This. TES is one of the few "pure" RPGs left and it is definitely the best. Most other RPGs are just hybrid RPGs that has some RPG aspects.
What? What?! What? What.
Oblivion was an Arpg with the "A" capitalized and the "rpg" in lower case. Fo3 was a shooter with some customization and some pretty good exploration.
Judging by what has been released about Skyrim, TES V will be Bioshock with swords and exploration (mechanically, anyway).
Bethesda games have been drifting away from "pure" RPG for a while now.
Try Dragon Age 1, the Witcher, Stalker, or Fallout New Vegas for the closest thing we have nowadays to a "pure" RPG.
As for TES V killing the RPG genre on the modern consoles: a successful game encourages more games of its kind, better an worse in quality, not the end of the genre.
That's capitalism for you.