They once said that man would never fly too. As Bloody-TSI points out, quantum physics opens all sorts of possibilities for instantaneous communication. They're even experimenting with teleportation, like the Star Trek transporters.
There is a problem with your anology. While there was nothing in physical laws that stop people from flying, there appears to be one that would stop faster than light travel: we know by observation that inertial observers agree on the speed of light, regardless of motion of its source. No, that doesn't say that light is the speed limit, but if you really think about it, it follows from it (unless you accept things like imaginary distance and imaginary time- although I believe for virtual particles, physicists already do accept imaginary masses with superluminal velocities).
But on the other hand, quantum entanglement is due to non-locality, not instantaneous transmission of information. But even so, even Bloody-TSI's link points out that the thought experiment would not permit faster than light information travel. I mean, it's not faster than light travel that's the problem, it's faster than light travel that can be used to transmit useful information. Heck, if you had a giant pair of scissors, whose blades are at an angle θ(t), you could have faster than light travel of a point where the blades intersect.
Say the top blade is closing (letting your x-axis be the bottom blade) at a velocity of vy = ?y/?t. During that time, the point of intersection will move to the right, say a distance ?x. Then the velocity of that motion is vx = ?x/?t = ?x/(?y/vy), which is vy?x/(?x tanθ) which is vy/tanθ.
So what happens as θ → 0? Well, since tanθ → 0 as θ → 0, then vx → ∞ as θ → 0
So FTL travel isn't such a big deal. The problem is, could you use that to communicate information?
Still, you are right that there might be something missing, but at this point it is science fiction. Because even if you could transmit information faster than light, you'd still have to decode it in some other device, which would compensate for the speed of the signal (as briefly mentioned in Bloody-TSI's article).
But here is something from a physicist that has helped me on homework before that might give some insight into what is actually going on (seriously, this guy is legitimate):
In classical physics the particles have definite spin (let's say that's the quantity being measured), so the measurement obviously does not constitute any instantaneous information transfer between the detectors. Before you made the measurement, the particles had definite spin - but you didn't know what it was. You lived in a probabilistic ensemble of possible worlds that existed due to your ignorance, in each of which your particle has a different spin (and the distant particle has the opposite spin).
When you made the measurement you determined which world you were in - but as I think you understand already, even though your measurement instantly determines which state the distant particle in as well, it obviously doesn't affect it, nor can it (your measurement) be used to transmit information.
How does that change in quantum mechanics? In one crucial aspect: these other possible worlds (where the particle has different spins) actually exist. To be more precise, one can prove experimentally that it cannot be the case that the particle pair had definite spin before your measurement.
After your measurement, both classically and quantumly only one world exists (according to the Copenhagen interpretation - in many worlds there are still several worlds, but in each the observer obtained a definite measurement, and so each instance of the observer lives in a single Copenhagen-type world). What the measurement did is determine which world that is, and it doesn't affect the other particle in QM any more than it did in the classical case.
I couldn't find exactly the post I wanted. I'll just reproduce it here. We have two particles and two detectors. The particles begin in a state (01-10), where "0" means spin down along the z-axis, "1" means spin up, and in "01" the first number is particle A, and the second is particle B. We have two detectors, one near particle A and one near particle B, both of which begin in state C (C means the needle of the detector is Centered, pointing straight up).
When a detector initially in state C interacts with a particle, its needle moves left or right to indicate the spin - either U of D. So an interaction looks like
0 C ---> 0 D
According to many worlds (or just unitary quantum mechanics),
(0+1) C ---> 0 D + 1 U
The initial state, including both particles and both detectors now, is
(01-10) CC
Let's say particle A gets measured first. Then we get
01 DC - 10 UC.
As you can see, that measurement had no effect whatsoever on particle B or detector B. But if B now makes a measurement, we get
01 DU - 10 UD
So there are still two "worlds", but in either one each detector measured something definite and neither measurement affected the other. The measurement order doesn't make any difference - try doing particle B first and see for yourself. But if the order doesn't matter, clearly no information was transferred.
The above description assumed measurement is a unitary process (which everything we know about physics says it must be) - but the Copenhagen interpretation (in which measurement is non-unitary) simply asserts that only one of those two terms is really there, and the other one somehow disappears magically. I think that's nonsense, but it doesn't really change anything I just said so long as those two worlds would remain unable to interact (which is true to a very good approximation so long as the detectors are macroscopic and/or there's an environment, because of decoherence).
from this thread:
Of course, he seems to favor the many worlds interpretation, but the Copenhegan interpretation gives effectively the same result.
True... but...
Never say never....
That's pretty old I guess (1999), but they are working on things like this right now. I've heard many theories trying to overcome these kinds of communication limitations using quantum mechanics as the quantum world has some surprising properties, so you never know. :shrug: Not saying IT WILL happen, but it might.
Though this is a fantastic advance it cannot provide faster than light communication. Indeed the encrypted beam must be sent to the recieving post and decoded.
This article doesn't seem to jive with what most of what I've read on quantum entanglement says: that it is a result of, not faster than light information travel.
Even so, just because instantaneous information transfer seems to be impossible (and it may not be, but it appears that no useful information can be transmitted via quantum entanglement) that doesn't mean we can't get it faster. Correct me if I'm wrong, but internet information travel is not anywhere near the speed of light yet, due to bandwidth, congestion, etc. Based on what I've read, the index of refraction for fiber optics is about 1.6, which would mean a light signal would travel at 0.625c. While very fast, there is room to get faster.
/off topic geeking out