Skyrim on the nes

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:52 am

The first console i owned was an intellivision, which worked more often than the Nes i got a few years later. The commodore 64 was my first gaming pc. Dos. Oh my god dos.
Then a sega genesis. Then a playstation. Went on to 2 then 3.
On to the point.
This game wasnt even concievable in the earlier generations. Text based adventures where the closest thing we had. Those days you used your imagination because everything couldnt be rendered out right infront of you in thousands of colors. Truth is... Im happy. 30 years of gaming, and im thinking Aliens must have a part in the making of such brilliant games. You cannot imagine in the grand scheme of things how little time 30 years really is.
The jump is phenominal. In not just graphics technology, but also in computer physics models and gameplay technicques. No one could imagine where all of this came from. And nobody really cares. Because the majority of kids these days buying video games have no idea what it means to blow out a cartraige, pop it in... Wiggle it around, stick objects in the cartraige bay to rig the connection points into place for hours on end. Just for the game to freeze or a friend trip on the controller cord immediatly erasing any progress you may have made. Skyrim on the nes? You probably dont deserve it... Because most of you never beat mario brothers let alone held an atari joystick or an intellivion remote with a number pad and wheel setup. I still putz around with these old games to put it all into perspective. Perspective is what the avid skyrim hater lacks. Appreciation we arent in the board game era.
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Lawrence Armijo
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