» Wed Sep 01, 2010 10:27 pm
I think you all are missing what the Elder scrolls themselves are.
"The Elder Scrolls are Aedric Prophecies of unknown origin and quantity, the Elder Scrolls (whence the series takes its name) are, simultaneously, archives of both historic and future events.
Any person gifted with prescient powers is able to interpret the contents of the Elder Scrolls with practice. The information revealed about the future is never absolute. Once an event foretold within the scrolls is carried out in the world it becomes fixed within them.
Such insight into the inner fabric of reality comes at a price, however, as each new foretelling and interpretation strikes the reader with blindness for a greater period of time, while simultaneously granting them a broader view of the scroll's contents. Ultimately, the reader, having engaged in frequent acts of prophecy, is left bereft of their vision, forever after removed of their right to read the scrolls. By time-honored tradition only those of The Cult of the Ancestor Moth may read from the scrolls, the younger members caring for the elder as they gradually lose their sight for eternity.
The prophecies of the Elder Scrolls and the Heroes are interdependent, one cannot exist without the other."*
What that Means is the elder scrolls are prophecies that generally tell of some impending doom. Each prophecy (or scroll) will of course have "Foretold" of a certain event. This does not mean every prophecy/scroll prior has lead up to the Rise of Alduin, Only the scroll that foretold this particular disaster. At least this is my understanding.
If you are refering to what was said in the video of how "the scrolls foretold" just because it was said in a plural form does NOT mean it truly is, and that you are looking at this way to closely.
Hope this clears it up for you.
*Quote taken from "uesp.net" under search "elder scrolls"