Before Skyrim, I just thought of them as a bunch of token human berserkers. After Skyrim, I want to watch their homeland burn. Needless to say the posters didn't help.
Before Skyrim, I just thought of them as a bunch of token human berserkers. After Skyrim, I want to watch their homeland burn. Needless to say the posters didn't help.
I feel like the game went out of its way to bastardize Nords to make the Empire more sympathetic - probably because the early polls before the game was released heavily favored the Stormcloaks. Because of this, everyone thinks the Nords are racist dumb asses, which is frustrating. Everyone's forgotten their virtues in favor of Rolff being an ass. Like how Nords are one of the very few cultures in TES with gender equality.
my interest in them throughout skyrim slowly increased, then as i started to read up about the dwemer,falmer and aldmer, it plummeted
they were dikes, albeit powerful ones back in the day, i just can't forgive them for wiping out the falmer, after reading that, my views on nords changed for the worse
that being said doesn't mean i dont like them, the dwemer are my favourite race...they were huge dikes, but they're not in my top 3
Gender equality? That's a norm in Tamriel. Not just Skyrim.
It wasn't as of Oblivion. The Nord wiki specifically mentioned that Nords were one of the few races who had gender equality. Which is pretty accurate, I think, what with several female Jarls. The only Countesses I can think of in Oblivion were either currently married to the Count, or their husband died.
Though if you think about, what makes the genders equal in the first place? I never understood that. There's always going to be differences between the genders, there's no getting around it. When I hear gender equality, I
Anyway, I get what mean, though it's really not that big of deal in the greater scheme of things.
Of course Imperial supporters would be the ones to start a CW debate., if this degenerates into a CW debate, should I call in a mod?
Please don't continue this any further. We know we all have different opinions about this. No need to debate about it anymore - no-ones mind can be changed.
Despite Treng - who's a Stormcloak supporter - starting civil war debates numerous times.
Hypocritical much?
Do I really have to point the error in this?
It'd be hypocritical if I accused him of starting a debate. damn, leave me out of it.
I've always been pretty 'meh' about them.
I agree,First time i saw the nords in their culture was in old solstheim in morrowind. I kinda expected skyrim to be more like that.
If only we got some of that ancient Nordic culture back.
Nords annoy the crap out of me, but the Empire's no better. Also, Skyrim is my first TES game, so I come into this universe feeling like Nords are sort of the default race.
If you dislike the Nords, then don't play Morrowind because the Dunmer do way worse things in that game that makes being angry at what the Nords do seem almost childish.
Undoubtedly. But I'm not hugely fond of the Dunmer either.
I don't recall the Dunmer committing genocide. Nords have also used Falmeri slavery in the past.
We're talking about current Nords. Also, mer weren't exactly completely pure either.
So did you like them before skyrim or after? Cos well, you still support biggots either way :/
inc colonelkillabee jazz hand of "Nords aren't racist and here's empirical evidence to the fact"