Skyrim is the Dragon Age 2 of the TES Series

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:53 pm

i agree with some of this like the choices could be better thats about it tho
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:38 am

hey, skyrim may not be nearly what it couldve been, but dont insult it by comparing it to DA2, thats like the "yo momma" joke of the RPG community.

as it is, there is a poor use of resources to create variety. i mean, why on earth are there only were-wolves in cages in a few select quests? i want to fight them in dungeons damnit! what happened to marauders? where are the daedra? moreover, i have found precisely ONE atronach that was not a summon. that is ONE fire salts to be found outside of stores. freaking daedra hearts are easier to get than that.

they have all the resources to create varied dungeons and situations, they just never use them; same problem with skyrim being populated with maybe 10 of every race that isnt nord. they went through all the trouble to actually explain why certain races would have a presence in skyrim; the dunmer refugees, the khajiit caravans, the orc strongholds, the alik'r mercs, the thalmor; yet they never use that to actually have some variety in cities.
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lucile davignon
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:33 pm

I've played TES games since the first Arena and in my opinion this is the best game of the series

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Bonnie Clyde
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:19 pm

LoL, maximun trolling... Let′s spend the time in the forum writing(and reading) about something more usefull.

pd: don′t feed the trolls please! ;)
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Alexandra Ryan
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:04 pm

I would consider that quite the stagnating series then. Considering it's been 5 years since Oblivion's release.

What would you expect? Mobs native from Cyrodiil and Morrowind in Skyrim?
Or perharps different ingredients that contradict lore?
I think seeing the differences between Tamriel's provinces is one of TES's most satisfactory elements. That's why some things from previous games have to be eliminated in order to fit the local province. (Not talking about gameplay elements, just content)
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Melissa De Thomasis
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:53 am

As stated I think the issue is Bethseda is trying to hard to appeal to more casual gamers and more "Me want action now" Halo and COD barbarians.

As stated Puzzle Games should stay true to puzzle gamers

RPGs should stay true to RPG gamers

There is no need to branch out becuse, there was at least 80 or so people at my Gamestop and we had a war with the Modern Warfare people there to "just the game".

Bethseda should stop catering to them. I like RPGs. I don't wnat Fable. I want an open world RPG with choice and immersion. That's all I am asking. And I compared it to Dragon Age 2 because it gave us three things:

-Lack of variant enemies, imo

-Lack of actual choice

-Lack of town environment, that people actual live there. I want to talk to everyone. I want to talk to no quest givers about random stuff.

In what game does anything like this happen?

In no game. But I'd like it to. I'm tired of pseudo choice. I want to be able to make a choice and it actually matter. Where something opposite happens in game.
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Alex Blacke
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:04 am

Is seniority really worth anything though?
I try not to look at that, but rather at the insight someone has in the progression of the series and perhaps the understandling of the lore.
(TES can be played with as much pleasure without ever picking up an in-game book.)

If you look at my joining date you will see that I joined days after Skyrim was announced.

However, I have played the series since Daggerfall and due to being old and resistant to technology only got internet in the post-Oblivion era.

Point is, you cannot really judge someones knowledge of the series by their join date.

Secondly, ok, DA2 is maybe a lacking comparison.
But what have we lost since Daggerfall?
Certainly I would say over half of what got me hooked on the series in the first place.

Loss of spellmaking being about 30% of that.
It is an awesome world, it has great detail. There is a 'little story' to about any place you stumble on.
But there is a severe lack of customisation, of fleshing out, of deep next to broad, freedom, compared to any other title.

Morrowind was the pinnacle in this.
No matter how people want to shove these claims into the 'rose tinted glasses' category, Morrowind offered the most realised, deepest as well as broadest experience in a TES game to date.
It is only that Daggerfall does not win this due to being not a fully handcrafted world.

SInce that the series has bled features and has continued to do so and now we are here.

A beautiful, inviting land that in the end lacks meat on its bones.

Spellmaking was removed because of the new dual cast function. Because when we dual cast spells, we apply some elements of spell-making (combine 2 spells for a more powerful effect, etc.)
But i agree that many spell effects were lost in that transition.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:39 am

Skyrim is not even close to be being the disaster that DA 2 was. I'm having a blast with Skyrim and I'm someone that could never get into previous Elder Scrolls games.
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Lisha Boo
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:30 am

I have just logged 202 hours in exactly 2 weeks that I have had the game so I am pretty much enjoying it, but I have to agree with him I love the game the world is amazing and the dungeons fantastic, art work stunning, the random events add a whole new aspect to the game. BUT

The same amount of love and attention has not been given to over aspect of the game.

The NPC dialog is rubbish repeating the same sentence over and over. I just finished the Thieves Guild quest line and I am now guild leader and I get the same discourteous remarks, It makes it a big anti-climix. Its the same with Whiterun wizard telling me I should go Winterhold to the magic college when I am the Archmage. It could have been so much better.

The menu system is a joke how hard would it be to make mouse over subdirectories for [censored] sake they work in the computer industry they work with them every day.

