Many of us feel betrayed by the company.
Why do you feel like this? At most Beth owes you a thank you for buying past games, other than that :shrug:
I'm tired of RPGs going down the toilet...... Skyrim became an action adventure game.
I completely disagree, Skyrim is a RPG in every sense of the term. More-so, you actually get to evolve your character as you see fit, you can literally be anything you want within the realm of the skills provided.
Skyrim is the Dragon Age 2 of the TES series......Skyrim lacks in the creativity department much the way Dragon Age 2 lacked in the creativity department.
I am gonna have to assume that you are trying to say,
"Skyrim is to Oblivion [or Morrowind] as DA2 is to DA:O"
and if that is in fact what you are saying, I can only assume you have never played DA:O or DA2 (or at least one of them)
Unlike Oblivion, Skyrim has a wide variety of dungeons, it also has a comparable amount of variety when it comes to enemies as Oblivion, hell, 90%+ can be found in either game.
Granted, yes, it may be a little tedious like that, however, at the same time it's what gives the world a sense of life. If you ever been to the clothes store or even a shoe store [I have been dragged there plenty of times] they aren't just called black shoes or even just shoes or nice shoes. No they have "Warrior Gray" [a pair of boots at Kohls that my girlfriend was looking at] and "Saddle Brown", "Athena Black", etc.
Now you are saying that Skyrim doesn't have the variety of the real world..... really, :facepalm:
Skyrim all though a good improvement of what Oblivion didn't have. It lacks in the minor details. And it's the little details that make the world an actual world. It makes these places feel real and it brings immersion into the world so you may play a role in the game.
You mean little details like not freezing the rest of the world when you enter into a conversation, or having the ability to cook food, or maybe the details are in the
hundreds of non-essential items like cloths irons, pots and pans, burned books, actual books, etc....
At current Skyrim is a lifeless dungeon crawler. That tells you to go here and there. And hack 'n slash whomever you want just because someone asked.
I hate to break it to ya, but this is pretty much the halmark of a Beth game, you explore, you get a random quest, you kill, you retrieve an item, you bring it back, hell this is the halmark of many an rpg quest.
One more thing before I close this up, Pseudo choice should be choice. First off Oblivion had tons of choices versus Skyrims No and Yes system. And if I say No that I won't break the law, then it means No. The NPC should recognize this and we should get a consequence for it. Not my character say, "No I won't break the law" and the person going, "Well come back to me when you changed your mind". No means no. And if I say no do something about it.
Well, if you say no, then why would you continue to interact with that character, if you are truly RPing and you do not agree with a NPC, then your PC wouldn't interact with them, right?
Let's take for instance Brynolf from the thieves guild who as you steal a ring,
You, "I won't break the law"
Brynolf, "Okay fine,"
Then let's say you have a house. And when you come back to Whiterun to your lovely home you find your Saphire missing and a note from the Thieves Guild for blowing them off. Now you have an interesting set up for side quest to eliminate and take down the thieves guild. Maybe even find the person who stole your Saphire and send a message of your own. These are interesting things that make your Choices Actually Matter. I'm so tired of Pseudo Choice. I want to be able to make a choice and the game to not ignore or say I will change my mind. No means No. And the game should be set up for this. The game should have responses to when you say no.
In what game does anything like this happen?
. I know you will, but before you do. Check the date of when you signed up for this forum versus mine.
Whats your point