Now unto the actual thread:
Skyrim is the Dragon Age 2 of the TES series. Yes, certainly Skyrim isn't horribly bad. At least they have variant dungeons that don't look the same. And a better story told. But let me go to a rundown of the game for you:
-You fight bandits
And then when you level up you fight:
-Thug and Outlaw bandits [oooo big difference]
-Ice Wolves [and other fancy name wildlife]
-Plus maybe a few fancy dragons
-Drauger Overlords [oh really now]
-Guardian Sphere Dwemer and Guardian Dwemer Spiders [once again big difference]
Skyrim lacks in the creativity department much the way Dragon Age 2 lacked in the creativity department. In Dragon Age 2 you fought...some bandits...a few darkspawn, and maybe the rare dragon or so. Ooo. There could have been added so much more into Skyrim. Underwater creatures, granted there isn't much swimming done, even still the waterways feel so lifeless a few salmon or so. Woot. But what about Mermaids in the open sea? Or maybe some Siren of the water?
Maybe during the theives guild quest
It makes the game exciting and adds variety with the enemies you fight. It gives the world a life. With the lack of variety the world feels more like a chore than it does a place you can become something.
NPCs in this game are as dull and lifeless as the Bioware NPCs in Dragon Age 2. You cannot have random conversations with most of them. Most of them repeat the same line as the other guy. It makes these large towns feel lifeless and still. It makes them fill smaller than what they are. Sometimes I just want to talk to a non quest giver and have a funny conversation it's all a part of immersion. And it's hard to find myself immersed in this game.
Not only that, but there is no effort in some of the items. It's just Clothes, Fine Clothes, Radiant Raiment Fine Clothes. Where is the Blue and Green Tunic or Aquamarien Robes? Where is the Robes of Alteration? Or Green Robes of Alteration?
Granted, yes, it may be a little tedious like that, however, at the same time it's what gives the world a sense of life. If you ever been to the clothes store or even a shoe store [I have been dragged there plenty of times] they aren't just called black shoes or even just shoes or nice shoes. No they have "Warrior Gray" [a pair of boots at Kohls that my girlfriend was looking at] and "Saddle Brown", "Athena Black", etc.
Skyrim all though a good improvement of what Oblivion didn't have. It lacks in the minor details. And it's the little details that make the world an actual world. It makes these places feel real and it brings immersion into the world so you may play a role in the game.
At current Skyrim is a lifeless dungeon crawler. That tells you to go here and there. And hack 'n slash whomever you want just because someone asked. And I don't think Mods should be the answer. I think a game should be complete when I buy it. I shouldn't have to add anything and if anything is added it's to enchance the world; it shouldn't me having to add anything because the world is lacking it. Mods should be enchancements of a great world. They shouldn't be fixing issues nor should they be adding things the world lacks.
I'm giving this kind of criticism because I am a fan of this game. And I hope to be heard. I miss RPGs. I bought this game in the expectation of an RPG not GTA TES edition.
One more thing before I close this up, Pseudo choice should be choice. First off Oblivion had tons of choices versus Skyrims No and Yes system. And if I say No that I won't break the law, then it means No. The NPC should recognize this and we should get a consequence for it. Not my character say, "No I won't break the law" and the person going, "Well come back to me when you changed your mind". No means no. And if I say no do something about it.
Let's take for instance Brynolf from the thieves guild who as you steal a ring,
You, "I won't break the law"
Brynolf, "Okay fine,"
Then let's say you have a house. And when you come back to Whiterun to your lovely home you find your Saphire missing and a note from the Thieves Guild for blowing them off. Now you have an interesting set up for side quest to eliminate and take down the thieves guild. Maybe even find the person who stole your Saphire and send a message of your own. These are interesting things that make your Choices Actually Matter. I'm so tired of Pseudo Choice. I want to be able to make a choice and the game to not ignore or say I will change my mind. No means No. And the game should be set up for this. The game should have responses to when you say no.
Well that's my comments and beliefs of Skyrim. Go ahead and throw stones at me. Call me a hater. Tell me I'm not a fan or a complete complainer. I know you will, but before you do. Check the date of when you signed up for this forum versus mine.