The presentation of the perk system is useless created by the Masters of tedium. It would have been much better if we could see each perk tree in its entirety instead of having to scroll up and down each branch.

Alchemy OMG the crowning glory of the masters of tedium 1000 ingredients in and out of my inventory its just so so tedious.

Lack of information it don't tell you how to do power attacks.The over simplification of the base stats. Does magic increase mana regen?, stamina, does it include strength does strength increase weapon damage?. Its the same with crafting the information could be presented better and in many case's it not presented at all.

Quest items having weight and having to carry them around looking for the quest they belong to. They slowly clog my inventory up with more and more to scroll through. I have also had quest complete and not take the item of me a burden for eternity.

The lack of choices is a real step backwards they seem to have gone for quantity of quest rather then quality.

But even with crappy menu and annoying NPC.s Ill will be still playing it tomorrow and would recommend it to anyone.
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Mrs shelly Sugarplum
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:50 am

Seriously, have atleast some respect since if you are truly a fan of TeS then you should realise, even tho things are not perfect that comparing Skyrim to DA2 wich the trailer screamed "rushed action rpg made easy for your grandmother" and the demo only confirming that is a huge disgrace.
Putting Skyrim (Bethesda) on the same bus cannot be justified.

Now, if u do intend to make a list to prove your point atleast double & triple check that your list is right.
Just to name a few: bears, slaughterfish, mammoths (!), sabre cats, wisp's, mother wisp's (not sure on their name), flame wraiths, frostworn (sp?) , chaurus, ect
And trowing all 'humanoids' together as 'bandits' is just..let's be honest.. lame from your part.

Yet u would want mermaids ? :facepalm:
Something that doestn fit in the lore, and on top of that would require extra coding to allow combat while swimming, or better yet would u then complain that it would be unrealistic to be able to cast spells in water OR complain that u cant do it ?

I only partially agree with the conversation issue, does it get annoying that many npc's dont have anything to say besides the same lines ? Yes, but u need to take a few steps back and look at the grand scheme of things and u might notice how much Bethesda actually did instead of what they didnt do.

There are plenty of clothing options, if u want more play the Sims or w/e or atleast dont expect to be a huge variaty of options.. im sure there are people who would love to have a complete pink suit or just even a thong, but that doesnt mean Bethesda should waste their time on that.
Beside's, there's plenty of details.. just look at the environments instead of your clothes, compared to oblivion were if u did a couple of dungeon crawls u pretty much seen all the dungeons layouts, or if u explored a bit of a forest it was pretty much the same evrywhere else ect..

You have every right to your opinion, as do i.
And my opinion is that your opinion svcks, you need to pay attention to what Bethesda actually DID instead of what they DIDN'T, and dont insult Bethesda/Skyrim by even comparing it to DA2
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Vincent Joe
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:38 pm

Spellmaking was removed because of the new dual cast function. Because when we dual cast spells, we apply some elements of spell-making (combine 2 spells for a more powerful effect, etc.)
But i agree that many spell effects were lost in that transition.

Yes, ok, but that does not make sense to me.

So we get 'dual wield' (gimmick) but we lose being able to make a spell with 7 effects, the magnitude and duration of all of them specified by me.
The [blast] I have poor eyesight. So I have this 'magelight' spell.
And it keeps wearing off every damn 60 sec. Why by Julianos can I not make it last 5 min at 100 illusion or whatever school they put it on!!
It is infuriating.
And please dont go 'perks'
Perks only do what skills should have done in the first place.
Real perks like Fallout? Yes please.
10% extra damage? Didnt I just level that skill from 25-50? I should get extra damage from that?
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Stefanny Cardona
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:11 am

What would you expect? Mobs native from Cyrodiil and Morrowind in Skyrim?
Or perharps different ingredients that contradict lore?
I think seeing the differences between Tamriel's provinces is one of TES's most satisfactory elements. That's why some things from previous games have to be eliminated in order to fit the local province. (Not talking about gameplay elements, just content)

Not at all, you miss my point.
Skyrim could borrow some animals from Cyrodiil though, I personally find it really odd that there are no boars in Skyrim.

That being said I do not want them to recycle mobs/herbs/all that stuff, but they could still add a few more. Everywhere you look there's either mountain flowers or frostberries, that's about it for flora, I guess I have to be thankful there's atleast a few different colours for mountain flowers.
I'd rather they borrow the gameplay elements from previous series, but still have the large amount of variation in flora and fauna I'm used from TES games.
Of course no one expects that there are Netches or something exotic like that to be present in Skyrim, but it could adopt some of the (imo) more interesting creatures from Oblivion, Minotaurs for instance. Just change their appearance significantly due to the cold and harsh climate in Skyrim.
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john page
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:12 am

I have just logged 202 hours in exactly 2 weeks that I have had the game so I am pretty much enjoying it, but I have to agree with him I love the game the world is amazing and the dungeons fantastic, art work stunning, the random events add a whole new aspect to the game.

