight, doesnt sleep, eats skittles and root beer and takes his dumps in an empty can of Tasters Choice. After all that decides he doesnt like the game. Only one thing logical to do, Im going to march straight to the official ES forums and tell everyone about it, since online they cant see my grooming habits and are more prone to take my opinion seriously, I is win on the internet. Types up mundane boring rant about how he didnt like his toy, sits waits for replies because he's sure everyone will tell him how smart he is for figuring all this out way before anyone else. Plus how long he has been a member must validate him, even if his post is uninspired and unoriginal. Holy hell, Im awesome!

Honestly bro, get a life. Nobody really gives 2 damns if you didnt like a video game.

As much as this post can be used against me, I have to agree that's funny.
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Nick Swan
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:04 am

There are some valid concerns sprinkled into your post, but I'm not seeing any problems you mention that are actually more prevalent in Skyrim than in Oblivion. If you wanted to call a TES game the "Dragon Age 2" of the series, I could follow you a little more perhaps if you'd said Oblivion was it. Skyrim? No way. Copy/paste content and level scaling was far more of an issue in Oblivion. Overused voice acting, unimaginative quests, lack of variety in enemies(Skyrim is probably the best to date with respect to how different fighting different enemies is), etc. etc. Skyrim's magic system is also simply better, despite the lower spell count, spells are much more distinct when it comes to feel and function as well as visuals.

X27 Joined: 17-February 09
Odd Hermit Joined: 31-January 07

I guess this means I have seniority for whatever that is worth. I actually played Morrowind earlier than even that but I guess I joined the forums later.

Is seniority really worth anything though?
I try not to look at that, but rather at the insight someone has in the progression of the series and perhaps the understandling of the lore.
(TES can be played with as much pleasure without ever picking up an in-game book.)

If you look at my joining date you will see that I joined days after Skyrim was announced.

However, I have played the series since Daggerfall and due to being old and resistant to technology only got internet in the post-Oblivion era.

Point is, you cannot really judge someones knowledge of the series by their join date.

Secondly, ok, DA2 is maybe a lacking comparison.
But what have we lost since Daggerfall?
Certainly I would say over half of what got me hooked on the series in the first place.

Loss of spellmaking being about 30% of that.
It is an awesome world, it has great detail. There is a 'little story' to about any place you stumble on.
But there is a severe lack of customisation, of fleshing out, of deep next to broad, freedom, compared to any other title.

Morrowind was the pinnacle in this.
No matter how people want to shove these claims into the 'rose tinted glasses' category, Morrowind offered the most realised, deepest as well as broadest experience in a TES game to date.
It is only that Daggerfall does not win this due to being not a fully handcrafted world.

SInce that the series has bled features and has continued to do so and now we are here.

A beautiful, inviting land that in the end lacks meat on its bones.
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