Why cant I choose who I marry. I mean in depth, like assassinate and widow their partner if they are married, presuming I dont get caught in the act, earn their affection and help them through this hard time and eventually marry the widow.
Why cant I choose my domicile. If i roll in and take over an outpost, camp, settlement or fort why cant I choose an option to setup shop. Then determine what type. If I am in the legion why cant I send word this fort might be of use and have the chance reply of soldiers then being assigned to the garrison. OR why cant I hire or use speechcraft with a couple bandits to have them setup and guard. then their be a chance some other sect attempts to take or take back the fort i claimed or the bandits decide im not doing them right and turn on me. Thats a dynamic world. not one where occasionally you run into a few bandits arbitrarily walking a road with no goal.
Plot is a downer as a whole. So much potentially wasted. “Epic Fantasy Reborn
Skyrim reimagines and revolutionizes the open-world fantasy epic, bringing to life a complete virtual world open for you to explore any way you choose.”
na. bold claim. Done and bored with this game already, long before I was with Morrowind and Oblivion. alot of things id like to do or see or join/participate with in game, but cant
A couple main quests in a couple factions and then youre at the point where you are just hitting stuff. gets boring quick. No replay value for me in comparison to your previous games. seems like yall did alot to appeal to a larger crowd, and did. But at the cost of many of the aspects and reasons Morrowind and Oblivion meant what they did to me. No your Skyrim world is not alive and trust me, less to do than in the previous games. Im completely finished with the game already, nothing worth doing. I could go back to morrowind and find things I still havnt done in that game.
Morrowind with skyrim graphics, fighting mechanics, dialogue and perhaps a couple updated oblivion/skyrim features. mmm. Oh hey, thanks for killing off Morrowind by the way and killing the ambiguity we all had for the Nerevarine and Champion of Cyrodiil, along with many other things in the world.