I never said I disliked the game. This is the issue a lot of people are not understanding, just because I have a few complaints or so. Or an opinion of some sort I hate the game. I have a love hate relationship with this game. There are things I enjoy and love. But there is also I feel something missing.
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Roanne Bardsley
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:50 am

you had unrealistic expectations going into this
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Scarlet Devil
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:25 pm

Lifeless dungeon crawler sums it up for me also. That being said, I am new to elder scrolls. So flame me I guess. I picked up a copy of fo3 back in 2008 and didn't leave the house for a month. With skyrim, I can barely finish two or three quests before I start yawning.

Yes it is pretty and a it's a big ole world of pretty. I wish I could appreciate the game a lot more like other folks here, but I just dont get it.
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Matt Fletcher
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:09 am

I disagree with most of this. I love Skyrim im level 71 with 120 hours of gameplay time but I cant help feeling its lacking ......somthing I think its because I cant make my own stories like I could in Morrowind or Oblivion E.g I cut a deal with the vinyards in Skingrad I can use their graqes to make fine wines to sell to inns all over cyrodiil in turn they got a cut of my profits. I cant make stories like that I cant really roleplay in Skyrim and I now find myself getting bored now I have done basically all of the main and side quest. I think mods may have to save this for me. So finish all the quests find and complete all of the dungeons then what? theres nothing........
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Rudy Paint fingers
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:32 am

you had unrealistic expectations going into this

The fault of every TES fan.
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Daddy Cool!
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:49 pm

Wow, OP. I mean, you may really, really, hate Skyrim, but... DA2? Some things you just can't take back.
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Sophie Louise Edge
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:03 pm

you had unrealistic expectations going into this

I did not.
This is Bethesda, this is TES.
They did it before and they did it twice.
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Helen Quill
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:34 am

I actually took the time to read the whole thing and all I can say is what a waste of time... Are you fishing for sympathy? If not you should make the title "HEY BETHESDA CHANGE YOUR GAME FOR ME"
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Lalla Vu
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:21 pm

you had unrealistic expectations going into this

I don't think I had unrealistic expectations for a company that has made good RPGs. And has been doing it for so long.







Fallout 3

They have had years to experiment, to fix issues. To make RPGs standout again. They have made plenty of games, worked on plenty enough games to learn from their mistakes and also give keep to their fan base. Instead they decide this simple and somewhat lackluster route.

I'm not expecting to much. We have the technology, the knowledge, the know how to make an RPG game the way it should be.
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Marcia Renton
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:43 pm

Love it when people start with stuff like "This is my opinion" "flame if you want" etc

As soon as I read that I read no more, if you don't like Skyrim then you aren't a fan of the TES series, in fact if you don't like Skyrim you don't like computer games in my opinion. Also what I find on here is the longer the posts the more crap is typed, you just wasted A LOT of time typing all that because no one read beyond the first paragraph. Long posts = waffle on here.

If you hated Skyrim as much as you say you wouldn't be on here writing about it, you want to be noticed, you want your post read that's why you posted. My guess is you are playing the game now, probably desperately searching for something that can be described as a bug or missing!

Love how people on here are saying things are missing from the game 3 weeks from release! There's no way you can KNOW something is missing yet, the game is just too big for you to have covered the whole map
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Genocidal Cry
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:21 pm

Love it when people start with stuff like "This is my opinion" "flame if you want" etc

As soon as I read that I read no more, if you don't like Skyrim then you aren't a fan of the TES series, in fact if you don't like Skyrim you don't like computer games in my opinion. Also what I find on here is the longer the posts the more crap is typed, you just wasted A LOT of time typing all that because no one read beyond the first paragraph. Long posts = waffle on here.

If you hated Skyrim as much as you say you wouldn't be on here writing about it, you want to be noticed, you want your post read that's why you posted. My guess is you are playing the game now, probably desperately searching for something that can be described as a bug or missing!

Love how people on here are saying things are missing from the game 3 weeks from release! There's no way you can KNOW something is missing yet, the game is just too big for you to have covered the whole map

And the silliest post of the universe award goes to...
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Ella Loapaga
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:54 am

Love it when people start with stuff like "This is my opinion" "flame if you want" etc

As soon as I read that I read no more, if you don't like Skyrim then you aren't a fan of the TES series, in fact if you don't like Skyrim you don't like computer games in my opinion. Also what I find on here is the longer the posts the more crap is typed, you just wasted A LOT of time typing all that because no one read beyond the first paragraph. Long posts = waffle on here.

If you hated Skyrim as much as you say you wouldn't be on here writing about it, you want to be noticed, you want your post read that's why you posted. My guess is you are playing the game now, probably desperately searching for something that can be described as a bug or missing!

Love how people on here are saying things are missing from the game 3 weeks from release! There's no way you can KNOW something is missing yet, the game is just too big for you to have covered the whole map

I never said I hated the game. OMG. I'm so tired of comments like this.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:21 am

DAII is the lowest rated Bioware game. It got trashed cause it svcked.

Skyrim is the highest rated Bethesda game.

herp to the derp?
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